One-liner backgrounds on some places that you encounter. For example: Anyone has the god Slang from Khare? Does he say anything during your travels in Baklands?
How do you unlock the steppes beacon without talking to the cultists? The beacon is locked beyond power of DOP or any key to open it in present time, so in order to open it you've got to let the "cultists" twist time, throwing the beacon into the past, where it can be opened. Respectfully, Brian P.
Spoiler You can shine the beacon from north of the Klattaman down onto the Steppes tower and then you can break the door.
Got an easy 35 gold in Tinpang by Spoiler selling my molar tooth for 35 gold in the past, and then return to the present time same location to collect it back. The dentist couldn't find a buyer for my teeth - means I don't have to worry that somebody would later use my tooth for magic.
Snag in No-Beacon Run I have made it through the game without activating any beacons. If you do this, the dialogue with the guy on the Xamen Road does not happen. However, although it's possible to kill the Time Serpent without using beacons, I don't think you can do a no-beacon run in which you kill the Time Serpent. Here's my dilemma: Spoiler If you kill the Time Serpent on the Steppes without using a Beacon, then he does not fly away over the Southeast Tower. And if he doesn't fly over that tower to put it into Ancient Times, then you can't get into that tower to teleport from its top.
Yeah, I ran into that same problem. The only solution would be finding an alternate route across the Horns. No luck so far, though.
Somebody just responded to me (thanks)! Telling me it's possible to unlock the tower Spoiler by shining the forest beacon on it But, once again, that requires using a beacon. Respectfully, Brian P.
Actually, there's one method I can think of that could potentially allow you to cross the horns and finish the journey killing all the serpents without activating beacons. But it's a long shot, probably won't work, and requires alot of backtracking to a previous game to try out: Spoiler Back in Sorcery! 1 you can enter the Ruins of Daddu-Ley to learn the spell TOP. Using that spell in conjunction with a strand of hair allowed you climb back up and over the ruins. Maybe, just maybe, you can use TOP to go over the mountains and into the last area. The strand of hair could be taken from Alizii. But again, it's very unlikely that this is a possibility. Does anybody happen to have a cloud save with the Daddu-Ley mystery solved?
I was able to cross the Horns by Spoiler using the green ring to teleport to the highest mountain, then sliding down the mountain into the lake. I teleported from the base of the beacon located in the steppes. . Unfortunately, you'll lose all your food and such when you crash into the lake.
Yes, I do. However, I could not find anyplace where the stars would allow me to cast that spell (there is a relatively unimportant spot you can use it in Khare in Sorcery 2).
1) Possible but not to my knowledge. Events appear to be keyed off of location/inventory/prior events, but do not appear to be day-specific. 2) I don't think so. The first time I played, I tried to visit every single location at least once in both Current Time and Ancient Time (even then there were some I missed) and it took me 38 days. As long as you have food, I suspect you can wander forever.
Couple of questions... 1) Is it possible to revisit the tooth guy? I seem to be getting the red poles and not the blue visity flags. 2) Could you give me the slightest hint of a nudge on where to start looking for a clue about the sun serpent? It's the one serpent I have found no trace of so far. TIA!
I believe this is already further up the thread in a couple of places, but here's a hint that doesn't completely give it away: Spoiler Visit the mound in the Northeast corner of the Forest of Snatta.
Thanks, appreciate the nudge. Right now, that's another place that won't let me in any more but I'll try at other times of day to see if that does it. I might have missed my window on this playthrough though.
Great game/series! I am really enjoying this game! The beacons confused me for a bit, but now they are very fun to play with. I had a few questions for other players. I will err on the side of caution and tag all as spoilers. Air Serpent: Spoiler Did anyone else have the problem of killing the air serpent too early? I run into the air serpent right after going down the chimney and in the first couple play-throughs killed him then. This was frustrating because I could then not find the ferryman! Furthermore, it seems like it is not possible onto the island with the beacon without the ferryman's boat. Maybe I missed something, but I had no option to case ZEN/ZIP/BIG to get onto that island. Cliffside cave: Spoiler Could someone suggest a hint about how to get to the cliffside cave in present time? Casting the HOW spell in the cave in the past suggests that I should revisit in the present, but I see no way to do this. Without the beacon, I do not get the steps to access the cave. Do I need to keep trying to position the beacon just right, or is there a way to cast ZEN/ZIP/BIG to get up there? Boy/thief: Spoiler Has anyone found a way to avoid the boy/thief near Shadrack? He is frustrating. However, I am sometimes able to get my item back in one of the holes nearby. Yellow feather spell: Spoiler Using the PhiAR spell, I see myself casting a spell with a yellow feather in a stone circle. I have found the stone circle and yellow feather (in two places actually, one in the tunnels and one in a bird's nest) and found the stone circle (in the past), but have not found a new spell that uses the yellow feather. Any suggestions? Time limit? Spoiler Does anyone know if there is a time limit to finish the game properly. Even if I kill all seven serpents, I get a worrisome message the ArchMage may have discovered me (it took me 17 days). Does anyone know if you do not get that message if you finish sooner? One non-spoiler that I found humorous. In one of my save games from Sorcery! 2, I had Lorag as a cursed spirit guide. He has a lot of fussy/funny things to say. The only downside is that SUS does not work. Otherwise he seems harmless. Thanks!
Spoiler The obvious answer is to not kill the air serpent early But you can still cross Lake Iklala if he died; simply visit the shore in the past and find a ferryman. I was able to get it after throwing the Sun Serpent Orb into the water and killing it (the citizens thought I had killed a demon and promptly offered me a ride); but I'm sure there are other ways of getting one. Take care though; if you're using the ferry in the past, the boat will disappear once you move out of a beacon's light and into the present. Spoiler I believe there is a way to position the beacon correctly, however the easiest thing is to just cast ZEN (ZIP is also possible I seem to recall). Spoiler There are specific spots he appears in, and I think (but have not confirmed it yet) only at certain times of the day. He appears on the road exclusively, and in two spots; right next to the beacon (a little southwest of it) and close to the young tree in the middle. I think he doesn't show up in the evening and night. Spoiler Approach the stone circle at night and stand on the stones to be able to learn a new spell. Then come back during the day and use that spell in conjunction with the feather. Spoiler There is no limit. As for the message, I think the intonation varies a little, but I finished the game in 9 days with all serpents dead and still got something along the lines of 'perhaps there are other spies that tipped off the archmage'. I will have to do more testing, though.
With regards to the boy thief. Spoiler He absolutely appears at night ,the little ***** Found an interesting way to kill the creature at the gorge at the start of the game. Spoiler SUS tells me he has a soft underbelly, so I lured him into the steam hole area over a vent. FWOOOSH. Got a ration out of it, too! But .. as regards to the challenge to kill all seven serpents without using a single beacon, I just can't find a way to do it. Spoiler There are two ways to kill the time serpent: With FIX at his first appearance or later, with the three beacons. Killing the serpent with FIX makes it impossible to access the one spot on the map where ZIP will teleport you to the top of the mountain range, where you can slide down into the lake. You have no choice but to use the forest beacon to illuminate either the Steppe Beacon (and so enabling the use of ZIP) or the bridge (enabling you to walk across). By the way, I think I've figured out what that one shrine is for. Spoiler The one on the middle island? The one with the altar to the "god of gods"? I'll betcha if you're stuck with Lorag you can wash him off there. Once the "god of gods" leaves, disgusted with the mortal world, praying will allow you to hook up with your original spirit guide again. Maybe there's some other way, but I've given up. Spoiler Flanker must have done it, somehow. 1) Maybe there's a teleport spot I missed? But I couldn't find it. 2) Maybe the all-powerful ZED will come in handy ? Again, can't find it. 3) The special spell from book 1? Somehow I doubt it. 4) Is there a tunnel under the mountain range? 5) Maybe we can tame an eagle or a birdman? *Sigh* Still, I think it very likely it is pretty much hopeless to expect that we will be able to prevent Mampang from being warned. I can think of three very easy ways : 1) Mampang uses BIRDMEN as messengers, for pity's sake. They can probably fly right across the Baklands in two days! Even if it's too long a journey for one, if the Archmage was intelligent enough to set up a relay, the message could be through in hours! 2) The Archmage already knows your coming. Doubtless he knows exactly when he was killed -- that's why he cursed the Baklands in the first place! To protect against this very day! 3) The Time Serpent already delivered the message last week. As I understand it, the Time Serpent can travel backwards in time but not forwards beyond the actual present day. So if I were he, I would simply travel directly to Mampang at full speed, deliver the message, then travel backwards in time to set up shop at the lake. So there doesn't seem to me to be any way to outrace Mampang's spies ... if there are others besides the serpents, that is. They can fly while we have to not only walk, but discover our way through and forage for food and magical items as well. Respectfully, Brian P.