I loaded my game up just before the beta and it was completely blank. Right from scratch # I hadnt played it since before the last big update, so Im not sure when it happened. I knew I had beaten it with every class, though. It was a bit disheartening #
I had the same issue with the endless loading screen on an ipad mini4. Deleted, rebooted, reinstalled and bought the dlc. Now I have thr same issue eih the frozen loading screen again.
You and one other person have actually been able to purchase the DLC...so it is possible. Can you email me at [email protected]? I have a few questions for you.
Re-downloaded yesterday. Updated today. After update, asked for my Apple ID password on startup. Cannot purchase DLC. Love the game. Hope this helps.
Some updates: 1.1.2 is live on Google, and waiting for Apple review. It stops the login from popping up randomly which may be messing with IAP. Let me know if it helps, I was seeing improvement on my end. Also, it will kill the resume file and hopefully fix the issue of old resumes that were crashing on startup. I have found what I think may fix the epic crash, I am going to release on Google first as 1.1.3 and monitor crash data. If anyone has the issue currently on Google and can confirm the fix I would appreciate it. (when it goes live of course) I have chased down the cloud issue and can see when it fail. It connects properly, but fails to read the cloud data file. I still don't know how to fix it, going to be on that tomorrow. No promises, but what this means is if I can get it working, it may magically bring all your data back. Our cloud setup cannot destroy data, only merge by adding unlocks together. Wildstone is not in the cloud for a bunch of reasons. (sorry) Thanks for being so cool and patient, we are working our butts off to get this game back to form!
One gripe the apps makes a good companion in the cold and it draws the battery pretty fast. Please kindly do something about it.
Iphone here, DLC is working now, unfortunately still lost my saves. Looks like I have to play this game again
Me too, thanks for fixing it so swiftly. Also, winning more than two rounds as the Acrobat is damn impossible. I even legitimately lost against a Dirt Guppy with this deck.
Unfortunately found a different problem, can't connect to the cloud for some reason, and I have to keep restoring purchase to keep the DLC.
Updates: Both epic journey crashes have been fixed. One happens on the immovable keyword, the other was a bad table lookup and happened early (4-8). Rolling out updates now, will be available as soon as they make it through the pipe! That leaves the cloud file read failure and the rendering issue (white pixels) on some older iOS devices. I will be working on these next. Thanks for being patient and understanding!
Cloud issue is known and next on the list. The requirement to restore from the button only is an unfortunate stop gap to get it working. It was causing problems when automatically restoring during boot. Once I am through the main issues I will be looking at making that UX better!
Thanks for the feedback I will keep my eye on this one. Acrobat plays very differently, as the goal was to make it a nearly pure card sequencing deck. It requires some tempo, being very choosy with timing of wild card (as opposed to monk who with stun protection can use it more liberally) and carefully removing cards in the right order. Of course, in Solitaire sometimes you get a bad beat!
Epic crash I have updated the game with your new patch today; however, on battle 4 during Epic the game still crashes and I cannot proceed. iOS
Yes, I can also confirm the Cloud issue: Bought the DLC some hours ago. Whenever I start the app, I keep getting the message 'Cloud sync failed. Data could not be read.' I've already checked--I'm connected to the Internet. And I have to keep restoring my purchases. I also get the same message whenever I lose and exit a round.
That patch isn't live yet. The cause of it has been found but the Apple review team is the bottleneck. And thanks for the reply to the Acrobat feedback; I agree and it's a really nice idea which is why I got it first. I've had around ten tries so far using different techniques and my maximum is 3 wins. But no biggie, maybe I'm doing it wrong and need to figure things out. The extra row is making games closer than they should be, though. Combine that with your inability to gain attack energy from drawing cards (unlike Rogue) and Bash costing 5, and it's becoming mostly a game of luck.