Sounds like a fair compensation. I've had this on a hold since I feel like I'm being robbed whenever I play with that buggy gold digger. -_-
The coins will be given upon the release of the next update, we don't anyway to give them any earlier! :/ Thanks
I'm really enjoying this, it's pretty addictive. The mix is very nice between the planet hopping to the space ship bits. Graphics looks really nice the way the background changes tones between stages. Also the little comic style captions are a nice touch. The only thing that's not great is the loading jump between stages where the screen freezes for a sec. Don't see that in any other games? Is there a reason for it or is it something that'll be fixed in an update.
Yeah, it switches between user controlled space ship and a brief cutscene. I agree..l don't like it, but I'm sure its there for a reason.
You guys will notice there's a cheater at the top of the leader board. If you could remove it I would be grateful. @cloudpuff: I know you mentioned wanting to have a mode where the chicks rescue the cocks... Well in the store you can buy a chick, so your hero can be a chick and then you get to save other chicks... If that's your thing.
You get one coin every time you touch the basketball if you haven't noticed , it's a simple mini-game. hehe Thanks again
I would love an upgrade that allowed us to have more than 2 slots for active power ups. I'd probably even buy it as an IAP. Nah. I didn't notice. In fact I was very curious as to what it was for. I guessed it was some sort of inside thing. Very COOL!! It's a drop off. But when you get it you have it the rest of that "level".
I love it. Its great fun, but sometimes it can be frustrating trying to use it to jump into your spaceship. Lol.
Thank you. This is very important to me (and I'm sure others as well). In a game like this, where a high score is your main sense of accomplishment, its very demotivating to see something like 55,674,827,775,738,847 at the top of the Leaderboards when I worked my a** off to get ~ 12,000! EDIT: this is sort of a strange thing to mention, but anyway...I absolutely LOVE the sound in the game, but the constant repeating spray sound in the pause menu is very annoying to me. Also, i think we should be able to see our score during gameplay. I absolutely hate the fact that I'm never sure exactly how good of a run I have going. Just my ยข.02. Still, I love the game. Those minor things are like my biggest gripes. Honestly, I think this game would be my game of the year if it had a campaign mode with levels.
Hello again everyone, Those of you who have downloaded Space Chicks and have not yet rated it on the AppStore, please do so! It really helps us a lot Thank you very much!
Is there a delay between leaving reviews and it showing up, and can you see your own reviews, I've never seen mine show up. I left my reviews and five stars.