Greg and Ned, thanks for dropping in! I'll be buying this with my next round of purchases on Wednesday; looks very cool. You guys were involved in making Firepower 2000 / SWIV? LOVE that game. A proper re-imagining on IOS would be amazing.
Swiv Thanks Caanerud, glad you remember it! SWIV is always at the back of my head, we'd love to go back and revive it - got lots of ideas for it - if all goes well with current projects, it could happen!
Yeah Gormster, it doesn't look like anyone's planning to release a vector based console any time soon, so we had to make our own one up!
I'm loving the development team photo you have on Facebook as it is SO CLEARLY a late 70's-early 80's photo (that may have ever so slightly been photoshopped).
I just bought this and it is awesome. That's all! Thanks guys for the brilliant, beautiful game. These graphics pop.
One of the first I'll be buying as soon as I end my self-imposed AppStore ban The presentation is wonderful. I really dig the whole "this wasn't really a game/platform back then but it totally should have been!", similar to Jeff Minter's current line of games that are based around hardware-enhanced versions of the old platforms, the lovely Master games from xionchannel, or *ahem* my own attempt with breakeroids. I'd like to think it's something in the water, but I think we're all just getting old
Holy smokes! If this game doesn't scream from the roof tops for iCade support, no game does! . Heck, in the demo video the iCade's little brother has his cameo appearance.. I can see myself playing this with a shot of Vertex Blaster before my work day for many months to come! I just love to blow things up before I get to work, ya know .
Just bought this, i do love my vector looking games ! Really good, does remind me of an old Vectrex game with a coloured overlay on. Really hope they do some remakes of some of the old classics like Galaga/Berzerk etc, would love vector remakes of those. The games well worth buying
70's tech! Gek, the image we've photoshopped there comes from a uk tech-spoof show called "Look Around You" - well worth checking out for a laugh
I love vector graphics and this idea of a 'lost system'. I will be buying this. Being 37, this takes me back to the arcades of my starry-eyed youth. Also Greg, thanks for your work on Alien Trilogy-- I still have fun playing that game!
In the next update is there anyway of keeping the game running if a call comes in on the iPhone? Few times now I've been mid way through a good sesh and I lose the game due to a call. Cheers!
I picked this up and am really enjoying it! This is <i>real</i> retro - it feels like a genuine, classic arcade game, not a throwback. It has a great challenge that isn't frustrating (glad they are generous with the lives) and the bonus levels keep things interesting. Really needs a leaderboard though, so I'm looking forward to Game Center support in an update.
More I play this the more I love it. I think they've nailed it in pretty much every department. Special mention must go to the sound tho. Playing through headphones is sublime... great, great retro sounds and love the single beat music in the background.
Thanks for the very positive comments on Space Junk! Just so I can get this straight with the head coder, are you losing the session cos you're playing on an iPhone and recieving a call on that, or because you're hitting the home button? Whatever it is, you're right, it sounds like a pretty essential thing, so we need to get it right! ned
Hey Ned, Yeah whilst playing on the iPhone, a call comes in and the game seems to quit. Even if I decline the call, the games gone. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same?
I'm looking into this now. One quick fix is to get ALL your friends and everyone you know to buy Space Junk - that way they'll be too busy to call you Ahem....back to work !
Funny Also, is there any way to save your progress and continue the game-in-progress at a later date? Not that the games last too terribly long, but a way to suspend the current game would be nice.