Snowball Kids by Conjured Graphics

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by ryanmillercg, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. ryanmillercg

    ryanmillercg Active Member

    Mar 13, 2013
    Game Developer
    #1 ryanmillercg, Jan 4, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
    Yo, everybody! I just released Snowball Kids on the Android store.

    It's a very simple game reminiscent of arcade shooters in which you play a kid throwing snowballs at other kids. Your enemies spawn somewhat randomly, with increasing movement/attack speed.

    Unlike the other games I've worked on, this is an experiment for rapid public development. This game took less than 3 weeks to make. This release focuses on the core game play (and no fluff). I'm collecting feedback to make new features/changes according to what players seem to be asking for. It's a much more vulnerable type of development, as I'm not really keeping any secrets.

    My philosophy with this one is to ship early and listen to the player.

    I'll shut up and let you try it out. It's a free download, so give it a whirl.




    Ideally, the community suggested features make the game so rich that I put some of them behind a paywall ($0.99 one-time iAP to unlock). There has been a lot of push-back against apps riddled with constant iAPs, Ads, annoying notifications, etc, and I'd rather do an "in-app full version unlock" than any of those. What's your take?

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