Sound art - toys, games, art projects

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by heathenpoet, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. heathenpoet

    heathenpoet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Hi everyone.

    I'm relatively new to posting here, but been lurking for a while.

    I'm a music graduate with something of an interest and passion for sound installation and art, as well as theatre and live performance, and am really interested/intrigued by the various games/toys around which combine touch, design, and sound elements. I'm talking about apps like synthPond, Trope, Bloom, Jounce, Air, beBot. And also Electroplankton on the NDS. Then there's the awesome 'reactable' - an interface/instrument used live by Bjork recently.

    As a composer, but with no knowledge or programming, I'm curious if there are any like-minded developers who might be interested in chatting. I'm not approaching the table with a specific project in mind at this stage, just an area which I think is really interesting.

    Would love to hear from anyone who feels similarly.

    Alternatively, I'd also be very interested to hear from anyone looking for original compositions for games - it's not an area I have experience in, but certainly something I'm very interested to try.

    Please just IM me on here if you want to get in touch :)

    Many thanks,


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