Has anyone found a way to Spoiler save Flanker? I romanced him and all, but my appeals don't seem to move him when I encounter him in the tower and I seem to have no other choice but to let him kill me or push him out the window before he can attack. Is there a specific spell to use (NAP and DIM seem to have some effect before dissipating) or some action to take that I'm missing? I saw that having the Sun Serpent can save him but I don't have that...
You're moving along the right path with the spells. Spoiler Flanker is controlled by powerful magic and you must find the way to counter its hold over him.
I believe I've tried every spell available to me except Spoiler ROK and WOK, which I'm missing the items for. Maybe I missed picking up a spell along the way...?
Is there a way to have several game saves so you can play with different paths (characters)? I'm only on S2 and I only have one character. I don't see a way to load a different character.
You need to hit him with 3 spells. No particular order, but you need the right 3. Cast any spell not of the 3 and you will fail.
Just curious ... from Inkle's site, it says: "We've one more piece of business to do in the world of Sorcery! - a final update to the series, coming shortly. We'll have more information on that later, but if you've finished Sorcery! 4 already you'll know what we have in store." Can anyone who finished give us a hint? (Please be sure to use spoiler tags)
I have the solution for this and it is the only one I know. Spoiler I got cured by praying to Courga.
Thank you, guys! With your help I was finally able to Spoiler achieve the ending I wanted ... It took an embarrassing number of tries before you pointed me in the right direction...
I'm not really sure how to "hint" at this but I don't think it spoils anything, either?! Proceed at your own caution! Spoiler It seems they are planning on some kind of new game plus experience to boost the replay value of the series!
So here I am, before the great doors of Throben. Spoiler HOW ON EARTH DO I ENTER THEM?! I did cast the first spell successfully (counter to HOT), but have no clue on how to get past the second one. I'd like if the rewind feature was available - I'd cut out half of my stamina for it. It becomes quite repetitive after a few deaths to return to that damn plaza; maybe if we had more spawn points it wouldn't be so bad. Also, Spoiler why those of you who let Flanker live back in Sorcery? 1 get all the fun? I'd like to face his undead corpse again! I just killed 2 of the Seven Serpents in my Sorcery! 3 playthrough. Do I meet the others in Mampang? The Archmage's most trusted servants cannot leave the story so easily!
There are clues to the four spells in several places. Spoiler Just inside the main gate there are four pairs of statues, though the third pair has crumbled. The clue for the third spell can be found in the ruined house in the crater, or from a character you encounter by the stairs to the Throben doors under certain circumstances. Also, investigate all the Towers in the Inner College and make note of any numbers you see (or hear).
You can save as many times as you like under the same cloud save code. Go back and play S1 again (or rewind back to a point where you want to try something different) and save to the cloud when you finish. If you have uninstalled S1, you can reinstall it but you will get a different code. I keep a list of all my codes and the best saved games for each.
If you meet the Archmage without some way to defend yourself against the Crown, Spoiler he will tell you it is a Grimalkin containing three items, which point you to the spells you need to counter. But then you will be imprisoned and die, necessitating at least one ZEd reset. Note: this is also the only way I have found to save Jann.
Sleepless ram Hi guys apologize for the possibly stupid question but where can Spoiler the Sleepless Ram be found?? I have actually finished the game without meeting it. Or is it actually Spoiler the archmate-goat demon you met near the end ? Amazing game overall, it could be a bit annoying at times without the rewind, especially when you Spoiler fell into the towers area .
Ohhhh, duh! When you put it that way I feel like a total idiot! That's what I get for playing this game at 4 AM! XD Spoiler And yeah, the only way I've found to save Jann is to become imprisoned, kill him, escape the cell (taking the key), and then die afterwards, reversing time but still giving you the key to the cell. Does anyone know if the Spoiler beggar woman by the well in the square does? It seems to be a quest to kill some sightmasters for her, but I've never been able to approach them without their melting away in an alley somewhere. Anyone know what she does?
Did anyone figure out how to remove the magic of the cat's tower and the laughing tower at left of the map? In the cat tower u can learn a new spell TOP, however, cast TOP will push u to death.... In the laughing tower, u can only laugh and do nothing...
She can give you three things. Spoiler Kill a Sightmaster and let her lay hands on you for +1 stamina, and if you continue talking after that she will tell you how to identify the Samaritans (Birdmen who oppose the Archmage). Finally, she will give you a potion that can hold three spells. Try taking it with you to the Towers. To confront the Sightmasters Spoiler you can't be disguised as a guard, or they won't notice you. There is also one in the barracks, who betrayed the Sargeant and caused his fate in S3. You can kill him, but Courga will desert you if he's your god.
In the Tower of Cats Spoiler you can cast ZIP to escape, but you can't counter PUR as far as I know. I'm not sure which is the laughing tower, but if it's directly to the right of the cats Spoiler you can collect the dIM spell there if you have the Potion of Magical Dissolution. Again, I don't think you can counter it; you just need to try repeatedly to leave.