Universal Solomon's Boneyard (by Raptisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gabrien, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    ok, so in five games, i get a high score of 1347, At which point i get killed by about 13 putrid archers?!?!?! (i counted the arrows)

    how's am i comparing to you guys?
  2. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    he's just there to mock you. :p
  3. fantomik

    fantomik Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2009
    I bought this game "blindly" to just show my support for the dev as SK was a marvelous game, but I'm sure when I'll get to play the Boneyard I'll like it.
  4. -Saturos-

    -Saturos- Member

    May 9, 2010
    Ok got to a 1700 score now.. The only way to get through the poison archers seems to be getting lucky to get the shield spell very early.. I had it at lvl 4 or something when they apeared and it protected for 200 dmg and i can cast itagain when its destroyed.. The posion alone isnt that strong the 10000 arrows hurt..

    Also anyone else thinks that the "single target" skills are very weak compared to fire / ice real aoe? The chainlightning seems to be so weak if i play with it... you just cant kill the stromger zombies unless you shoot them for 6 minutes
  5. d4bn3y

    d4bn3y New Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Please add multiplayer support for this game, or even solomon's keep. would be rad to play with a friend. :D
  6. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    #126 deadclown, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
    Fantastic job, John et al! Great game. It's polished, well-implemented, and very attractively done. (I am even more bummed I couldn't get the beta to run!)

    That said, it seems to me that some balance tweaks would be welcome. Without going into specifics: there are too many arrows and too many bodies.

    The obstacles -- in the form of trees, graves/tones etc -- go a long way to keeping the game exciting and challenging. And it's a great challenge to have to dodge and weave around skeletons and arrows.

    The problem arises when there are TOO MANY for them to be distinct obstacles anymore. The challenge of nimble-fingering your guy around a few really painful arrows or men evaporates when the arrows become a blur and the dudes become a mob.

    Inevitably, there are so many arrows and men on screen (in the 15-25 minute range) that you're no longer sparring with sharks; you're fighting the ocean.

    Poison and level scaling and frequency of level ups all aside: my big balance issue is that, to me, it's a lot more fun to be level, say, 20, and to be dodging arrows and escaping men, knowing that if either touches you, it'll tear a giant chunk out of your health bar if it doesn't mark your grave. Being whittled down by a haze of pea-shooters and dime-store skeletons is less than thrilling.

    Edit: But rather than end on that note: great job on a great game...again! Congrats~
  7. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    I had a level 3 shield and around 23 minutes in. It really wasn't that bad, until... A new wave started, and there had to have been at least 50 total poison archers all shooting at once. The entire wave was ONLY poison archers. My HP was gone almost instantly and as soon as my shield broke I died. That all happened within around 10 seconds. As long as you have a shield arrows aren't an issue, the poison is still powerful, even with resistance. If you have a shield, poison arrows shouldn't poison you. You could only be poisoned by physical contact, which your shield protects you from.
  8. Juneau

    Juneau Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    Amazing game, 5/5 ez, my fav DSS so far.
  9. nightbeaver

    nightbeaver Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    i dont know if anyone asked this already, but, is there anything special for putting flowers on all the graves?
  10. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    Putting flowers on all the graves in a single game gives you an achievement. That's all it does.
  11. lefrisbee

    lefrisbee Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    One note about this game: Magic Missile was useless to me in SK; it was weaker and less mana efficient than the other two magics. However, I tried the Magic Missile mage in SB just to try it out. There is one major advantage to using Magic Missile in SB; to find those dang zombies that hide across the map! It really stops the rhythm when gameplay stops for you to go find the last couple of baddies waiting around in the last wave, but with Magic Missile, the blue orbs always point you in the right direction.
  12. iVaro

    iVaro Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    Yeah I noticed this too, which is why I can't wait for Ice Missile!
  13. hacknslash64

    hacknslash64 Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    I've gotten 2000+ using the fire mage but it really seems to based on luck.
    I picked up the 2 magic ring perk and one game got a 90% poison resist ring and another i got a 35% and 25% damage resist ring.
  14. jakimo

    jakimo Active Member

    Dec 31, 2009
    I'm surprised no one is asking.

    How about the iPad?! A native iPad game or simply making this one Universal would be so so welcome..
  15. Raptisoft

    Raptisoft Well-Known Member

    Hi, I've been recuperating, so I haven't been checking in on this thread, but I just wanted to say that I think Boneyard is going to be baked into Solomon's Keep on the iPad, since there's so much more memory. No guarantees, I'm only in the very very very preliminary stages on it right now.
  16. araczynski

    araczynski Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
    omaha, ne
    keeping my fingers crossed!
  17. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Game Impressions

    Coming into the Solomon series kind of late but, gosh dang, I love all of Mr. Baddy's lines (is this Solomon Dark?) we hear in both games!

    They're menacing, meta-game ("Leveling up won't save you!"), and even tip their hat to classic lines of games from way back (Solomon's greeting as you enter his Keep). He also makes a point to point out when you'll be seeing a new creature type and can say it in multiple ways.

    So he's by far my favorite iPhone Arch Nemesis! :p
  18. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    I've got to say that this game is really addicting and fun! I love playing Morth The IceBinder! Is there anyway, that we'll see Ice powers in Solomons Keep? That would be so awesome! Also I think it would be awesome to maybe in and update have some type of healing spell. Oh, and it would be awesome if after you got up to a certain wave (kind of like minigore does), like 20-25 then it would allow you to like start from there with like a level 10 or whatever character (I don't know what level you are usually when you're up to those waves), that way for some people that just wanted to play a quick yet very challenging game, or for people that just wanted to test out different spell combinations, they could very easily due that. Anyway, I really hope that this game is a huge success for you!
  19. lefrisbee

    lefrisbee Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    I don't usually play endless games either, but I bought this one because I trust the developer due to the unbelievable quality of his previous games. Solomon's Boneyard is worth it. Go through and read all the pages of this thread. I'm pretty sure there is not one person that reported regret on buying the game; it's only 99 cents. Absolute worst case, you have supported a developer that provides constant support and feedback and great games for low prices.
  20. Raptisoft

    Raptisoft Well-Known Member

    Ice Powers are coming in SK 3.0... and all their associated welds. I will warn, though, that it will be an in-app purchase, because it's going to be a fair bit of work (it's not one new spell-- it's FOUR, and all associated sub-spells). Then, if I am not half mad with burnout, I'll get those welds into Boneyard too.

    I didn't put in a healing spell because I figured Sirius wasn't that kind of wizard... also, each new spell that I add reduces the odds that you'll get a spell you "want" in the random levelup... so that's touchy. The Windows version will actually be a little different than this, in that it's going to level up slightly differently (but still randomly).

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