It has hit points... just keep slamming it until it's down, then hit him as many times as you can before he can put it back up. When possible, him him with ring of fire right when the shield goes down, that causes him to slow down a little bit for a couple seconds and you can get an extra bolt or two in.
You would think apple would want to rush through just a popular title in their appstore?!?! Their sooooo flakey with this approval process. Based on your experience, can the status go to in review to approved in one day? (fingers crossed) lol
Awesome. Thanks for the tips. Another question. I noticed you mentioned a new boss, is the final boss in the current version going to remain and a new boss will be appearing on the "new" last level or will the final boss now be bumped to the new final level and the new boss be tossed to an earlier floor? Damn that sounds confusing, hope you know what I mean.
There's a new boss before Solomon. Now it goes "Charles the Hammer" -> "Bone Baddy" -> "Monculus" -> "Solomon Dark"
Here's hoping that happens today! ***What day of the week does Apple release Appstore updates??? I've read Tuesdays or Thursdays but I can't remember which one.
On the endless mode: Honestly in 2.0, your character can go up and up. There's now 3 bosses and 13 floors, and 3 difficulties to go through with. There's a LOT of play-time involved. I personally think BOTH would be great! 6 weeks or so isn't too long to wait! Short of that, a new character class is my personal vote, having played through 2.0 quite a bit so far. It really adds so much more longevity and playability as it is.
Thanks for a great and fun game. This is the first app that I had to buy. And it is worth every penny. Can't wait for v2. Couple of things. Firstly, the wizard selling the items does not refresh his items throughout the whole game. Can you shuffle them after couple of floors? Same for the wizard selling the skills. Also, can we add some level grinding? So when you die, you keep the experience and the gold but not the items? Or you pay gold to keep experience. So that if you are stuck at a level, there is still hope to lvl up and make it to the next floor. Having random skills on every level up means that you won't lvl up the way you wanted to. I ended up a few times with a powerfull attack but not enough mana regen etc. Kept dying a lot till I eventually lvl up. IMO instead of going for endless floors, go for more classes. You can replay the game with the same or increased difficulty. So new classes will add more depth to gameplay. Next should be more enemies, spells, items, more floors etc. Maybe a whole new solomon's keep - Solomon's Adventures anyone???
Apple has it out for us... All I got yesterday was a doodle jump update. I was thrilled untill I realized it wasn't a solomon's keep update =/
Me too!! I've been checking like five times a day. Last night at midnight, I got four updates. None of them were for SK.
Hey! I haven't been unlurked long enough to welcome ya, but hey, what the heck: welcome! One of the upcoming (possibly the next) update after 2.0 will feature what sounds like a cleverly implemented area for grinding. I'm not sure I totally understand the method you're proposing...but the grinding being added sounds like it's basically a level of endlessly spawning monsters.
It appears that 2.0 is live and ready for sale now! Happy playing! And if you do encounter a problem, please visit and drop an e-mail, that helps us get errors into an actual database instead of hoping I see them here. That way they can be fixed when the Graveyard Grind comes out. --John
I got the e-mail saying it was ready for sale... my iTunes app management says it's out... so it's probably just an issue of severs updating. Price isn't going up until Lite is out, though... Lite isn't approved yet.