Apparently that was on the 1st. I'm not celebrating that one. Celebrating AIDS just seems wrong.
Its aids action or awareness or something like that... day. They basically teach kids bout abstinence and how to use condoms. Last year was so awkward
I agree with you on that one, although I think the point is not a celebration, but more a recognition. Anyway, everything I had heard was for this Friday, especially as it does seem to be already in the store (search rolando from your device and it appears, you just can't look at it). However, seeing as dropship came out yesterday/today, I doubt they'll release Rolando so soon, so maybe Monday or next Friday. They have all December to tease us anyway.
Yeah, AIDS day was on the 1st. I remember Current making a deal out of it. And it's actually AIDS awareness. I don't think anyone should celebrate AIDS. EDIT: Why are we talking about AIDS on a Rolando forum?
the first trailer CLEARLY showed DECEMBER 12... ill be harping on these ngmoco guys if it's not out tonight at midnight pacific time
yeah thats wat i suspected. i just hopes it comes out b4 wensday morning cuz i leave for vacation and i want to play some rolando lol
They did say doctor awesome would come out, then dropship, then rolando shortly (accent on shortly) after. I guess we'll just have to see
Ahhh, why do you tease me so much ngmoco!? I would love to play it, just release it already!
I think it's funny that people from ngmoco are in these forums, yet they won't talk about Rolando ever.
Nevermind... Anyway, I think ngmoco is just being sly and coy by not saying when its coming, but will stick with the original 12th release date....hopefully at least.
Oh yeah, well, you're ugly...(and that's what she said by the way) I know this guy, we're just having some fun...