Aaaah and I was shooting and shooting as a Donald Trump brainer ! Thanks for the advice, I'll run for my life then
What is Tomb of the maskless? I googled it and it led me right back here. Your comment is the only result on the Internet.
Might mean
Oh, right. I saw that yesterday and even commented on the article. Duh! Thanks for knocking the brain back on. Edit: and that was three days ago. What is wrong with me today?
Love the game Pascal! For me the d-pad is too small on iPhone 6 and too big on iPad Pro. Could you maybe implement a pinch to resize for the d-pad in the settings (obviously with upper and lower limits) but to give more freedom than strictly set sizes?
Could a swipe feature be implemented? I'd like something more fluid than the current d-pad. Anyway, the game is awesome. I'm kind of addicted to it.
Yea swipe would be a nice option - but only issue is you won't easily be able to turn direction without moving unless there was some kind of delay, in which case it would no longer be fluid (like Rust Bucket). Maybe he can think of something!!
Have to say that I don't like the icon as well. Feels random and unrelated, and simply not intriguing.
Right, I was thinking the initial swipe could change directions and subsequent ones could move a step at a time.
Bought it but not for me. No unlockables or permanent upgrades . By everyone's reviews it's def a good game I just need something that keeps me coming back for more and restarting from the same point with nothing more than what I started over and over isn't for me but I see what people like in it .
The d-pad is a bit too big on my IPad Air 2 as well. You could either make it a bit smaller or offer a couple size options.
He said he tried it earlier in the thread, but that it didn't work well. As for the icon, I like it, disagree that it doesn't fit with the game. I just find the small branding icons on them are unnecessary, they give the impression of an f2p app factory, while probably not helping much with branding.
I know, I kind of ignored it. Just being persistent. I guess can't imagine swipe being any more awkward than the d-pad. I know I'm not the only one fumbling over the controls. Anyway, I understand that larger controls will come in a future update. Maybe that'll be the fix.
I don't know, maybe the price is different where you are, but I paid $1.99 USD on release day and it's currently $1.99 USD.