Universal Solomon's Boneyard (by Raptisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gabrien, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Sweet! can't wait for the Ice Powers, will defenitely buy them :) yeah that makes sense with the healing spell, it also makes the game more challenging which is a good thing.
  2. Raptisoft

    Raptisoft Well-Known Member

    So I'm reading this thread about the difficulty of the poison archers, and as I am tweaking an update right now, I have a few questions:

    1. Are you sure it's poison killing you, and not just being hit by a lot of arrows? Poison is pretty darn weak in Boneyard, and even so, you can get a resist poison skill to cut it even further.

    2. With Morth, are you upgrading Chill Wind? Chill Wind blows arrows away... having a large Cone of Frost and sufficient Chill Wind will basically make you laugh arrows off.

    3. Are you using Magic Shield at all? Magic Shield should give you more reaction time to the arrows.

    4. Magic Circle, upgraded sufficiently, throws everything into slow motion within it, including arrows...

    I do need the game to get too hard eventually (it's a high score shooter, and Solomon Wins, man, there's a sequel) but there should be, more or less, spell counters to all kinds of "piss you off" behaviors in the skill system... in a way this works like Starcraft or something, where each type of challenge has a somewhat specific counter attack. Zombies bugging you? Lightning + Stun is a good counter. Too many arrows? Chill Wind or Magic Circle. Mobs in your face? Ring of Fire. Too many carriers? Use scourges.

    So I want to double check that there's an actual "difficulty" wall, and it's not just an issue of someone who upgraded only one spell and never mixed up their playstyle to include the counters.
  3. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Hey John,

    While I love the idea of the "Awesomeness Score" in SK, I think it should factor in a few additional aspects.

    -Time Taken (Shiren the Wanderer had an interesting way of handling this with a counting down temporal bonus given for the first time each level was entered...take too long on a level and you'll miss out on that level's bonus points). Also since a character can simply warp back to town at any point, this bonus for a level is completely canceled out if they warp out (encouraging more climbing without visits back to town for bigger scores).

    -Trips taken back to town. To me this is almost as bad as dying since being able to warp back to town at will for near infinite healing is a really powerful crutch (so a trip back to town might count into the equation as about 1/2 a death).
  4. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    I think the difficulty level is fine, I don't have any problem with poison, and since my favorite person to play is Morth I don't have many problems with arrows. The one thing I still think would be cool is to have the wave 20 (or so) save thing that I mentioned earlier, if you choose that, then when you start you level up a bunch of times, allowing people to test out different setups without going through all the lower waves.
  5. lefrisbee

    lefrisbee Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    I don't like this idea.

    And I also have no problem with the poison arrows. I've died on them once or twice, but I've also gotten through them. I think the difficulty ramp doesn't really need tweaking.

    Also, I should mention that I haven't played enough to accumulate the good perks so the game should get even a little easier when I start off with +2 to skills and random rings and whatnot.
  6. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Yeah, I guess I can see how it could be a good or bad thing, although it would be up to the person playing the game.
  7. Epox

    Epox Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    I just beat Solomon's Keep. Worth the money!!!!!!! Time to start this game, who should i use.
  8. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Tough call, they all seem to have unique advantages and weaknesses based on style of play.

    How did you beat SK? Did you have a favorite spell or combo in SK?
  9. Raptisoft

    Raptisoft Well-Known Member

    Oh, yeah, I'm putting together a whole awesomeness formula-- trips to town was going to be one of them, as well as how much you're worth when you kill Solomon (gold + value of items) but I didn't want to factor time into it because I hate rushing through games. :)

    I'll have to check out Shiren the Wanderer, maybe I'll get some ideas.
  10. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    It is a great example of a brutal and yet streamlined roguelike which I know has served as a big influence to both 100 Rogues and Chronosoft's upcoming Mineko.

    Fair enough, if willing to factor in town trips you could lose time.

    I'm not a fan of rushing myself but hate the idea of camping. Monsters don't regenerate on a level in SK do they? Hopefully not as I really think players should be forced to keep climbing if they want more treasure and exps. Staying in an early level for easy kills and endless experience can't be tolerated (and hopefully isn't an issue here).

    How would your worth when you kill Solomon factor in? I'd almost think there might be incentive to use this value "inversely" if that makes sense.

    Which is more awesome, the 30th level wizard with all of the best gear wiping out Solomon or some spunky 10th level guy with gear taken right out of the local Good Will shop for $5?
  11. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    It seems that poison is the issue. I was using Magic Shield level 3 and within 10 seconds of a wave starting I had 0 HP from poison archers. The entire wave was at least 50 or more poison archers at the start. I understand that it has to end, but that seems like overkill. Poison has been nerfed a lot from Keep, but in large numbers it still seems too powerful. Maybe Magic Shield should stop poison arrows from poisoning you? It makes sense seeing as they have to make physical contact to poison. Other than that, the difficulty is fine.
  12. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    #152 Osmiral, Sep 10, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2010
    I just had an awesome game, I had a score of 2123, and was finally killed by like 20 lighting mages (just couldn't get to them fast enough and my magic shield just didn't hold out :( but man it was awesome blasting them with ice, I had upgraded the ice wave thingy so I had a 140 degree ice blast, with like 6 damage and a faster casting ring on so I don't know how much damage a second. that and a magic shield made for a very epic game, waves 33-35 were fought with no health, and only a magic shield keeping me alive.

    EDIT: I'm way to addicted to this game, I bought it this morning and have already played over 4 hours (253 minutes to be exact).
  13. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Mine does not have a DLC option and I can play as any of the four wizards. :confused:
  14. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Okay, another few hours of playing under my belt...still a fantastic game!

    That said: less projectiles! More damage per projectile! The rain of arrows thing is, imo, ludicrous if you don't have, or are unable to acquire, a "counter" to it, as you suggest.

    Another thought: if the arrows were the tiniest bit slower, that could also inject a bit more tactical play, as you would again be able to dodge them, a la a bullet-hell style shooter.

    As it is, magic circle and the ice wizard seem (at least, to me) to be significant advantages.

    Also: I found that the 'counter' to zombies of using Stun either isn't a 'hard' enough counter, or isn't all that worthwhile. In SK, you can get Stun up to a level range (without sacrificing precious other skill choices) where it's quite effective against zombies and friends.

    In SB, though it may be intended as a counter, I'm finding +dmg to be a more effective counter. Lightning takes FOREVER to kill those guys. In SK, you could often use the architecture of the castle to train zombies effectively, so the time they took to kill was well-balanced. Stun helped in that case.

    Another thing I feel strongly about (but that you're unlikely to agree with!) is the difficulty in finding and picking up coins.

    I understand why gold is so slow in coming. As irritating as it is :) it's understandable given the DLC model. But does it have to be so darn hard to pick up? That always bothered me a tiny bit in SK, mostly because it's needless thumb abuse. You have to really do a lot of thumb-wrenching to pick every coin from between chests and such, but at least you could see them all. Now, there's a similar amount of thumb-strain, but the coins are also often hidden or just plain hard to see for people with deteriorating eyesight.

    I would LOVE to see the Telekinesis ability (for coins only) become a universal static addition to all characters. If for no other reason than that it puts less physical strain on your thumbs and eyes. I'd rather be able to play MORE SB and SK for longer, than to bask in the pure gaming joy that is couch-diving for pocket change. :)
  15. Raptisoft

    Raptisoft Well-Known Member

    It's a buyable perk!
  16. TheSporkWithin

    TheSporkWithin Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2010
    College student, studying English/Japanese lit.
    The "DLC" isn't really DLC. If you go in the perk list and scroll all the way right you can buy 10,000 gold. There are also three additional wizards you can purchase in the perk shop, and the total cost for all three is 8,000 gold, iirc. So a lot of people are buying the 10,000 gold for 99 cents, and then using that gold to unlock the three extra wizards.
  17. sidewinder12s

    sidewinder12s Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    Damn, I wish I had money in my account.
  18. KushyKush

    KushyKush Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Los Angeles
    IMO every wizard except the ice wizard is underpowered. I wasted 99c unlocking the other wizards
  19. Stormhide27

    Stormhide27 Active Member

    May 12, 2010
    Could someone please tell me all the abilities of the 3 other characters please
  20. Raptisoft

    Raptisoft Well-Known Member

    The other three each start with two primary skills (i.e. Magic Missile and Fireball) and every five levels can weld their two spells together to make a new combo spell (i.e. fireballs that explode, but are guided like magic missile).

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