If its any consolation, I have an iPad, not a Phone/Touch! And precisely why is my complaint ridiculous?
I played this exact same game on my Nokia N72 some years ago. Sega really worked hard. Its fun though.
I played a little of this last night. Overall it's pretty decent for tilt based jumping game. I still like Sonic and his other animal friends. I like hearing the little familiar sound effects and seeing the various influences from past Sonic games. This won't set the world on fire for gameplay... but it's a nice side adventure for Sonic & Friends.
Yup I read this is an iOS blog, they said its the first decent gift lol. Anyway very decent game, will try on my iPhone later because tilt games on the iPad are terrible to play.
I dont normally agree with defred but i'm not enjoying Sonic Jump at all due to tilt only controls I dont mind doodle jump style games, (Love Goat Up) but i cant believe theres not a choice for touch controls. I'm still stunned when so many games come out with just one control option, surely if devs add more control options then that attracts more people. Seen way too many games come out with some wacky control scheme, that fails so no sales and then an update adds an option for touch screen controls. I know with the name Sonic in the title it'll probably have tons of downloads but still weird theres no option for touch controls
more levels! seriously when are there coming more levels? ive been waiting for weeks now and i really want to continue the game
When is the update coming out! been waiting for over a half freaking year, i want to be able to continue the game but i cant because the last stage isnt there yet