I missed it, thanks for the reminder! Thanks for the feedback. Once the launch dust settles, we will look at all the feedback and most certainly be adding and tweaking things. So keep sharing your thoughts!
Lord this game is awesome. Like Ridiculous Fishing Dungeon Raid classic iOS awesome. I do agree with the pace...it could be sped up quite a bit. Other than that, I'm gonna be playing this for a long time! Is there any kind of endless see how many battles you can win mode after the story is done? Or do you just replay areas?
Great game! Would you please consider adding cloud sync so progress can be shared between iDevices? Thanks!
I hear ya, I mean even if not the ability to resume a saved game on one device to another, I'd really want all of my hard earned unlocks to carry over across all of my devices.
Me likes it! Only one tech difficulty so far, solved on restart. Not crazy about the art, but the gameplay is solid.
I'm a bit split on something. While on one level I can appreciate the "auto-forced tutorial" on the first firing up of the game is the surest way to make everybody is up to speed right off, as a fan who not only has played it for hours on Steam, but just a bit ago on another device, I sure wish I had an option to skip the tutorial in a more elegant way than having to force quit the program and restart. I think another big issue I have with forced tutorials in general is that, in most cases, I can't even access options to kill the music or make other such settings adjustments while still "locked in" the training.
Is it possible to exit to main menu when we already start the campaign? I'm on a bad run and want a do over without having play to lose... I cannot find back to main menu or restart button
Yes, it's actually our top item right now, will be in very soon! Should have been in for launch but we just missed it.
We have an end journey button in the settings menu (cog button in top left), but it is only available between battles at the moment. Will make a note, this overlaps with the "cancel tutorial" feedback. Should have this stuff available during battles if possible. Cheers!
This game is awesome If i have to nitpick the only negatives is the high pitch voice of the guy in tutorial and no bacground music while playing It's totally my game of the week ##
No music during games seems like a bummer. I feel like these RPG/adventurous games should always have some kind of looping background sound on the back to get you in the mood. I hope they decide to add one soon!
Purchased - finally sat down to play and.... IT WONT LOAD PAST THE SPLASH SCREEN!! iPad mini 1. What gives??