Universal Solar Siege (By Origin8)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. thesajay

    thesajay Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 26, 2016
    Thanks dev - the explanation of the icons is helpful! I'm really enjoying this but agree that it could use more information, even something like a help button that shows more info. I still don't understand how much power any structure uses and the power bar is confusing as it doesn't seem to change when I build something new. Also, what am I supposed to be using the "i" buttons for? Nothing happens when I click on them and the bars underneath don't change very often.

    But it's definitely a good game since I have no idea what I'm doing and am still enjoying it :p.
  2. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    The structures don't use any power unless they are doing something e.g. mining, shooting. So if you build a new turret you won't see any change in the power bar at all until enemies attack and it starts shooting, which is why sometimes the power bar doesn't change when you build something.

    The "i" buttons just give information about the permanent upgrades you have bought from the research screen, so you won't see it change during a level.

    It's 4:30 am so hopefully this a) is correct and b) makes sense!
  3. durp

    durp Member

    Sep 13, 2013
    Underwhelmed. The mechanic that turns off your miners until the carrier can unload them is clumsy and confusing. Thought it was a power problem since it is never explained in the tutorial ... anyway, played 3 missions until it was clear I was going to need grind to 500 to even unlock the next "building". I played the same game five years ago. I paid for it once and enjoyed it. Now repackaged as formulaic free to play (timers, multi-currencies, ads). No thanks - Insta-delete.
  4. thesajay

    thesajay Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 26, 2016
    Thanks HLW! That makes sense.
  5. Defard

    Defard Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
    Two more questions...

    How do I restore purchases? I paid to unlock campaign on my iPad but there's no option to activate on my phone / restore purchases (other than to buy the campaign again)

    It'll the introduction screen says 'not logged in' but doesn't allow me to login.
  6. Defard

    Defard Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
    Ignore restore purchases...I am an idiot!
  7. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    'not logged in' is talking about GameCenter, it should log in by itself quite quickly.
  8. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    #48 imdakine1, Dec 11, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
    Best Pricing Model (since free to play took off)

    As I purchased all of your prior Sentinel series games I'm pleased to see you quickly make the IAP premium, truly premium both as an option and removal of ads!!! Keeping the ads would have been annoying and half premium!

    "We have decided to remove the ads for all those who purchase the campaign IAP. It will require an update to the app which we will submit as soon as the current update is approved."

    You mention daily challenges. What exactly does that mean and how do premium IAP purchasers also get daily challenges?

    Any idea when iCloud support will come? It does seem that if I buy the IAP on my iPhone first I'll be able to access the IAP on my iPad as well?

    Thanks again for listening to your customers/gamers and finding a way to make your game premium and without ads and f2p fir those who choose it. I truly wish others will better understand your model of premium vs F2p and embrace it as to me it is the total best of both worlds! ---- maybe TA will have one of their staff for a pricing model article and highlight this as the best to bridge the gap of all gamers!
  9. debaser626

    debaser626 Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Great game. It's been a while since I found something that can grab my attention for more than an hour or two. I purchased the app to get to the rest of the campaign levels. I actually have to say I don't even mind the adverts. Every one I've seen let's you skip the video after 5 seconds, and it's honestly not an issue for me.

    That said, I'd appreciate a slower ramp up on the wave counts on the first "random" board. I get the difficulty desire, but it'd be nice to have more of a breather between the waves.

    I have only just gotten the beam turret, so there's plenty left to unlock, and I've gotten deeper into the first random with additional engineering devices.

    It would also be super cool if you could direct direction of attack for fighters and perhaps spend gems for speeding up carrier speed (or make this an option) or have a bomb/freeze that uses crystals or gems.
  10. spatenau@gmail.com

    Nov 3, 2013
    There was a web game very similar to this a long time ago. Enjoyed it a lot but the number of levels was too short. I guess instead of expanding the flash(?) game they moved to a new platform. Does Space Station Frontier HD still work well? If so I'd like to try it out.

    I'm enjoying Solar Siege too.
  11. Origin8

    Origin8 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for the continued feedback and ideas! To answer some questions that have come up:

    The daily missions are shown if you press missions from the nav bar (next to the shop button). They are also shown after a game if you have progressed any of them, or when you start up the game if you have a new one. They work the same for all players, the campaign purchase won't affect them. You get a new one each day and can hold up to three at a time.

    This is top of our new feature list after fixing issues that are confusing players.

    We are hoping to submit a new update to apple today which contains a lot of improvements and fixes. We will keep you posted :)
  12. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2010
    I am on iOS 9.3.5, a 2nd generation iPad Air with 128gb and the game quits as soon as it starts up.
  13. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    Don't know if this a bug but the ships retrieving mining crystals from the base stop retrieving crystals if you build a refinery ?

    You would think that the ships from the base would actually help the refinery ?
  14. Origin8

    Origin8 Well-Known Member

    We've had a couple of reports of this and will update with a fix soon. If you'd like to help us out you could contact [email protected] and we can get you on the beta tester list and you can get the fixes and new features faster.

    Currently the miners will only be serviced by carriers from their closest refinery. This was to prevent sometimes the carriers travelling huge distances to 'help out' which just resulted in closer carriers sometimes being idle while they wait for the far away ones. I even tried putting in a system where a closer one could cancel a faraway one that was on its way, which just resulted in the the far ones coming part way and going back again all the time which looked even worse.

    It's certainly on my list of things that I think could be better, as always suggestions welcome!
  15. Origin8

    Origin8 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! We've got some great news, we've just submitted our latest update to Solar Siege to Apple for approval. The update contains the following main changes:

    - adverts are now removed for users who purchase the campaign
    - improved tutorial and cleaned up UI for early campaign levels
    - reworked status bars and added power usage icons
    - miners now clearly say when they are full and awaiting a carrier pickup
    - scouter drone has been sped up, giving you more frequent rewards!
    - added an in-game help screen
    - crash and bug fixes

    Hopefully it will speed it's way through the gates and be with you all in a few days!
  16. Origin8

    Origin8 Well-Known Member

    The new update has been approved and is now available for download.

    Heres some screenshots of the new power flow and miner icons, and the new help screen.

    We are already hard at work on the next update, adding iCloud game saving!

    Attached Files:

  17. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    The update is a great improvement, it makes a lot of things clearer, thanks!
  18. thymegatherion

    thymegatherion Active Member

    Jul 27, 2014
    Need help with stage 'Astray'

    Stage is too hard, I can't expand too far into the asteroids at the far right without getting destroyed constantly by groups coming from the right, none of the towers are able to withstand a single wave without getting destroyed by groups of scouts or frigates, they are just too overpowered. And yes I have a variety of towers including missile towers.

    It is impossible to expand your base far in this game as the enemies come in a single direction, they don't come spread apart in a general direction say east or west, they come in a single direction and directs fire at a single structure, making repair drones useless as they repair too slow. This makes the player waste resources rebuilding the towers and eventually lead to game over as time is spent rebuilding towers and expending resources instead of upgrading and expanding your resource network. If you have a better strategy tell me, I have tried numerous times and use every single tower up to stage 'Astray'.
  19. WjndWalk3r

    WjndWalk3r Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2015
    still crash every time i launch and unplayable on my ipad air 2 :(
  20. Origin8

    Origin8 Well-Known Member

    A few suggestions from us for dealing with groups of enemies:
    - build more missile turrets
    - upgrade the health of your front most turrets in the engineering bay (lasers or beam towers are good for 'tanking')
    - a shipyard's fighters are excellent at disrupting groups of enemies whilst your turrets rain down the damage
    - the in-game upgrades for your turrets will give them greater range and damage allowing you to hit enemies before they can fire upon you
    - upgrading a turret to it's maximum level in-game will result in double health, allowing it to take much more damage
    - always try to have 4 repair drones in range, or sometimes you can even go for double repair stations
    - play some campaign levels on another difficulty. First time completion of levels per difficulty will earn you valuable bucks which you can use on upgrades.

    I hope that's useful!

    We apologise for that, its the first report we've had of it with the new update. If you'd like it would be an enormous help to us if you join our beta program. Drop us a mail at [email protected].

    We are mostly off for the holidays now, will be looking to get the new update ready as soon as possible in the new year. Merry Christmas, Commanders!

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