Universal Solomon's Boneyard (by Raptisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gabrien, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    If you honor all of them you get an achievment.

    THE_BOSS Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    Is this or keep getting gamecenter. Got this game when it first came out but didn't post cause I was playing it. AWESOME GAME! Is the extended keep for mac coming to iPhone because I would gladly pay $7.99 for it.
  3. EmoneyT

    EmoneyT Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Software Engineer
    Melbourne, FL
    theres an extended keep for mac??!?!?!?!?! WHAAAAAA?! red bull all nighter time baby
  4. lefrisbee

    lefrisbee Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    I'd also like to know about Game Center support. Also, will multi-tasking and retina display ever be supported?

    THE_BOSS Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2010
    Not out yet but sounds awesome! Seeing as I don't have a mac and my computer couldn't possibly handle something that awesome I have to hope for an iPhone version :( full info on raptisoft website but you can supposedly take quests from villagers, explore grimwood, new keep design and a perk/item carry over system like boneyards perks!
  6. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Other than the achievement are there points or cash to be gained from this?
  7. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    not that I know of.
  8. -Saturos-

    -Saturos- Member

    May 9, 2010
    #228 -Saturos-, Sep 14, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2010

    Did you even get to the 3rd wave of poison archers? Even if so around 8 arrows hit you and ur dead the only character who can avoid getting hit by arrows at all is morth (as you said) and a lucky mana shield or maybe the time slow spell...
    They even outdmg a HEALING! potion if you activated it while you get hit.. Now tell me that isnt ridiculous..

    I dont think any other character is able to get through them without being extremly lucky and even with morth i wasnt able to do it yet but some ppl did as the highscores tell me... Relying on extremly rare ring combinations that might get you through isnt a very good solution either,,

    The game IS unbalanced if ONLY morth is able to get through them with specific spells. I dont want to play morth only so it shoud get balanced a bit more..
  9. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009

    Though, I think the other half the reason to play Morth is the regular arrows. They get to where it's just a constant stream of damage that's only nominally avoidable.

    Personally, instead of this stuff pointing toward a Morph nerf, I think it should point toward an arrow nerf.

    Why not:

    1) Make arrows slower
    2) Make arrows stronger but fewer
    3) Shorten archers' range

    Make telekinesis for-coins-only an implicit perk, cut the lifespan of mage balls by a few seconds...and imo the game is PERFECT!!

    ...At least, if you want to please the Deadclown demographic.
  10. yellobie

    yellobie Member

    May 11, 2010
    Played this game daily since it's release, and really like this game very much. Great job raptisoft!

    But as what the others had said, I hope this game can be improve further. I notice that I can never get past the mages level, where there are many poison, freeze and lighting mages wiv the tougher skeles. The strategy I can think of clearing this level will be with Magic Circle, but that seems impossible to get with Morth. With the other characters, getting past the poison archers level will be difficult.

    Thus these are my wishes:
    - higher probability for Morth to get Magic Circle
    - Magic Shield able to deflect physical dmg AND effect dmg (like poison)
    - able to store a few rings permanently. The fun in SK is also to collect good equipments. I so wish to keep those epic rings I saw while playing =(
    - Telekinesis be a perk that doesn't take up a slot. i.e. permanent skill

    Since SB is more of a player vs player high-score game (unlike SK), giving advantages to the players is still fair, since every player will get the same advantages. :)
  11. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    #231 Whosatm, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
    There IS a glitch. Once you reach the strong Mage wave, you ALWAYS get insta killed. With max lvl hp, full hp, lvl 4 magic shield, I died WITH shield on while using an hp potion...

    Edit: I just realized my iPod change hp to go... :/
  12. iVaro

    iVaro Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    Are you sure the arrows didn't just overpower the shield?
  13. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    No.....it's definitely a glitch! lol
  14. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    No, my shield never broke. I died with it on. When the poison hit, my maxed out hp dropped to 0 instantly and using an hp potion killed me before it would heal. This has to be a glitch. Also, this was a Mage only round.
  15. EmoneyT

    EmoneyT Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Software Engineer
    Melbourne, FL
    What if it is meant to be this way because there are no waves designed past this point? That would suck but its an option. Maybe Raptisoft meant this wave to be the last.
  16. tornacl

    tornacl Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    #236 tornacl, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2010
    Tough wave

    I too have had trouble with the exact wave he is speaking of. I do not think it is the last wave however, as my score was 2200ish and I see people hitting over 2500. I seems that poison stacks and that it can kill you. I have many chars listed as killed by poison. So when 10-15 orbs from poison mages hit you it looks like insta kill and even chugging potion does not regen life faster than the poison kills you. Looks like a giltch but I just think its over powered poison. I hope the Dev will confirm or dispel my observation. I would love to know how the really high score peeps survive these massive poison attacks from the mages. I know there is a poison resist skill (wonder if they invested in it or just got lucky). Seems almost impossible to avoid all those orbs.

    I seems a new update has been submitted to apple. Reducing poison damage at higher levels and allowing the shield to block poison. (have to wait and see the results)
  17. lefrisbee

    lefrisbee Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2009
    I think that the orbs from the poison/frost mages do some small amount of damage; thus, if you're at 1 HP from the poison and you get hit by a poison orb, your death will register as death by "Poison."
  18. EmoneyT

    EmoneyT Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Software Engineer
    Melbourne, FL
    I could have sworn that in SK, the poison orbs didnt deal damage. Like if you were at 1 hp you could just run into the orbs at that point since they didnt do damage.
  19. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    In SK the poison orbs did damage up until you had 1 HP left....so it would never kill you. I believe SB's poison orbs deal a little damage (equal to the damage caused by the blue orbs) as well as poison you.
  20. tornacl

    tornacl Member

    Apr 14, 2010
    Poison Dmg

    On his forum the dev confirmed that the poison orbs do a small amount of dmg.

    Which is why you can be killed by a poison orb.

    I still think that this dmg is not absorbed by shield. So you die as soon as health bar drops. Seems that relying shield will not be effective.

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