Spoiler Examine the crystal orb, then put it down. The merchant will then offer you the brass pendulum.
Right. I do exactly this. But going up the mountain to Bria's and down the chimney (without even going in the hut), to the stone circle to kill the Time Serpent, and to the base of the pole killing Air Serpent along the way takes, then via bird to the Fire Serpent puts me to the afternoon of the second day. From the "Priest's Pole" location to "The Snake in the Forest" location via bird takes a big chunk of the game day by itself. I'm not seeing how a 2-day run is possible at that point. What am I missing?
I'm calling hack/'shop. A route going straight to the Xamen Road by the most direct path (Fishtail Rock, Bria's, chimney to the Steppes, stone circle, ZIP from Steppes Beacon, swim to the statues) takes 2 days. Detouring to kill Serpents doesn't work in that timeframe.
The trick to going quick will be best use of all shortcuts. Here are the ones I know of. Others? Spoiler - Beacons (obviously) - Bria's Chute - ZIP at south central beacon - Bird flight from central pole - Cave with feather and tooth I can't figure out how to efficiently go through Upper Ishtara, including getting the +1 stamina ( Spoiler which requires arriving in day and eating soup at night, so arriving at dusk should be ideal ). Always adds a ton of time. Suggestions?
Question about this from the guide: Spoiler A. [OW] - Approach the old tree west to Fishtail Cove (Shadrack’s hut), then climb into the tree and untie the rope ladder to obtain it. You can use the rope ladder to descend the northwestern beacon if you teleported to the top of the tower without unlocking the trapdoor from the bottom, and to go down the well at the ruined temple of Throff in the Klatta-Bak Steppes. How can you get to the top of the NW tower by teleporting?
If you activate the blue crystal in current time (when the tower is destroyed and the crystal is lying amidst the rubble) and then later teleport back in past time.
Quote: Originally Posted by Samjt101 View Post Has anybody managed a "perfect" playthrough yet? I've got one that does pretty much everything, only missing out on 2 of the bonus stamina locations (Kariamma Flayer Scroll and Klatta shaman). Everything else I've acquired (or at least I think I have...), including all magical items and some random stuff (chakram, purple and six-lobed leaves, hewing axe, some random stuff I've forgotten). Also managed to get 150 gold through selling teeth in Tinpang. The one problem with my playthrough is that it's very time dependent (arrive at Mampang on the night of the eighth day), so I cannot afford to mess around anywhere else. Working from Chezzhead's guide, I can manage an 8 day which gets all items except flankers sword and get all stamina bonuses plus visiting Tinpang (for the cash). The only difference between his and my playthroughguude is that 1) after casting the TUF spell and going back to the central south beacon, adjust the beam to aim at the Time Serpent before using the blue crystal and 2) have aimed the beam of the north west tower to let Kariamma appear Picking up from day 5/6 on his guide: - jump down the side of the mountain travel south till you can climb onto the bridge - cross the bridge, ignore the earth serpent and go straight to the beach on the lake. - should still be daylight so blow the whistle and when you hear movement in the nearby bushes, cast HOT and throw the fireball at the bushes, this kills the Air Serpent. (If you arrive in the evening blowing the whistle has no effect) - go back and kill the Earth Serpent - go to Tinpang, activate the beacon here and explore town, visit the dentist and make sure you sell the rock demon's tooth (if you still have it) - go back to the beacon and aim it at the Time Serpent, use the crystal to travel to west north tower. - go to Kariamma (I think traveling in the present up the stairs to the Moon Serpent through the south entrance is quicker than in the past) -it should be evening but you can still see the cook and give her the recipe from the flayer's hut, go eat the soup and pass out. Day 7 - Go back to the north west tower and teleport to the central north tower and aim the beam at Time Serpent. -teleport to south central tower, eat then cast ZIP. - jump and you'll land in the lake near the Time Serpent's island (you need to have given the flayer's scroll to the cook by now as it will be destroyed in the lake also you the rock demon tooth will cause you problems and you will have to get rid of it or your legendary sword in order to swim on) -swim to the island, you have to sleep here as the game doesn't let you explore. Day 8 - kill the Time Serpent, jump into the lake and swim to the southern shore to Lower Xamen -since your swimming the Water Serpent should attack you very quickly (I meet him when going around the island and near the shore) - kill him and the Sun Serpent and swim south, finishing the game. At this point I have 26 stamina, 243 gold and finished in 8 days. The drawback Is the loss of all rations (also lose documents which could be used as a source of light) On another note I've noticed something strange, at the end I noticed that ragnarista's armband had become just an armband in the items description and only gave a +1 combat bonus rather than the previous +2 as in Sorcery 1 and 2. Anybody else come across this?
I have achieved 7 days with all spell ingredients that I didn't already have* and +4 stamina from the TUF spell. In 8 days I can get an additional +1 stamina from the Klattaman village. In neither case am I forced to swim and lose all my rations. I have tried getting all three stamina boosts, but I miss out on several items in order to just barely make in it 8 days. * The only ingredient that can't be found in any of the games, to my knowledge, is fire water for PEP
South of the lake in the Forest of Snatta, you will come to a place where you can examine branches and mud that have been disturbed. Do so and a bear will confront you. Spoiler Cast LAW and you can either order it away or order it to carry you. It can take you to one of a few select locations in the Forest, a little quicker than walking, but you will have to fight it when the spell wears off.
Continuing from my post in the Sorcery 2 thread, here is my inventory at the end of the game. Anyone know anything I missed?
I don't have a walkthrough as such, I used the two wordpress guides as a reference - http://sorcerybyinkleguide.wordpress.com http://muddymelly.wordpress.com/ I'll be happy to help you if you need anything specific
Mac stamina I've read the forums and realised that u guys think that the max stamina is 26. Actually the max stamina is 30. coz u can cast TUF twice getting 2 +4 which is +8. Get the one in the cave then the one in the forest. Max*
Just as I had perfected a way to get +6 stamina and all spell ingredients in 8 days, I saw the latest comment on this walkthrough about how to get an additional +1 Spoiler from Ca'oth .
So to summarize, you can get an total amount of +11 Stamina boost in Sorcery 3: Spoiler +8 by casting the TUF spell on two occasions, by using the yellow feather from the nest, or using the giant one from the Kariamma caverns. I tested it, it works, but you won't be able to carry both feathers at the same time. +1 from the Klattamen shaman. +1 using the Flayer's scroll in Kariamma. +1 from Ca-oth. So you can end the game having 31 maximum Stamina. That is quite huge. My 5-day playthrough collecting most items and Stamina boost is now completely obsolete, I have to start a new one
So from what we now know of Stamina boosts, you missed an additional +6 gain. On the matter of teeth, Spoiler you can also get a human teeth from a Tinpang priest that you meet in the present asleep. At first, you'll think he's a Giant so you can attack and kill him, then take his tooth. However since he's innocent I prefer to remove the BIG spell from him and awake him, pleasing Courga at the same time.