hmm wait.. you mean you actually "move/walk" when you use an item? that's not normal do you move upwards? try moving the inventory button from the options menu a bit more upwards / away from the dpad a fix to make those buttons less sensitive is on it's way in the update !
Thanks. Thats great news. This will bring me back to this great game and try to finish with the two other characters. And maybe find the unlockable ones. For sure a reward is good for a player. A reward that unlocks more gaming possibilities even better. Most satisfying example for this is FTL. Thx for your great work.
Sorry if this has been asked already. TLDR. How do you beat the Awesome Zombie. I can't run away from it. When i shoot at it using different guns, they have no impact. I'm at a loss. Any feedbak will be helpful.
Ooh, nice. I just got a Horipad Ultimate the other day; would love to add this to the list of compatible games.
If I had to find one.... I would say this games one weakness is weapon variety I think the one thing that similar arcadey games do better is that they focus on weapon pick ups being "different" rather than just "better" For example, being able to pick up a shotgun with less range, but actually has some spread Or a laser that shoots horizontally instead of vertically. Maybe a rocket launcher with a range limit but larger spread
Heya - great game.. Finished it once already, and will probably finish it again with another character. What I'd like to see is more information related to current character upgrades / stats, to have a better understanding of how good is finding a +1 luck amulet or +1 tech manual. IE : what is my current tech skill ? What bonus does it provides me ? (+x% duration to items / less issues with broken items) What is my current luck skill ? What bonus does it provides me ? (+x% chance to find items ?) What level are my weapon ? What are the benefits of the upgrade I recieved up to now Something like a character sheet would be nice, maybe available when looking at your backpack
Also please regarding the perma upgrade feature, make it selectable, not mandatory Having all upgrades will mean the game is a cakewalk
Actually, that's a good call. What about a shotgun whose range is two squares long, 3 wide? Either .v. ("v" is character facing down, "x" marks range, "." is empty) .x. xxx or .v. ("v" is character facing down, "x" marks range, "." is empty) xxx xxx
Same here.... I must be reading the descriptions wrong. But I do know that after starting a new game from being killed, you can select them and hit play to play as them still. Not sure if that was intentional or nots