31: I don't remember how I played it! 35: Not sure, but I think I swiped from bottom/left counter clockwise, hitting the purple block last. Must be very fast and my efforts today were poor. Phone just didn't seem responsive. 36: starting with bottom white arrow, swipe to make a "Z" (right, diagonal up/left, right. Pure speed. And I just lowered the time! 37: Start top left and circle the outside (right, down, left) and continue the same way to get the inner ones. SPEED! With so many turns, it takes a lot of tries. 38: You told me this one originally - I just improved the score. Speed, as usual, but you also need luck that the initial touch registers. That is one of the game problems. You have to get some luck on that sometime. 40: Right off hand not sure how I did it.
55: I assume it is about swiping quickly two times and ideal timing on the minor delay between the two swipes - at least with my strategy. 56: Just broke the record again. One long swipe. Start swiping left to get the two left boxes, continue down to the bottom one and then back up getting the two on the right (moving left to right). I think you can go too fast hitting those last two so it isn't just about speed. 66: Not sure of my order but, as I recall, it is the slow block at the top which is the main problem to avoid crashing. I don't think I hit it first. 70: Not sure about this one either. Set new record. 71: I did the white, swiped right to orange (leaving time to get rock clear) then left. Timing. Just set new record. 73: Bottom left, up to top two (moving left to right). Key is timing between 1st and second block. Timer stops just before a crash at the top! I hit the second block right when the first block reaches the right side. Fairly repeatable. 75: Counter-Clockwise from top right - speed. And set a new record.
I was just wondering about that! And wondering what happens after 9999, but you must already be wondering what happens at 99999! And that's an A++ for effort there, bigK! I only just passed 9000
Dang, if you got that many points with about 1/3 the tries, you're gonna beat me eventually! 79: Bottom, then the one furthest right (when the first one in on the next to last column on the right). Then the top left timed so as to just miss the one going up and down. Tricky on the timing. 80: New record! Slide over two orange ones furthest right quickly. Slight delay then slide from white one on bottom up through the other two orange as quickly as possible. 81: Don't remember 82: Raw speed - upper left, down, back up ("V" shape). New record. 83: Pretty sure it was drag right to left across the top and then very quickly down to the last box. Except for the last movement, it is all timing and a real pain. After all, you want each box to be as close to the one before as possible, but not hit on the turns. So even if you get a good score, there is a probability that you didn't hit them all just right. So I assume there is likely more points here. In all my tries just now, I never got better than 0.05 above the record and usually I was more than 2/10ths above it! 85: I think you can start anywhere and move clockwise or counter-clockwise just going for raw speed. Don't recall which way I set the record but it may be a matter of what feels most comfortable for you to max your speed. Update: New record. Used landscape mode (orange on bottom left). Then up and then across. Funny how in all this reviewing I've slightly raised a number of my scores - yet I haven't matched or replaced anyone else's high scores!
Guess I should go ahead and finish this up. 89: Slide - start with bottom row, next to bottom, then white, then top. Has to be a tiny delay before the white one and another before the blue but it is really tiny. 91: Start in middle, slide up and then down. Raw speed. 95: What I THINK I did was say diagonally for both blocks. The switch to the other diagonal going back and forth as fast as I can until the blocks get past the disappearing items. Then do the same with the other diagonal - continue until you win. Very easy to lose control and crash though. I've used this tactic on other levels. 100: Can't remember how I did it but there is an earlier post about it helping me when I was stuck. Just haven't looked it up. Update: Looked up 100. It does start in upper left and goes clockwise, but darn if I've been able to figure out the timing to have all of them miss! Embarrassing since I have the highest level score.
New high on 86! On 86, I took the same approach with both "V" formations. First, tap the bottom row block on the right. As soon as it moves enough to make those three form a diagonal, swipe up on the other two. Then the same with the other "V". The keys are mostly timing, but also speed. Timing on the swipe to move the other two on the right to minimize gaps but also speed to hit the two with no wasted time. Then a really fast swipe over to the other "V" to activate the bottom block. Then the proper timing before a fast swipe to get the last two.
Finally got 59 though still 0.04 below the record but I think my strategy is correct. But with three major movements, it's hard to maximize speed. Hah! Two minutes after posting that, I broke the record - and I have a feeling there is room for more improvement.
Monday the update was submitted, right, so I kinda was hoping to play this weekend with the update ... But I guess Apple is busy approving all these X-mas re-skinned applications What? You want me to download a re-skinned game just to see some X-mas hats and then download it a second time later so to remove the funny hats again? Yeah, right At least in space with all the time-shifting twin paradoxes going on, holiday season is a meaningless concept
I'm probably so going to regret this one time or another, but I couldn't help think of and now mention that pQuark and mQuark means Papa Quark and Mama Quark?
Santa hat on Chris (X-mas)fire Grr I knew I should have put a santa hat on that space ship. We would have been in the prioritized line no questions asked. mQuark - I was going for Michael but Andy ruined that for me by naming his account pQuark. Guess I'll be mama quark... well she was due anyway
Looking forward to the update too - though also worried that it may make better scores possible that I won't be able to figure out! I'm stumped on #60 and could use some hints. Maybe to start, just which block you start with - or maybe first two. Just to narrow down the rather large number of possibilities with 5 (of the 6) possible choices! Worse, I can't remember how I did it!
Some good progress. Finally managed to tie level 9 after, roughly, infinite tries! Also finally matched and beat 93. I hate those things with moving rocks because of what seems to be a delay in responsiveness. Even when I get a better reaction than normal, my score will be something like 0.3 (see level 61). Normally a single swipe operation would get me below 0.1 but not on these. Will be interesting to see what the update does. So, I have four levels left below the record. #60 still the worst that don't even know what tactic to use. Also not sure of the tactic on 68. I think I have the right tactics on 41 and 61 but just can't get them to work out well enough.
Hey Saosijs, I know you are waiting for the update, but you know it is possible that any update may change how well a level works - may make for a better score or, just maybe, could make it harder to score as well. So maybe you should try for all the points you can get before the update comes out. I'm still stuck on the same four as before. UPDATE: Finally matched the high score for 60. Now I'm 0.06 behind the max points for all levels combined.
In other words, you miss the competition But yeah, I realize it's true what you're saying. It's that SFD is not the only game I am (have been) playing, so I'll assume the risk. I'm not so monogamous anymore gaming-wise as I used to be, to be honest And also, I notice I'm not that competitive anymore as before. I cannot get myself anymore to spend triple the amount of time to get that last point or second. It's also simply a matter of not really having the time available for it; a practical reason ... I read about an Apple holiday freeze. Would the game update be on hold until after X-mas??
Yeah. I probably have a time advantage since I'm retired and just work part time. I finally got 68 tonight so just 41 and 61 left. May never get those but if the update improves responsiveness those two may benefit.
Update is up. I'm on vacation in Georgia right now instead of being in Hawaii and happened to wake up at 3:00 AM and did the update and a few quick plays on 61. Easily set a new record.
Enjoy the vacation, bigK! I quickly played 61 too and improved it with 0.1 seconds easily. Responsiveness feels much better <p|m>Quarks, thanks! Also played 23 but it still shows the same behavior, so that probably has a different explanation (the 60fps effect?). I tried level 1 too (a "tight squeeze" level) and it shows without change as one would hope and expect. All good! [edit] discovered the first "bug" and/or misinterpretation of a feature request The time that appears after crashing is the total game time (minutes:seconds) and not the level crash time (centiseconds)
Thanks! Awesome that you were able to improve some levels with the update. Yeah, about the "crash time", I kinda suspected that. Meant to ask you guys earlier what you meant with it.. could you clarify what the purpose would be?The "crash time" could potentially be a "better" than what you're actually able to complete the level in... in what way is that useful? Thanks! /Andreas
The crash time probably only matters if you got everything moving. It would let you know if the basic strategy has merit but maybe just needs tweaking.