LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. very nice! and thanks for not charging us twice by making the app universal high score: 46 million
Thanks! I don't care right now - just sth long, hard and stiff ... I know, and I haven't been able to come anywhere close to that since!
definitely! i was not too impressed with the flash version (before buying the idevice version), so i was kinda skeptical about purchasing it. but now, i cant stop playing and it has become one of my favorites.
Ok, the game over music. Listen to the beginning of this song. They're so similar! P.S. The song I linked to isn't PG-rated
It is great! But if u are still hesitating, there is a free flash version (link in the review article) that is the EXACT same gameplay, just on a computer. However, just so you know, it is easier and more fun to play with a touchscreen.
So Weird... Don't exactly know what I'm doing, but boy is this game fun! Would love more tips re strategy, especially concerning jumps.
I think I'll be picking this up, but the $3 price scared me (could've sworn it was $1 when I checked before ). Had a quick question, though: Are you able to play your own music in the background?
Hi, Greg. In the Flash version of Solipskier, I see that there are a few achievements to unlock (on Kongregate). Is there any way those achievements can be added to the iPhone/iPad version of the game?
Really loving this game! How to play as much as I've learned: Get as much speed up as you can and try not to miss any yellow gates, if you are going to miss and/or have high multiplier do a massive jump for extra score, this will also temporarily stop your multiplier from depleting. If you go through a gate in the air u get a speed and multiplier boost, u can do this by just cutting off the road a split second before the gate appears (20-30 metres away, depending on speed), or doing a really gentle jump to reach the higher gates. 64 million is my best so far! I love the music so much, that it's quite annoying when you lose your headphones...