both are pretty awesome, but in the same time very different games. this one is more solitaire/RPG/roguelite. Card Thief is more steath/tactics/placement.
if you like how it sounds - yes. personally, it's now my favorite "card" game on iOS, second spot for Solitarica. but yes, i highly enjoy and recommend both of those games.
This is easily my favorite game right now, nice work devs! Art and gameplay are outstanding. One minor quip: after I lose it returns me to the deck screen and it always puts me on the first deck again, the warrior deck. If possible, couldn't it just set me on the last deck I used? Usually I keep playing the same deck until I beat it, and having to manually scroll back to it each time feels inelegant. Only noticed this because everything else in this game is pretty much perfect I haven't read much about the future of the game, but here's hoping to new decks and new enemies as an update or IAP. I am HOOKED. Ace!
I second what raravan said, you can't go wrong picking up both of these games. It's just good luck for us gamers that they released right on top of each other. I haven't bought any other iOS games after grabbing these two, being card games they're nearly infinitely enjoyable. Happy gaming!
My iPhone 6 iOS 10.3 won't save to the cloud, neither does my iPad mini 4 ios 9.3.5. Any idea why that doesn't work with that game? And may someone be able to explain how iCloud sync should work out of the box in this game?
My game has been broken for quite some time, it just stays on the loading screen with the icons and doesn't do anything. Anyone else have this problem? I think it started at least 2 updates ago. I completely beat it a while ago but I would love to get back into it if it is ever fixed.
I just opened it today on my ipad mini 2 and iphone 7, no problems. Are you seeing the Game Center banner show up, or does it hang before that point? If it's the former, you might try clearing the game from memory, logging out of Game Center and then starting it up again.
It looks like it is a Game Center bug. I put my phone in airplane mode and it started up just fine. Sadly, all of my decks are gone from deleting and reinstalling the game trying to fix the problem but at least I can play again. Thanks for your help!
Update is out containing new DLC plus more. Those having trouble buying it should be patient, it's usually an issue on Apples end and sorts itself out within a few hours. Hopefully. Edit: ...though after checking it out I'm not so sure that's the problem anymore. Have to wait and see I guess.
Yeah I just tried and it doesn't work yet, sadly. However... a question: I want to start this whole game over again - how do I do this? I tried uninstalling but it looks like it saves everything to GameCentre so it just restores my state. Jamie
There's no 'End Journey' there, just Video and Audio options. *edit* - looks like I've managed to clear stuff by logging out of GC, running game, closing it down, logging back in... so perhaps the 'end journey' isn't showing because I've not started it yet, now! Anyway, seems good - so thanks for your help!
I'm also having problems with the DLC. Oddly, the game requested my AppleID right after I updated and loaded the game for the first time. I hadn't even pressed anything yet, it just immediately asked for my credentials (like when you purchase something). The game played fine and I logged into GC as normal, but purchasing the DLC failed.