Yeah, I don't know. All the reviews on the Canadian app store are pretty much glowing. The only complaints I've read are from some people that would like a lefty option.
Fair enough, I have no idea of your financial situation. I always assume that people who can afford to have these devices are working, have the money to spend, and are just being cheap. That is not always the case I am sure. That being said, you can't expect games to have that .99 price tag all the time although it would be nice All games could probably be .99 if everyone bought as many as I do !! It's a really cool game though
I went ahead and gave in -- loving the Flash game (although still wish it had been cheaper). My only gripe is that sometimes it doesn't seem to detect my finger at the start of the game and my dude ends up crashing immediately. Doesn't always happen, but something they might want to look at.
Yea, when a 2 billion score pops up like that it's an obvious cheater (using jailbroke pirated version) especially since they have no username. So we delete it. In fact, as of this posting i _just_ deleted another 2 billion hacked score. So just know that those guys are not #1 if they are up there and I haven't gotten to them yet. ALSO! We're beta testing the 1.2 update right now. It should be submitted fairly soon here. It will include a settings menu where you can turn on "sticky headphones" and throttle SFX and BGM volume. Plus, it will include twitter/facebook score reporting support via OpenFeint and address what we think those reports about crashing are (has to do with very rare use-cases in iOS4 with people double-tapping the iPhone button or getting shoved out of the app, etc.) BTW, thanks everyone for the continued support! It means a lot to us, we're still blown away by how much everyone is digging it.
I'd love a pause button, as well as the option to play your own music (So that I could put on a mix of a few more Joe Stump albums, of course!) Really though, this game is amazing. I spent over an hour straight playing it today at the laundromat. So much fun. I've subscribed to your blog and all three twitter accounts, and I look forward to anything else you guys release. I already spent some time today with LifeRaft: Zero and I'm enjoying that as well.
thanks dude! pause is a little more complex than it would seem. we could offer the double-tap pause, but we're concerned that would interfere with people that don't want to use pause at all. Imagine playing the game and accidentally double tapping while getting one of your highest scores. It'd be pretty infuriating. Much more so than not being able to pause in general. We're cautiously considering putting it in as an option in the settings menu, but we're still unsure as the game's design isn't all that conducive to pause (on the iPhone especially).
For pause you could just make it two fingers on the screen at once pauses it. Or 3, whatever you think would suit. Also, can't wait for sticky headphones. As for the price, it's the devs decision, I think the dev deserves the mere $2.99 he/she has asked for it, it's a great game, and I'm playing it much more even than several 6 or 7 dollar games I have bought in the past. Anyways, the argument will not end, or get you anywhere, so there's no point . I've never had any problems, no freezing, no problems with finger detection. Just the pause button, once I was on 190mil then the bell rang and I had to get up and leave class Also are you sure those 2bil scores are hackers? I've had tunnels that gave me somewhere between 50-100 million bonus points, and sometimes 3 tunnels come in a row, if they got lucky and didn't die for a very long time which I see as extremely possible, then they could've been legit. But hey, just putting it out there, I'm not sure really.
Maybe make a little pause button at the top of the screen? I don't think anybody uses the top of the screen as much?
^ I think that this would work best. Just put a small pause button on the top left of the screen. Touch it to pause and after you click resume, it'll give you a count down so that the pausing damage would be minimal.
Yeah, I was thinking having tapping on the multiplier be pause, or something along those lines. There's pretty much no reason you'd ever have your finger there during normal gameplay. Double-tap to pause would definitely be a bad idea.
What is the easiest way to record gameplay? Could I buy some sorta cable that plugs into my laptop then use hypercam or whatever to somehow record the output? Any easier ways?
New high score of mine is 97m. Previous was 25m What I learnt: You can rack up points the easy way, or the hard way. The easy way: keep buzzing the tower on the initial 10-15 gates - create a 'gap' in the floor when you're 15-30 meters away from the gate, and fly through it instead of just skiing through it. Once you hit 10-15 of these and a few perfect tunnels, you'll be up to good speed (60+ km/hr). At this point, stop trying to be fancy, and just do the basics: hit all the gates you can (normally), complete as many tunnels as you can, avoid the red barriers, and avoid falling into a gap. The gates will whizz by faster than you can imagine - keep cool and hit your gates. You'll be able to get to almost 100m by the time 4 minutes pass
Well, if I could choose, then I'd choose both. But, if I had to choose only one, then it would be Solipskier, hands down. The game mechanic is much more challenging and there's more reason to come back and try again. I love the presentation, it's universal, it feels like a much "deeper" game as there's more just push this or that button. There's much more potential in the scoring, multipliers, doing jumps and stunts, and ... ...well, just plain ole decent fun! Guaranteed you'll like it! It's akin to Canabalt on skies, and then some...