Thanks to Kamatari for replying, but I'd like to point out that getting the option of going to the side wall is most certainly liked to your previous actions and/or the time you took to get to Courga's temple. I do recall getting that option during one of my earlier playthroughs, but I don't remember getting anything out of it (except losing stamina - I think the gargoyle's come to life and attack you). Cookies to anyone who can figure out what the criteria is to get the option of going by the side wall.
There is the unsavory possibility that this is yet another part of the game that's been altered in one of Inkle's umpteen patches to the game, as I vaguely recall from a very early playthrough of the game that the option to steal from Courga was at one time not a flag located on the side wall, but part of the interactions you can perform once you've made it to the god's altar (and I don't recall being able to steal anything back then either, but then, that playthrough wasn't eligible for Courga conversion -- killed both the Flayer and a guard...). It would not surprise me if Inkle decided to separate that part of the interaction and make it its own thing, along with adding the two separate items you can steal (this was probably done in conjunction with developing Part 3, since the two steal-able items all correspond to magical items the Klattaman blacksmith can craft). It's a pity that Inkle never documents anywhere the specific content-related changes they make to the game as part of their patches...
I just checked this while doing my "more optimized" NBAS, and the Goblet... is good for nothing whatsoever. I have a very vague recollection of having been able to turn it into a Jewel of Gold, so either Inkle changed something again as part of a patch or, more likely, my memory was playing tricks and confusing events for something else.
hey now that 3 went on sale for a buck I bought it but what I want to know is if I finish this game penialized as I cant find the 4 people can I still enjoy Sorcery 3? I wanna continue on and not have to worry about finding the people as I Tried and tried and I can't
You need to eventually find all four lines to complete the game. There should be links to walkthroughs earlier in the thread. If you don't find all four in one run, you will be sent back in time at the cost of one stamina point. You can still enjoy Sorcery 3 and more than make up for that stamina loss, as there are multiple opportunities to permanently increase your stamina.
Goblin King HELP Hello Can some one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me how to depose the Goblin King? I can get into his sewers and meet the goblins, and can creep round him when the Goblins panic, but I can't get captured by them. I read on another forum that it has to do with dialogue options with the Harpy Nobel, but nothing i do seems to change anything. Please can some one help me as its beginning to drive me crazy. Also if anyone knows how to meet Vic on the boat that would be great as well.
Try to look for the door, and open it. After that go downstairs and try your best to kill the Deathwraith...(it's very hard)
Giant's net Found a couple places where you are given the option to use the net from the cave of the Giants in Sorcery 1. First, if you break up the fight between the sprite and pixie in Dwarftown, you can use the net to do it. You end up in a fight with 2 dwarves. Also, you can try to use it on the guard when escaping from the Redeye prison. But since it doesn't cover his eyes, it doesn't work and you die.
Hopefully someone is still looking at this thread! Does anyone know how to get the Curse of Lorag? (ie, he becomes your 'god').
One simply refuses to use the magic of the gate to save Kharé from the goblins. Lorag's ghost is enraged, and since he has no reason to stay, he decides to become your malevolent guardian spirit.
Lord Shinva's house What dialogue options tells the plague victim outside lord Shinva's house to remove her infested cloak? Is there any combination of spells cast outside the house and/or dialogue options that will get one past the ogre red-eye? Or gain one anything?
Slangg Am I alone in thinking that the old one-armed man might be Slangg? I know we meet a young guy who calls himself that, but the old man seems far more malicious.
Charcoal Is the half-burnt facemask in the burned building the only thing that will work to make a rubbing in the necropolis? Can charcoal be obtained any other place?
New Game Plus? Sorry to be posting here after such a dry period, but does anyone know what's possible in NG+ that wasn't before? I have a Spoiler ring of Green Metal and the Spoiler Jeweled Medallion from S1, but as far as I know those were the only real changes. I was wondering if any significant opportunities were opened now, like Spoiler visiting the Gardens or taking over Vik's Ship with Thomas but not getting all your papers ruined?
Yes, there is at least one significant addition to Sorcery 2 in New Game Plus which involves an item you can pick up in Sorcery 1 New Game Plus: Spoiler With the green ring from the Goblin Caves you can now cast ZIP from the ruined house in the Fallen Quarter to teleport over to the Gardens of Briar. If you've been following the story you'll find a clue here to the biggest secret in New Game Plus, which plays out during Sorcery 3