...and I'm looking at this computer animated movie, staring in awe at the sheer detail in the skin on the Ginormica/Susan (and I wasn't the only one, btw, as the whole audience ooh'd and aah'd at this stuff - seriously, she had individual beauty marks, sun spots, etc. on her body, a tan line...insane level of detail) and thinking to myself "Y'know...why don't they make 3D games like this?: With the 3D glasses, I mean. I had a Sega Master System as a kid. The one that came with those killer 3D goggles (best peripheral EVER). I had fun with that. So...why not do that with current games. Is a massive amount of computing power needed? Does it make people sick to play for long periods of time with these things? Has it been really tried? There's a scene where the characters are on the Golden Gate Bridge, and there are cars and various debris strewn about, and they sort of duck behind a car and I can't help but think of how a game like Gears of War would just rock even more if it were in "Tru3D". Am I the only one?
As long as they include both options, 2D and 3D, and they use a system that doesn't make me cross-eyed with a blinding headache after planning, sure. I think this company is making a case for iDevices that does this. And they have this software that can 3d-ify any game. All you have to do is put this screen over it. Computer, TV, doesn't matter.
I actually just got back from that movie a little bit ago. There's a dev who's been active in the forums who's attempting to do a 3D game with the glasses and all that. I remember some NES games that included 3D glasses. They sucked, though. It'd be interesting on the PS3 or XBox, though.
Want to know why nobody makes 3D games anymore? Because of Virtual Boy, "Nintendo's only major game console failure in the home game market." Remember those days? It was a 3D gaming system and you know what? It failed miserably. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Virtual_Boy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKKK6FH1vGw Need I say more?
People at Sony have actually been working on making PS3 games 3-D and they are apparently developing some prototypes for an add-on to the PS3 or a whole new thing for the PS-4
Monsters vs Aliens game is now 99 cents http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=307956523&mt=8
True3d only works in theaters thanks to polarization and special projectors and glasses. Anaglyph 3D is done using red/blue that gives you a headache and only moderately impressive depth. The way that could be done, right now, which will work on thousands of HDTV's is stereographic 3d combined with shutter glasses. My Samsung DLP is 3D ready, all I need is the software and glasses. The PS3 could do 3D with a driver that was supposed to be in development by Mitsubishi by recent news is scarce. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2008/12/ps3-may-feature-stereoscopic-3d-in-2009.ars The technology is there, TV's are ready, it can happen... but so far NADA!
Hahaha that didn't really have anything to do with the subject but whatever. I believe they're making [app]AirCoaster 3D[/app] into something like that. The dev is trying to work on having the game so that it actually looks 3D through your 3D glasses. Too bad I don't own a pair of those...
Yep I've added an anaglyph (red/blue) 3D mode to the next update, which is due to come out today or tomorrow (submitted to Apple exactly a week ago -- looks like approvals are taking an increasingly long time). The effect is modest (don't want to overpromise here) but basically it looks like you are peering into a 3D world through a window that is your iDevice's 5" screen.