Universal Solomon's Boneyard (by Raptisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gabrien, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. lefrisbee

    lefrisbee Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    I get consistently higher scores with the lightning wizard than with the ice wizard. I agree that the lightning and ice wizards are significantly better than the other two starter wizards, but that's not necessarily a problem. It is literally impossible for the developer to balance them perfectly, and I don't think that that should even be a goal. If you look at the high scores list, it specifies what character you used. Thus, if someone uses the MM wizard and gets a really high score, that's just as impressive as using the ice wizard to get the same score.

    I do think that the ice wizard is way higher than every other wizard in the amount of fun it is to use him. I play the ice wizard in about 3/4 of the games i play.
  2. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Thanks Sporkie!

    THE_BOSS Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    I have an idea... Solomon as a super secret character whose blasts of darkness can go through enemies!
  4. Lan

    Lan Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2010
    I have to say, this game is incredible. I find the streamlined experience much more addictive than SK and I am more willing to try out new spells/abilities. After giving each base mage a fair shake I've only been able to break top 10 in Sirmin and Aliss.

    Is it possible to detail the spell welding (i.e. damage, mana cost, additional effects, etc)?
  5. nightbeaver

    nightbeaver Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    a good way to avoid the poison arrows is to level up the rush ability. i feel that many people overlook this ability but being able to run fast in this game is extremely useful. you can out dodge the majority of the arrows fired at you and take out archers quickly before there are too many for you to deal with. the problem with this strategy is the zombies. while running around real fast it is very easy to run right into a pack of zombies if your not paying attention. you also gotta watch out for the shielded mages.
  6. weedeatinflyincougar

    weedeatinflyincougar Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    How about a mode where you play as solomon fighting endless waves of wizards?
  7. -Saturos-

    -Saturos- Member

    May 9, 2010
    I dont get how you can score high scores with the lightning archer.. i get to almost 2000 now with fire or ice mage but the others seem so increadible weak especially the lightning one..
    Can you tell me how you build him?
    I most of the time spend points on chaining life up mana channeling but most of the time no dmg becaue your out of mana in 3 seconds if you build it too hiigh..
    Thats why i need like 20 seconds of constant fireing on a zombie to kill him.

    It just feels like the true aoe abilitys (like ice and fire) are much stronger :/
    Maybe a little buff would be good for ice and magic missles so that chaining / more missles gives you 2/4/6 chains/missles instead of 1/2/3 or something in that direction if its too strong.

    To Raptisoft: I dont think its the poison that kills you. Its the sheer amount of arrows (do they hurt more than normal arrows?) + the poison if you have no resistance because you were unlucky with rings / shields. I was a bit fast with saying they are too overpowered because you CAN get through them as mentioned above but i still think they are the wave i fear the most..
    And yes its easy with morth to blow them away but i think hes the most powerful mage anyway :p
  8. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    i've found welding is pretty useless as it takes so much mana and leveling up. it may have worked in SK but here it's just so much simpler to use a pure build. the only reason i got so far with vorpus is cus of his mage shield. i hardly even used his welding attack cus it was so mana consuming. oh well, the money (99 cents for 10000 coins) was well spent as i got all 3 of john's games for free; it was the least i could do.

    THE_BOSS Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    Maybe but it would get really hard to avoid the attacks though
  10. Uberblake

    Uberblake Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    I'm best with the ice dude...also is there a way to get money super fast? I've been playing for a long time (even though I only got it today) and I only have 2000 coins. And I'm not willing to buy the dlc ;)
  11. weedeatinflyincougar

    weedeatinflyincougar Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2009
    The only way I've found is to get the extra magic rings perk and hope that you get a '+100% Gold' ring in the next game.
  12. Uberblake

    Uberblake Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    Who here's gotten the honor the dead achievement? (me!):D
  13. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    When you get that thing where there's a few zombies out and nothing else, it's not too bad.
  14. Uberblake

    Uberblake Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    Crap. Accidently bought something for 2000....hopefully the rings will help me get more money!:eek:
  15. malohkan

    malohkan Active Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    The plot explanation could be that Solomon travels to an alternate universe do to an accident meddling with space-time magic. Finding himself stuck here, he wants to kill the other Solomon to take his place as rightful Mr Baddy.

    But of course, he's gonna lose, because the resident Solomon already has his undead legion set up :)

    Voila, drop that line in place, and you can swap in an extra Solomon playable character with no complaints about why he's fighting in Solomon's Boneyard!

    Then of course you'd need to balance new spells... might be tricky for that part!
  16. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    So what perks are people using? I was thinking of aiming for Battle Mage/Telekinesis/+2 Stats, but I need a lot more money to get there. Also, I'm not sure if Telekinesis can actually be upgraded.
  17. Krollx

    Krollx Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    I've unlocked all the characters, got +1 battle mage, +2 magic rings, +1 perk slot and now working on the +2 stats (without the 10k dlc).

    I'm not sure if telekineses can be ungraded, but it is hell usefull in picking up gold and orbs.
  18. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    i choose creativity, plus two potions and am saving up for plus two skills.
  19. iVaro

    iVaro Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    I like to use battle mage plus 2 skills plus 2 rings, normally works well :)
  20. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    I use creativity and an extra secondary spell. Right now I am 200 gold away from getting the 3rd perk slot.

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