iPhone Space Hulk - (by Full Control Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. biokid

    biokid Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Wop Wops
    ....That is because a lot of people are comparing it against Warhammer Quest (price point, replay value, etc.), which is a totally different game. Warhammer Quest is a relatively more accessible port of a Game Workshop board game. Well, we probably won't see the sale any time soon (which is a very positive thing in my opinion....developer making a stand on their original premium price), since Game Workshop would be raging at them to see its game being devalue by the IOS market even more.
  2. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Yeah it's a shame, I wish warhammer quest had been done like this so it was closer to the board game and less a video game.
    I've got my fingers crossed for blood bowl on iOS :D
    All the things people are complaint about don't need to be in this, things like character progression and weapon load outs etc this is old school at its best and should stay that way.
    We are basically saving loads of money buying this version instead of the over priced out of print board game version. Think of it that way it's a steal.
  3. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    The reviews I've read of the PC edition of this game was pretty bad too...
  4. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    :eek: I just failed on the first turn of a mission.

    On the game topic I can't believe how much I'm trying to express my love for this game when it costs less than a cinema ticket :confused:
    Can't keep everyone happy I suppose, gamesworkshop is a bit of a specialist thing so people coming at this thinking there in for a computer game will be disappointed in a way.

    Attached Files:

  5. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    I think BB on iOS is going to be freemium, but don't quote me on that. Agree about the reviews, people's first question from those that aren't familiar with the board game is "is it like XCOM" which is only going to lead to disappointment. It's a decent translation of the original (or at least 3rd edition) and hasn't deserved the bad press. My only real gripe is that it isn't the board game but that's not realistic and me just being annoyed at myself for losing the original boxed sets.
  6. tarasis

    tarasis Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
    The game is much improved since it's initial release. A ton of fixes & improvements. Sadly no-one is likely to re-review it.
  7. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Aha. I see.
    I enjoyed Warhammer Quest immensely, and was ready to buy this one too until I read the reviews for the PC edition.
    If it's been improved since the original reviews, I might give it a go.

    On the other hand, from what I'm reading and the videos I've seen, it looks like a much more limited game, strategy wise, and maybe even in overall scope.
    There's no leveling of characters etc, which makes me hesitate.

    I have no experience in the Warhammer universe except for WQ, so I don't have fond memories of the original board game, I think I'm in the camp of people looking for a cool tactical computer game, inspired by the rules and lore of the board game, rather than a virtual board game with limited creativity allowed for the developers.
  8. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    See this is where I think space hulk isn't for you,it's nothing like warhammer quest, this is pretty much a board game from the 80's/90's the rules themselves are a simple roll a 5+/6+ for a kill or highest roll wins in close combat (you've got some modifyers depending on what the terminator is carrying) etc and stuff like that with the rolls being done by the computer but you see the results.
    This is slowly (and I mean slowly like two squares at a time if you want over watch, which you do) moving through the corridors picking the best formation for you guys and hoping for good dice. It's slow paced turn based strategy.
    I'd probably go as far as to say if you haven't experienced space hulk before I'm not sure this will convince anyone as it's really random and actually completeing the mission regardless of how many of your guys dies is the accomplishment you get, but if you get into it and like the universe the tension of hearing a "my weapon failed me" and then rolling a win in melee is fantastic.

    I'd say this is a fan service for fans and not going to win over any new comers to the game.
    Then again it's only £6.99 I'm not sure you could even buy one figure from GW these days for that price. So it might be worth a chance just so long as you know what your getting.
  9. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    There used to be plenty of free Space Hulk clones available for Windows. Download one of those and see if it is your thing.

    There is no link between Warhammer Quest and Space Hulk. At all.
  10. biokid

    biokid Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2013
    Wop Wops
    For people whining about the price......many average games on PSN (for PS Vita) now cost more than $10 in Australia. And some of those games are relatively short and design for casual gamers (IMO). So, $10 for Space Hulk, in which the original board game is very difficult to find.....do yourself a favour and give it a shot. Once in a lifetime experience of playing a unique game like Space Hulk...$10 = BUY.
  11. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    One last thing, SH was never a singleplayer game it was purely competitive. The fact that this has singleplayer is not how it should be primarily judged, reviewed or played. Where the system shined was in its asynchronous sides, with totally different strengths and weaknesses. The Genestealers being the unlimited fast but disposable swarm and the marines being the limited, tough and slow tanks. Nothing else has really delivered on that type of gameplay so well to date IMO and the singleplayer should be considered an addition, not the games focus like it has been. SH had absolutely nothing to do with singleplayer, the joy was in playing either side with totally different approaches.
  12. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I hope the developer is reading this...
  13. abazigal

    abazigal Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2013
    I think this is a game which really appeals more to fans of the original war hammer series.

    I watched some of the gameplay videos on youtube, and my first impression is that this is quite a slow turn-based board game. Even combat involves me parking my marines in line, waiting for the gene stealers to rush me and pray I roll tons of sixes.

    Hearing the commentary, I understanding there is actually a lot of strategy and planning involved, but because of this, it may not appeal to players looking for a faster-paced shoot-em-up.

    I am still on the fence as to whether I should pick this title up. The cost is not really an issue (heck, I bought Warhammer: Quest and got all the expansion and character IAPs), and it's times like this I am happy I got the 64gb ipad3. :p
  14. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    OooooooMonkey sorry but it's almost impossible, and infuriating, taking my turn in our (very nice) mp game.
    It's IMPOSSIBLE to actually complete a single individual genestealer turn without be kicked out by a server error. You have to go back and forth from the menu each time for EVERY blip or revealed gene stealer as you can't simply tap on another one to move on (I've read this complaint a ton in the USA AppStore reviews).

    I'm really annoyed now by the spotty 'undo' (almost always grayed out and I tap in error sometimes...I lost an entire mission last night) and the 'stall' at the end of AI turn.
    I'm really really liking the game, MUCH more than I tought....I think it's awesome but these bugs must be sorted out as soon as possible before it's too late in the AppStore.
    The fact that I actually love the game so much worsen everything too.

    I'm willing to support the devs, as I'm sure there are many, but all this must be sorted out fast before people move on; with the sheer amount of games at disposal, you won't have a second chance in the AppStore world.
  15. PCKid

    PCKid Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2008
    Game Player
    Western Australia
    I'm loving this. Probably the only game that I leave the opening intro running every time to give the atmosphere and make me want to fight with honour alongside my Brothers of the Chapter. It makes me glad I bought the 128GB iPad Air now as my old iPad 3 would have struggled with this game. I love the lumbering slowness of The Terminator Marines and the awful claustrophobic atmosphere of the corridors. If this was real on a real old Space Hulk this is probably how it would be. I only see love in crafting this game. I can see how the old players of the original board game would probably not find it the same. But then that reminds me of D & D all nighters with friends and some beer and crisps. You can never recreate that. Only thing please fix the wait that the Genestealers turn now takes that wasn't there before the update. Wish I'd kept the ipa file before I updated. Could have reverted back to it. Might try and find it in my Time Machine and get it back.
  16. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    To be fair, Warhammer Quest also use random dice rolls for everything, and is based on a board game made by the same company, the developers of WQ seemed to have more creative freedom to make it into a big sprawling adventure where no two games were the same due to different characters with upgradable skills.

    If this game is closer to a board game than computer game, then I guess you're right, the game is probably not up my ally.

    Thank you for taking the time to break it down for me. :)
  17. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    I may check it out on the PC.
    I understand that WQ and SH is two completely different game worlds and lore, but there is a link between them isn't there?

    I mean, it's build on board games by the same makers and Warhammer as a common moniker between them.
    Both feature tactical, turn based slow paced action, governed by strategic and tactical decision making where each character only this many action points to use in each turn.

    One is set in a Tolkienish setting with Orcs and Wizards, the other in an Alienish world with monsters, soldiers and space stations.

    It's more the approach on how to translate the board game to video game that is the greatest differentiator between them as far as I can see.
  18. returnity

    returnity Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2013
    Could it be that we may only undo our actions resulting from the use of command points and not the action points? Not sure about this rule being in the boardgame since I haven't played it at all, but here it is, directly from the game's manual:

    "As long as your squad includes a sergeant, you may choose to re-roll command points"

    Did you pay attention to this aspect? My experience with undo is like yours as well but I cannot corelate the problem with this rule, too.
  19. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    The link in terms of fluff is that both Warhammer and WH40K feature the Chaos gods. And Orks. That is about it.

    In terms of games, both Warhammer and WH40K are tactical miniatures games, with Warhammer having the more complex rules, but WH40K having the cooler models.

    Space Hulk has had PC and video game adaptations before, so you can look at them on Youtube, but I think Space Hulk would realistically only appeal to fans of Space Hulk.

  20. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    That rule means that if you have a sergeant you can reroll the CP ONCE.
    You have a little dice button near the CP that you can press once before using them.

    I've tried several times now.
    Move a terminator 1 step...sometimes undo works, sometimes it's grayed out, sometimes it's grayed out even before starting moving in a new game.

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