Universal Sorcery! - (by inkle)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, May 1, 2013.

  1. Boobi

    Boobi Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Earning money
    BC, Canada
    The game is very unique can we stop the price talk. If I recall there is a very specific thread for this. Its a great game love it, enjoy it, its worth it.

    Now move to new topic, pertaining to gameplay.
  2. lazypeon

    lazypeon Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Loving this so far. Very unique take on the 'game book' concept, and I liked it a lot. Not a HUGE fan of game books in general, but I play them occasionally, and this was the most refreshing/unique take I've seen on the concept thus far. The presentation is top-notch. Well worth my $4.99.
  3. paradsecar

    paradsecar Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Would it be fair to say Sorcery is more of a book than a game, or vice versa? Or enough of both to make it kind of like A Bard's Tale or Silversword?
  4. witedahlia

    witedahlia Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2012
    I am extremely impressed with this one! I admit I hesitated to buy it at first because I had been slightly disappointed with the last couple of game books I bought. But I figured I'd give it a shot. I can say without hesitation that YES this is absolutely worth every penny! I am quite frankly blown away. If you are on the fence about it I urge you to give it a try. This is way more than just text with pseudo gameplay elements tacked on. It's a very unique, fun game! 5 stars.
  5. witedahlia

    witedahlia Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2012
    It's both! That's what's so cool about it!
  6. It's still a game but if you don't enjoy reading and need 3d rendering of your environment to be immersed you will not like it.

    I for one really enjoy. Am still worried though about how the replays will end up. Will I be able to keep my save at the end or will I need to overwrite it to start over?

    There's also a bug with the spellbook on my iPad where I can't see the title of the spells at the top. I can force scroll it to the top but the names are mangled with a mismatching background.
  7. drloony

    drloony Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2012
    The problem with leaving impressions on a game like this is that it requires a bit more investment to get a feel for it. By the time I get around to it the thread is buried in TA obscurity. I'm still not even finished Trial of the Clones. In the meantime it doesn't hurt to bump the thread does it?
    This game looks really special and I'm hoping it'll manage to stand up with the great King of Dragon Pass, even if not now, maybe as the series progresses. Right now it looks like style is through the roof, but not sure about the substance. If I get into soon I'll be able to add to the game discussion
  8. witedahlia

    witedahlia Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2012
    Interesting you should mention King of Dragon Pass. That's one of my favorite games ever, and I was just thinking this reminds me of it. Good observation.
  9. paradsecar

    paradsecar Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    KoDP, how did I not think of that comparison?! Jeez, I was just playing that game! :eek:

    Strange question, but does the game "save" like a book (or KoDP for that matter)? Like if I fall asleep while reading it will it pick right back up where I left off like an e-book in the Kindle app?
  10. Yes I force closed the app out of the task manager and it remembered exactly where I was
  11. railgunjustice

    Mar 19, 2013
    This game is beautifully implemented. I played through the whole thing in about 2 1/2 - 3 hrs. As a huge fan of the original books, I was almost in awe with how they updated and more or less "re-energized" the first book. It is worth noting that the play through of the original book wasn't substantially longer than what I played today...in fact I think the new content extends the playtime a little bit over the original. And make no mistake...there is some new content, although it is subtle - mostly in the form of backstory and descriptions being more fully fleshed out.

    $5 may seem like a bit much to some, but I assure you the amount of craft and work that went into this game makes it well worth it. A single play through may seem short, but I think I'll be replaying this quite a few times before book 2 is released. In fact, I think I'll try a different set of paths/choices tonight.
  12. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    I'd argue that you're only setting yourself up for frustration if you start falling into the mindset that you're paying "extra money" or getting ripped off by not waiting for a possible sale, as opposed to simply paying an asking price you agree is appropriate for the product you're buying. Paying "extra money" would involve giving the developers a donation through a money jar IAP, or some such.

    I do appreciate the fact that we're able to have a reasonable and civil discussion about this, though, even if we disagree. ^_-

    Yep, we're on the same page with that.

    The Sorcery! series is definitely much lighter overall than KoDP, which is a much more involved strategy/RPG/adventure hybrid. This series has a stronger crafter narrative, of course, but it's nowhere near as broad in scope or generally replayable as KoDP is. As the Sorcery! games are based on four physical gamebooks, though, and not a less-restricted computer game, that's not too surprising.

    I think the more complex second book, Khare, Cityport of Traps, will probably give people a much better idea of why this series was so popular when it is released in a couple of months.
  13. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Well damn this is how you re work an old choose your own adventure book,
    I love the tin man books for being very good digital versions of the books but this is something else, the presentation is fantastic, the way the pages interlock with little bits of string and the map everything is brilliant.
    Just finished my first play and it took just over an hour and a half but I wandered through the hills and forests avoiding any villages or contact so I'd say I missed about 75% of the adventure, also I died what seemed like pretty close to the end :(
    Cant wait to go again and start exploring the towns and characters.
    This is a fantastic addition to the iOS catalogue of game books.

    (Only problem I have is that I'm getting to many gamebooks:eek:)

    Attached Files:

  14. thevagrant

    thevagrant Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2009
    Hey, you're missing HOuse of Hell !
  15. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Lol so I am, didn't have any credit when it was released and ere hasn't been a quiet week since then for me to pick it up.
    To be honest I didn't think blood of the zombie was as good as the original tin man books they put out so that's probably what put me off grabbing it straight away too.
  16. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    He is also missing so many of the "Choice of" gamesbooks. Those play quite differently from the Tin Man gamebooks due to the way they track stats...
  17. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    I have played a couple of the choice of game books but they never stuck with me, the only one I liked was choice of the dragon, although its been ages since I tried one so I might try them again.
  18. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    That's actually one of the first things I noticed about his screenshot. He's also missing AppEndix's Sherlock Holmes gamebook, going by that. ;)

    I'd suggest that if you could only have one of that type, the best choice would probably be Zombie Exodus. It's well-written, significantly longer than most other Choice titles, and rather deep with a lot of replayability (there are quite a lot of exclusive either/or scenarios and actions within them, as well as things you can do that come back to haunt/reward you much later). Overall, it feels a lot like The Walking Dead does when that series focuses more on the day-to-day survival and relationships of real people living in that situation, and less on unnecessarily padded-out soap opera.
  19. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    #159 oooooomonkey, May 3, 2013
    Last edited: May 3, 2013

    WAAAAAIIITTTTTTTT a minute, I've never heard of this Sherlock Holmes gamebook:confused: how not?
    Just looked on the store and it looks great, looks like there's at least 3 more I have to pickup
    Sherlock Holmes
    House of hell
    Zombie exodus.

    Thanks for that.

    (I'm beginning to think I should change my sig to "TA helping me spend money since 2011) :D
  20. Choice of Broadsides was the best imo.

    As for this, it's nice, but exams forbid me from getting it for now xD

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