Universal Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (By SEGA)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by iANiMeX, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. SumoSpartan

    SumoSpartan Member

    Jan 2, 2014
    Game Designer
    hehe, thanks, and no problem - I know the default reaction whenever the words "IAP" and "Microtransaction" are mentioned, I have the same reaction to them too!

    But we've tried to take a very serious and reasonable look at it, and we see it more as "If you want to just skip playing it, thats fine to go pay a small fee to do that." it's certainly not "you've paid money, and now unless you continue to pay money, you won't be playing the game"...which is how other apps have done it, and given IAP/Microtransations a bad reputation. There's always ways to earn in the in-game currency by playing the game so you never hit a hard paywall, and the free entry events mean you'll never be stopped from playing the game any time you like or for as long as you like.

    Not sure on that one, I'll go poke some production type people and see if I can find out more.
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    And also about touch screen controls ?

    Everyone keeps ignoring that question like i'm asking for naked pictures of their wife or something !

    Just want to know what the touch screen controls are like as the older Sonic Racing game had a slider, is this one left/right or a slider or a joystick etc ?
  3. Capricornman

    Capricornman Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2011
    Yes I'd like to know also what the controls are like in more depth
  4. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Yeah, it's rather unfortunate that the slightest mention of IAPs gets everyone so worked up, especially when it's part of the first impressions in a thread. I, myself, despised IAPs and freemium games when they started picking up steam, but I've learnt to accept them over time, because we're beyond spoilt by getting games for a dollar to 5 bucks. People need to make a living and hey, if it has to be through IAPs, then so be it...as long as they're not trying to stick their hand in my wallet. ;)

    Now that there's proof for everyone to see that there are no paywalls in the game, I am seriously asking folks in this thread to lay off the IAP discussion. It's unfair that every single thread in this forum ends up the same way.

    Oh, and haha...apologies to the members of the production team who get poked because of me. :p
  5. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    My son has just played and it's a virtual analogue joystick. He moved straight to tilt as young people seem to like that.
  6. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Wish the controls were like ridge racer , this analog is nice but could be a bit more responsive. Other than that, I like the game a lot. Haven't boughten the VIP package, just got the app itself. It's a fun little racer...

    Jet car stunt 2 is fun but this is a lot less frustrating :)
  7. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    #127 awp69, Jan 2, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
    Asked this earlier, but anyone have tips on the drift events? They're driving me nuts and can't stand them. Wish there was a way I skip them TBH.

    Oh, and while I generally agree with the fact that the IAPs are "shortcuts", when I continued to lose the drift race, it said something like "if you're having trouble with drift events, try using the B.D. Joe character". And guess what, he's locked and says you can unlock him through the World Tour. If I can't get past the drift event, I can't get through the World Tour to unlock him! So if I suck at one type of event - drifting - then there essentially is a paywall. I tried the event like 30 times and closest I got was 3 gates left.

    I'm not going to pay $10 for one character that I need. And there's no way to grind to get him. If you truly want the IAPs to be optional, you should make character unlocks all by rings or something that can be grinded for through gameplay. That message about using BD was essentially a ploy to try to get you to buy IAPs.

    I understand the theory behind what was attempted as far as shortcut IAPs but not so sure about their execution as far as being fair. I mean this is just the FIRST drift event. I came in first in every event prior. So it's not like I was far into the game where the difficulty scaled.

    And how is a $10 IAP considered a "small fee" to skip something.

    MC - I mean no offense to you as I bought the game with the same thoughts in mind - but you can't put complete blinders on when IAPs are rather high and, at least in my case, impossible to grind around.
  8. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Just played some more, seriously loving this game. Oh and those drift missions are so easy to the person above me. When you drift, use the analog stick and if your drifting to the left make sure to turn the analog to the right , some practice and you'll be able to hit every drift line like I do in the challenges.

    This most def out beats angry birds go in every aspect. Very pleased with this game. Think I'll unlock the whole game for the 9$ later on :)
  9. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Decided to make a video of myself playing with the touch controls. I'd do a video playing with the tilt ones but I don't have a tripod for my iPhone. As you can see in my video I was just sitting my iPhone on some boxes for leverage to record lol.

    Hope this helps anyone looking for more info about controls.

  10. Capricornman

    Capricornman Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2011
    Thanks for the video. Looks like it controls quite well
    Much appreciated!
  11. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Thankyou, really appreciate that. Due to your video i'll probably get this later for sure. Wish devs would include things like this in videos for upcoming games
  12. korkidog

    korkidog Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 12, 2012
    5 dollars PLUS IAP??? I'll stick with the version I bought on a Steam sale for 10 bucks and no IAP.
  13. awp69

    awp69 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Greenville, SC
    I'll keep trying but what is making it hard for me is that you can't seem to steer mid-drift and it seems like every other racer I've played does allow for that.

    So if you steer left to drift into the line but start to come out of the green zone, you can't correct by steering. You have to stop drifting, steer and drift again, and by that point I'm already past that drift zone.
  14. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Did you read the person from Sega's post back on Page 12? He clearly explains everything quite well. Also the IAP's are optional, not necessary.
  15. thebeat07

    thebeat07 Active Member

    Nov 22, 2013
    $10 for a game when i can pretty much get this full version for $5 on playstation 3..
  16. chief78

    chief78 Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2012
    Zeiusion is trying to say counter turn from the drift. You'll be sideways but you don't "turn" in a drift....the term implies that...try to go into the turn at an angle that when u start to drift, your trajectory will shoot u sideways in that line. If your going right, u should be steering left to keep the drift going. If your going left, steer right. There will be points where u find yourself going back and forth on the steering to keep ur trajectory path.
    I hope this helps. When it comes to drifting, sometimes trial and error gets u that one good drift and all of a sudden it just makes sense ;)
  17. SumoSpartan

    SumoSpartan Member

    Jan 2, 2014
    Game Designer
    Sounds like you're trying to do switch-drifting - to explain in detail for example:

    If youre steering left and hold drift, you'll start drifting left, you can counter-steer by steering right (a.k.a opposite lock, like rally drivers do - still holding drift)... now, if you want to switch to drifting RIGHT, you're already steering right (because you're countersteering the drift direction) so let go of the drift button and press and hold drift again quickly - it's a bit of an advanced technique, and it's been in all the previous versions of SART too.

    I actually find it easier to switch-drift in mobile than on the console versions.

    To break it down even more:

    1. 1. Steer (e.g. steer left)
    2. 2. Hold drift button
    3. 3. You'll now be drifting in a direction!
    4. 4. Countersteer to control the drift angle (e.g. steer right)
    5. 5. Now you can either:

      a. Let go of drift to use any boost charge you built up.


      b. Switch drift direction by releasing the drift button then holding it again *quickly* as you countersteer. (e.g. let go then hold drift, while you're steering right, and now you'll be drifting right)

    Hope that helps!

    Oh and if any of you want to add me on Game Center its: Pr0gen (yep that's a zero), and on facebook pm me on here first.
  18. sweetdiss

    sweetdiss Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Except this is $5, too. Who is forcing you to buy the IAP?
  19. xxteargodxx

    xxteargodxx Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Well if you would prefer to play on PS3 then sure go right ahead, more power to you. Five bucks is a good price for the full game if you prefer to play it on a console.

    I think when you compare this price to other prices it's still a good deal you cannot deny it.

    Amazon Prices
    3DS - $49.99
    Playstation 3 - $39.99
    Wii U - $39.90
    Xbox 360 - $22.75
    PC - $4.99
    Vita - Not Available.

    GameStop Prices
    Wii U - $39.99
    Playstation 3 - $39.99
    Xbox 360 - $39.99
    Vita - $29.99
    3DS - $29.99
    PC - $9.99

    Steam Price - $9.99
  20. LeafEricsson

    LeafEricsson Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    So is it as good as MarioKart or not? I'm curious to know. Also how are the graphics/production values?

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