Hey gang, I wasn't going to make this public for a little while, but given SEGA's latest blog post, and their upcoming discussions on wednesday it's time for some guerilla marketing! Recently, I've been in contact with SEGA in regards to doing an enhanced port of Sonic CD for the iPhone. I put together a proof of concept demo and video demonstrating the game fully functional on Apple's iDevice http://www.christianwhitehead.com/soniccd/view.html The question is, do YOU want it? Let SEGA know. This is more than just one of their crappy emulator ports, we're talking iPhone exclusive enhancements and features (I've got some cool plans) Discuss
uh, yeah. keep the soundtrack intact, include several options for controls, and keep the entire game lag free, and you have a winner. then do Knuckles Chaotix after.
The great thing about the iPhone, is that if there's only one soundtrack, you can use your own music to play the other
Everyone Digg this: http://digg.com/apple/Unofficial_Sonic_CD_iPhone_Port_Revealed_Runs_60FPS and re-tweet this: http://twitter.com/toucharcade/statuses/2885883139 Let's make as much noise as possible, this game has to see the light of day.
It would be awesome if Sega would actually port this to the iPhone. But, Sega being the money monger it is, they won't because if they did, they wouldn't be able to take credit for it and they would have to split some portion of the profits with the developer. I don't think they want to do that and they probably have the mindset that "It's our game. A SEGA game. People are still gonna buy it no matter what. So why should we split our profits with an independent developer when we could have all the profits." That's my opinion anyway.
Which is why we need to make as much noise about this game as possible. If suddenly Sega's "What should we make next?" turns in to overwhelming support for this Sonic CD proof of concept it's not like they can easily ignore their fans, especially after asking for fan input.
Wow, I remember posting about wanting a Sonic CD port a while back. I can die peacefully if this classic succeeds in doing so officially.
Kudos to you Christian, your Retro Gaming Engine is amazing. I hope Sega are open minded enough to embrace the possibilities, at the moment I have no interest in their current half-arsed shoddy ports but would pay top dollar for retro releases of this quality.
definitely interested in your testing, how does it perform on an older 1st gen ipod touch? the current sonic app is only adequate at best. laggy and jerky.
@Christian: This looks incredible. How are you handling the difference in vertical resolution? Your port doesn't seem to suffer from obvious scaling issues (that I can tell, anyway), even though the iPhone's vertical res (in landscape) isn't a multiple of the Genesis'/Mega Drive's.