I'm... I'm... No words come to describe my happiness. One of the first games I had on my iPod, and it lives until today!
I do not like the look of the update text. Game is now ad supported (with an ad-removal IAP), but... You are not ad-free for buying the game before the update (except that's actually doable now, so why didn't they do that?)... Strangely enough, you are ad-free if you previously bought one of several specific IAP that are now free, but Bribe Destiny was not listed there. What? Unless their odd word choice of being able to "tweak Bribe Destiny on" means "buy it"... and then does it come with ad-removal? I got Bribe Destiny before... Am I going to have ads? #
Watch out - it has forced ads now. 3.99 to remove them, but if you buy IAP before you update it'll remove the ads and cost 0.99.
I paid for the app previously, but when I click the "no ads" button it gives me the option to buy for $3.99 instead of saying that I already own it. Although I haven't seen an ad yet and I've been through the intro screen, options menu, intro phase and a quarter of the way into the first level of the dungeon. If I didn't already have no ads, would I have seen one by now? I did the restore purchases step at the options screen part of the above procession.
I paid for the app previously (well, I'm pretty sure I did - according to App Shopper it was free over Christmas 2010, but I think I had it before that, I think it was one of the first games I got on my iPhone 4, which I got that summer) but I'm getting forced ads between some levels.
I haven't seen ANY forced ads whatsoever. It's been a smooth, premium, experience for me and I haven't purchased anything after the update today. iPhone 6s+ running iOS 10.3.3 I do love the unforced opt in ads for coins. Those are my choice to watch. Billy
I was wondering this too...if not, are there any plans to add cloud saving? I want to continue playing on different devices.
I *believe* the game just checks to see if you've purchased a non-consumable IAP in the previous version, and if you have then it doesn't enable the ads at all. Which is different than you getting the new ad-removal IAP option in the new version, so I'm pretty sure if you tried to buy that even if you were an IAP-purchasing previous owner it would still charge you.
Strange, I just used the key for the fourth time and now I'm getting ads. Should have knocked on wood.
Not money, because restore IAP doesn't work with consumable IAP. However it might not make a difference anyway - I had the different wizards and have done restore purchases and am still getting ads. But it's possible the wizard IAP was free at one point or something, maybe I have it from that?
I'm thrilled to see this get an update. I had bought the game and non-consumable iaps and the restore purchases worked for me. This game has never left my devices since release and I find it very replayable.
Bugger. The latest patch put two big black lines on the top and bottom on my iPad Pro 12.9". Now the controls are almost in the middle of the screen. It was a heap better before. ☹️