It's a pity. But if anyone is in London the launch party is going ahead on the 15th, and I think you'll be able to get a sneak preview of a live playthrough of part of the game. Details here (I'm going): I'm excited, not been to this gaming bar before and it looks like a good spot.
I've completed S4 a few different ways after saving Tomas, and there's nothing additional involving him at the end. He is only mentioned in the first conversation with Spoiler Ranii, who turns out to be one of his crew, but doesn't approve of his less-piratical ways (i.e. he's too nice) .
Oh well. At least those slaves were saved. Although I do question my 75 gold... Still working on that NBAS run Trying to get into the tower.
Hmmm. Worked on the first try. Solution remains: Spoiler Go to the mounds, wait to see the tower flag flicker, then go to the tower. I always visit the tower first in OW, but I do not know whether this is necessary. .
So .. have any playtesters gone through S4 with Spoiler Lorag as patron? If you recall, you get stuck with him if you let Khare get destroyed by the goblins. He was a hilarious 'guardian' in S3. I wonder if he keeps it up in S4? Respectfully, Brian P.
Rock Demon tooth and purple leaves Has anyone found a use for these in S4? Oh and should one keep the Sun Serpent orb? Regards
I haven't yet played through with Spoiler Lorag or Spoiler Slaang , but those are next on my list. I just have to get through S3 with them first.
Rock demon tooth: yes Purple leaves: don't have a cloud save with them, but it's on my list I haven't tried this yet either.
Have any other beta-testers tried a cloud save where you met Spoiler Kasheesh, the black elf who is traveling to Mampang to study under the Archmage in S3, to see if you encounter him again in S4?
I kept it on my most recent playthrough but haven't found any benefit to doing so. Mild spoilers: Spoiler Even though you come across a character who worships the Sun Serpent, he doesn't believe you really have it trapped. You can learn a little bit about how it was trapped in the first place from Flanker.
I just discovered something else. If you went to Daddu-Ley in S1, and you have any god/spirit besides Spoiler Yb'ran, who starts an argument with Libra , you can get Spoiler a golden hair from Libra when you meet her, to cast TOP with . You can also find the spell ingredient Spoiler in the form of a blonde wig in two other places within S4. Bottom line, if you have a cloud save where you went to Daddu-Ley, try it out, but it's not worth going all the way back to S1 just for this, IMHO.
Unfortunately, release is delayed until Sep 22 to ensure compatibility with iOS 10. I posted about it earlier in this thread.
Have any beta-testers found a definitive place in Mampang to cast Spoiler SOB , i.e. a place where you get something out of it, rather than Spoiler the Snattacat just running away ? The only place I've found where it actually aids you is Spoiler the Birdman's nest west of the crater, and I don't usually go that way as it requires climbing/falling into the ravine . On a related note, I think the best place to cast ZOB is Spoiler after Naggamanteh places you in the Pleasher, although YOB will have the same effect. I also suggest trying it against the panthers in the Treasurer's building for a darkly amusing outcome, although it will prevent you getting the stamina boosts on the top level .
I agree that's the best place to cast it, although the other is very amusing. I have found a place the other one works to help you I'll PM you for now to avoid spoilers.
Is Mampang supposed to be on the sea? I ask, because twice in two books our character has the option of attempting to convince someone with a boat to ferry them there and skip over the baklands -- the first time at Daddu-Ley, where we can try to convince the woman with the boat to take us there, and the second time in Khare, when we can attempt to commandeer a slaver ship. Neither of those options make sense if Mampang is inland. Respectfully, Brian P.
Maybe this is something the developers originally had in mind that changed along the way. I've caught a couple of discrepancies as I've played through the previous games (e.g. Throg is female in the Serpents' warning, but male in S4).