Universal SolForge - (by Stone Blade Entertainment)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by sladeums, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    You need to win with your first and only turn.

    Use Dreadbolt on the opposing creature then use Nether Embrace on the other players avatar
  2. Azure

    Azure New Member

    Jun 2, 2016
    Still doesn't seem to work.
  3. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    What I found out with my last attempt last night is that you simply need to sit in the blackness for up to a minute before the login screen appears.
  4. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    #124 Von_Dutch, Jun 3, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    Yes some times you need to wait at the black screen for a bit.
    I believe its mean't to display connecting... then loading... but for some reason the gfx is not showing up on iOS. Maybe a bug they need to fix.

    For anyone interested, Justin Gary, CEO of Stone Blade Entertainment has done a AMA on reddit.
    (AMA = Ask Me Anything)
    Here: Justin Gary, CEO of Stone Blade Entertainment AMA
  5. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    To those stuck on tutorial 2. It's very easy. Destroy the middle target creature with your spell card. So your creature can do 8 dmg. Than use the 4dmg spell on the opponent ( not creature ) .. BAM tutorial complete.
  6. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    My game is freezing during the tutorials. It froze in 3, then I started an earlier beaten one & it froze. They both froze at the end. One had 2 life left, the other had 1. I've restarted the game & when I bring up the level both characters have 100 health with nothing on the board. It just sits there and nothing happens.
  7. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    After updating and finding that I can't login at all and am left waiting at endless blackscreens, I downgraded the app back to previous version, and guess what:

    1) can get on line straight away. That alone sort of tells me it's a more intricate problem then just servers, if the old client can get online no problem.
    2) it's just as "snappy" as we need it. Something like that was a feature that stoneblade were going for with this new client right.
    3) it has offline play.
    4) it works.

    Just saying.
  8. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    The iOS patches takes the longest to roll out due to Apples process.
    SBE is at the mercy of Apple to approve a new build.

    The black screen only affects iOS currently. Both Android and PC has had updates/patches daily, so the iOS version is sadly behind which can't be helped. Once the bugs have been fixed it will be submitted to Apple.

    PC updates roll out the fastest.

    Asynchronous/Untimed has been added back already, but its not in the iOS version yet.
    Free mode is likely to be ending ~next week, no ETA yet.

    Link: New Client Update 6/3/2016
  9. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    Free mode has ended and servers are up!
    Daily rewards x2 for 2 weeks, plus go to store and get a Customer Appreciation bundle!
    (Note that the customer bundle will only be available to claim for a short period of time)

    Bug Fixing Update
    Patch Notes (v7.0.1)
    Friend Challenges are now Untimed
    Improved Drag and Drop UI for Draft, Deckbuilder, Sharing, and Forging
    Improved Timer Display
    Moar Faster!
    Less Bugs!
  10. Talbs

    Talbs Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2011
    Press and hold to bring up the attached 'information' - and I use the term loosely.
    Then to get to to the card "show more" (where the real information about the card is), you need to keep holding but use your other hand to press the show more. Don't lift your original finger or the whole thing dissapears. So two hands or spider fingers just to get to the real card information, all while also holding the phone.

    This is an improvement for IOS how? And what is the purpose of the first box display that you need to press and hold for?

    And with the app now allowing me in, I can confirm the offline functionality has now been removed. I'm out. Supported you guys in your original kickstarter.

    Attached Files:

  11. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    How is it not a improvement?
    Getting the servers fixed and running imo is way more important than offline play.
    There was no way they could implement every requested change and bug fix within 1 week.
    SBE haven't finished patching yet.

    The top priorities were: (These have been implemented)
    • Draft, Deckbuilding, Forging, and Sharing UI now supports drag and drop
    • Cards should now display correctly in game (no more disappearing creatures)
    • Server stability greatly improved
    • All friend challenges are now untimed
    • The first win daily quest award now counts missions and single player games

    The next batch of priorities are: (They are working on these now)
    • Timer display. Currently the display indicates time is up before it really is (should be 5 minute countdown instead of 3:45)
    • Continued server improvements
    • Fixing player ability stacking display with multiple abilities
    • Deckbuilder sorting and searching
    • Continued Mobile UI Improvements
    • Improved Tutorial
  12. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    The new UI is actually less convenient (and certainly less visually appealing) in some ways.

    I'm glad to see this smart title infused with new (and hopefully persistent) life, my own feelings regarding the new client notwithstanding. And the improvements under the hood and some of the functional polish are truly good stuff. But the new user interaction paradigm and appearance brings Stoneblade's clumsy attempt to make their own Ascension client to mind.
  13. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012
    Servers will be permanently shut down at the end of January 31, 2017 &
    Solforge has been removed from the App store as of today.



    Announcement from Justin Gary

    This is a very difficult announcement for us to make. The journey to create SolForge began more than 5 years ago when I had the privilege of working with Richard Garfield and an incredibly talented team on the initial vision of bringing trading card games properly into the digital age.

    Thanks to backing from fans and years of hard work, we launched SolForge in August of 2013, and continued to support and build this amazing community for more than 3 years. Thousands of players have enjoyed millions of games. That is an amazing milestone that few games will ever reach. Our community has always been incredibly warm, welcoming, and one of the best I’ve ever seen in my 20 years in the gaming industry.

    Everyone here at Stone Blade is honored to have been a part of this journey. Unfortunately, that journey is coming to an end. As of today, we are ceasing development of new content for the current implementation of SolForge. We will continue to maintain the servers through the end of January 31, 2017. This isn’t the way any of us wanted SolForge to end. Unfortunately, we bit off more than we could chew trying to build a digital game of this scope and have learned many hard lessons along the way that we will apply to future games (including future incarnations of SolForge).

    I want to apologize to anyone who is disappointed by this decision and let you know that we poured our hearts, souls, pocketbooks, and years of our lives into the success of SolForge. We remain passionate about the SolForge community and we are not done exploring the world of Solis. We are also speaking with potential partners who may be able to take over the SolForge IP and remain hopeful that SolForge will return one day, better than ever.
    Thank you for being a part of this community and for allowing us the opportunity to bring this vision to light.

    -Justin Gary

    CEO Stone Blade Entertainment
  14. Von_Dutch

    Von_Dutch Member

    Apr 16, 2012

    Solforge Servers Update

    Hello Forgeborn,

    As many of you already know, we announced that we would cease development on the current version of SolForge and that servers would not be maintained after 1/31. This announcement was the hardest I’ve had to make in my career, but the outpouring of support from the community has been amazing.

    Thanks to support from the community, along with technical support from executives at Grinding Gear Games, we may have a solution that could keep the current game running for the foreseeable future. We are currently working on an attempt to migrate Solforge to a smaller server, allowing it to stay online and protect everyone’s current collections and ability to play.

    There will be interruptions in play over the coming weeks as we determine the feasibility of this project. There are no guarantees, but we are hopeful that we can make a sustainable version of the game that can keep this community alive even as we work on future iterations of the game we all love.

    My thanks to the entire SolForge community but in particular to Brian Weissman and Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games who are personally helping to fund and manage this transition.


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