Well, that's not so much a glitch as it is as the game acting as designed in a way that needs to be tweaked a little. * * * What's with all the howling over in-app purchases? Earlier in the thread, I thought I was going to have to make the other character classes unique apps in their own right, and it was as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I did manage to move memory around enough that I could make the archer and warlord character classes simply in-app purchases. I would *rather* make them apps in their own right, that's easier, however the outcry was so vehement that I reconsidered.
Maybe you should reconsider reconsidering? On a serious note however you should go with the majority when it comes to these things so I support the DLC. I take it that though these new characters will come with their new set of skills. Also how will this affect the story?( Particularly the introduction?)
Anyway, I will still get the new characters, in-app or in another app, if it's only 0.99$ either way... I'd go with what will run the smoothest and what makes it better for the game's gameplay (item sharing, class-specific items, etc.)
It won't be so bad in 4.0 with folders, but for the time being we're limited in the number of apps visible on the device at once. I'd hate to have to find stuff to delete or hide in order to make room for multiple versions of the same game. I'll be buying them either way though.
Bought this game a couple days ago, and I have played through it two and a half times so far, and I love it. I can see it getting boring soon, but great value for $1, and it looks like there will be good updates. I was reading back a few pages and there was a discussion about lightning as your main skill and also about running out of mana and stuff. My second time through I used lightning, and although at the beginning it was kind of hard, but after that it was easy. The guy at the beginning let me increase Battle Mage and Channel Mana, and the bosses gave me decent equips, so I spent most of my money upgrading those. I struggled in the beginning with running out of mana before I got enough point in those. I can't remember exactly, but I ended up with my skills as like 7 in lightning, 2 arcing, 1 stun, and I also wore a +1 damage ring, so I did a lot of damage. Even though I only had 2 arcing, since I did so much damage mobs were no problem. By the end of the game also, it costs no MP for my to use lightning, due to my high Channel Mana and Battle Mage levels (I don't know exactly what they were). So yeah, defeating Solomon was super easy. The first time through, I used Magic Missiles, and it was a lot harder, but I don't know if that's because it was my first time through or the skills/items. Now I'm using Fireball and it's working pretty well. My only problem is that when I first put my finger down to shoot, it is hard to aim (just that first shot). Also, I don't know if this was mention before, but I didn't see it in the last couple pages, but the second boss (the dragon thing) is really easy. You can just stand off to the side and it can't hit you. Seems like a mistake to me so I thought I would point it out.
Yes, they'll each have their own skill tree. It's not as likely that the non-magic guys (Rogue and Warlord) will have quite as fleshed out skill trees as the mage, though, since magic is, well, magic, and offers infinite possibilities. So, the rogue will have a fair amount of usable skills, but the warlord's skills so far are mostly passive, since he's just a musclehead. I don't want to go the Diablo 2 route of making every non-magical character basically a "battle mage." Non magical characters will have non-magical skills. And they'll each have a story of their own. For instance, the rogue will be told that the wizards lost one of their students in the tower, and would he like a contract to remove Solomon Dark. The best part is, you'll have to fight undead versions of the other characters at some point. Solomon doesn't leave dead bodies just laying around! And my current plan is to make you have to fight whatever state your, say, mage character was when he first died. So if you play Sirius and you die for the first time on floor 4, with skill level 10, then if you later go and play the rogue, you will encounter, on floor 4, undead Sirius with all the mage skills he had at time of death. Should be kinda interesting.
Will the Warlord and Rogue have mana? If you don't want them to sound like mages then you can call it stamina. Also, I hope you can think of attack skills, as they make it a lot more fun. Does the Warlord use a sword? You can have him do a large swing or something as a mobbing move. Stuff like that.
Honestly, I agree with iVaro somewhat and I also disagree. First off, I want to say that whenever you provide additional content, I'd love to be able to buy it instead of riding in on it for free if you raised the app price. That's not fair to you in my opinion. That being said, I think that by far the cleanest method is to have it all located in one app. Also, DLC components in an interface drive me crazy. It feels like the whole game is suddenly cheap and trying to steal my money. If there were some way to make the DLC button either completely disappear after you have bought all available DLC, or to make it extremely unobtrusive, I'd be fine with DLC. Also, separate apps is not a very good idea at all in my opinion.
The current theory is to simply have a "choose your character" screen, indicating which ones you have bought or haven't. Selecting one you don't own will invoke in-app purchasing. Meanwhile we just update the app with new characters whenever we want to, and hook them up to purchasing. I'd like it to be as noninvasive as possible, both in code and in operation. Gonna try the concept with Hoggy's Lost Levels first, after SK 2.0 is out.
This game rocks! I personally think that each different char should have it's own game, like was originally planned. Things are more organized that way. And the chars are going to have different worlds right? If so, then yea, different games ftw ^^
I love this game! I find myself playing it over and over again. I'll definitely support any dlc you guys put out. Congrats on making an incredibly entertaining game.
I haven't given SK any time since I got my iPad. I miss it @Raptisoft - I bet you've been asked this before and maybe there is an answer in these pages but could you tell me if there are any plans for an iPad version? Going back to my tiny 3G screen and processor/RAM is hard to do.
Raptisoft just remember a good chunk of people that give you advise on these forums are other game developers, I'm sure they want you to be successful choose your path wisely.
I love this game, and I will support DLC, but I do not like the idea of a seperate app, I have around 200 apps or so, but I only keep around 16 or so at a time, and TBH you would lose my fanbase if you added seperate apps for DLC, I wouldent mind buying it from the app (of course) How many characters are you adding? Also will you be adding new weapons?
game mechanics I have a few questions about game mechanics: 1) When you continue to use a main spell while out of mana, what abilities or items are affecting them? (ex: how much damage does lightning do when out of mana? And does a +1 dmg item add to it?) 2) What advantage does Acid Rain have over Ring of Fire? 3) Is it my imagination, or does Mana Shield rarely show up? 4) Does increased casting speed affect all three main spells? Does it affect other spells in any way? 5) Why is there a delay on getting off a Ring of Fire in a crowded room? 6) Is there an in-game way to reset your current saved game? Or do you have to restart the game to get to that button in the settings menu? 7) Does getting lvl 1 more missiles or chaining double the cost of the spell, in addition to the stated +mana from the skill? (that is, are you paying for each missile fired, plus the skill premium, or just the skill premium?)
Yes, but it'll be a while. What I'm essentially going to do is a Windows/Mac/iPad version which is greatly expanded, and more like a larger RPG. SK is only 10 floors because it's supposed to be portable. The expanded one will have quests and things, and give you a chance to explore the nearby countryside and grind and all that good stuff. BTW, the iPhone one really works pretty well on the iPad, I've got one here.