Universal Solomon's Boneyard (by Raptisoft)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Gabrien, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I never even thought of that but the poison and blue flames due get annoying. Maybe you can have them hit gravestones and disappear.
  2. -Saturos-

    -Saturos- Member

    May 9, 2010
    Ye or lower the time they follow you.. In later stages of the game you evade, evade evade and after some time it looks like a huge mobile disco is following you :)

    But finaly i reached 2200 points. I thought wow the poison archers arent that hard if you know how to deal with them..
    Suddenly a new wave of poison archers spawn and my health bar goes from 100 to 0 in 5 seconds BEFORE i was able to activate the slow circle spell.. I was like WTF Oo
    Does the arrow dmg increase with new waves? I had a "normal" wave of them before and it was easy to deal with them but these guys seemed to be lucky and all find a quad dmg rune :mad:
  3. MisterDrgn

    MisterDrgn Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    Dmg definitely increases with later waves. In my 2400 game there was a brief lag spike while I was getting pummeled with arrows, and I was dead before I knew what hit me.
  4. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Yes, I know. And I have JUST enough carpal tunnel that I am forced to choose it. Either that or ignore the coins or cut my playtime short.

    That may just be me. But I have a hard time imagining that other people love SK and SB as much as they do because of the realistic portrayal of the hassle of coin-collecting! :)

    Look, I think you've done an amazing job with these games. I will continue to buy and support anything you make. I was just hoping you'd consider throwing a bone to those of us who have a hard time playing for any length of time because of health-related issues.
  5. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    The new wave of poison archers just killed me too!! It happens around 1900-2100 kills. It takes your energy bar from 100% to 0 before you can even take a potion! It has to be some kind of glitch.
  6. GodSon

    GodSon Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    If your able to get "Magic Shield" at the beginning of the game and upgrade it to at least 100 damage(x3 upgrades iirc). Those poison tips are a lot easier to get passed. Of course you should always strafe a giant circle around the mobs when possible. ;)

    Ring of Fire and Acid rain are good as well on the higher levels with magic shield. Hope that helps. ;)
  7. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I had magic shield level 3 and ring of fire 4 and but it was just too fast. I've played both SK & SB long enough to know the damage that should be getting taken off depending on the level i'm currently at, but this wave just took so much off so fast, it seems that something is off.
  8. Whosatm

    Whosatm Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2010
    I used a potion, and it killed me before it regained my health. I believe that is a glitch.
  9. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    I got passed those waves, it's really easy if you're using the ice guy cause you just blow the arrows away. But I finally died when a bunch of skeleton lighting mages attacked me, I couldn't get close enough to kill them (because they're lighting slowed my character to almost a stop) and they were just destroying my magic shield which was sadly only level 1.
  10. Spaztrigger

    Spaztrigger Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
    Under your bed
    Notice how the lead wizard thinks that Simon is the best when he's actually the weakest(at least in my opinion)
  11. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I found a bug.....if you freeze any demon that throws fireballs, poison, blue flame or lighting, you cannot destroy it until it unfreezes.
  12. kennethpetro

    kennethpetro Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    It's actually a few waves after the lightning waves, it's like the third wave of poison arrow archers.....it's no more archers than were in the previous two waves, but for some reason it just depletes your energy completely with a blink of an eye.
  13. writingsama

    writingsama Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2008
    I totally hated this, a LOT, until I realized that perks are persistent when you buy them. Just a suggestion to put that in the text. (I loves it now)
  14. aznriceboi13

    aznriceboi13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    to die
    where rice paddies grow...
    strange that should've been fixed :0
  15. LYH

    LYH New Member

    Sep 14, 2010
    Poison Arrows

    I dont think the poison archers are unbalanced. Just got to prep yourself to counter that specific wave. Using Morth, Rings which help would be poison resist / dmg resist ring combo, + Mana shield (at least level 2), Chill wind level 2, to block arrows, ice cone at least at level 3, and you'll be fine.

    To add to this, if you're lucky to get the magic circle, its one of the best spells, combo that with the 2x recovery and you can almost use it constantly.

    I had an incredible game with a epic ring of 200x mana recovery!! just went full offense and mana recovery rate was more than ample... Coupled with lvl 2 magic circle, it almost reached a point where you could hold for a long time.

    But I got killed by a lame setup. Zombie spawn under a tree, few hacks and there went my epic ring! bah!

    I thought future games from then on would be lacklustre, but every game is different and develops in its own way.

    2 out of the 3 perk combos to start with would be 2 rings, 2 skills. Last slot would depend on play style, either battle mage or stack with yet another skill.

    If the random rings worked out to be x100 exp, and +35% dmg resist, you'll be set! :cool:

  16. EmoneyT

    EmoneyT Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Software Engineer
    Melbourne, FL
    Can I just point out one super super super flaw that needs to be fixed immediately. It reminds me of SK when the gold would get stuck in the walls. When you kill monsters on the edge of the map, you sometimes can't collect the powerups and gold they drop. Your character can't reach them!!!! The fix for now is using telekinesis but you shouldn't have to waste that skill choice just for that. Also telekinesis doesn't pick up powerups im pretty sure.

    Also it took me a while to get used to not playing with the map overlayed....anyone else find that weird at first?
  17. dboeren

    dboeren Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    I bought this game a couple of weeks ago but got distracted by other things. Anyway, I've just returned to playing it and it's fantastic!

    I love the perk system. You can have everything for free if you want to invest the time, or for a pretty minimal cost you can greatly accelerate things to get them now. I'm sticking to the basics for a while until I get better at the game but I'll probably go ahead and buy 10,000 gold sometime soon.

    The upgrades also make for interesting choices so that every game unfolds differently, and this is compounded by the multiple choices of character. Well done!

    It took me a while to find where you could buy the perks and see how much money you had. Might I suggest putting this on one of the menus somewhere? Or showing your total gold somewhere?

    Also, how do you honor the graves? I thought all you had to do was stand still and not fire for a second or two but nothing seems to be happening. Do you need to stand in a specific spot?
  18. Osmiral

    Osmiral Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    I found that standing like on the gravestone (so that the gravestone is in front of your character) works good for honoring the graves.
  19. dboeren

    dboeren Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    OK, that's working. I tried standing on the grave itself, and at the foot of the grave, but didn't try on the actual stone (which for some reason seemed odd).

  20. EmoneyT

    EmoneyT Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Software Engineer
    Melbourne, FL
    What does that do?

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