I suck the biggest of times on this. But somehow I keep starting new games. Hmmm... Maybe it's because someone said they liked my flag. Pedroapan
Is ot just me, or are there no notifications? I would like to know when it's my go without having to open the app
Not understanding all the hate for this. I, for one, am enjoying it a lot. There's just enough strategy involved to make it interesting. This will definitely take it's place on my mantle of "games I only play on the toilet". Honestly though, this game will be huge... calling it now.
Am I the only one who keeps getting the "could not connect to Game Center" message when I try to either start a new game or play my turn?
Yeah, I'm loving the game. I always hit the tip after a game because sometimes you get the free 3x xp. I've tipped 4-5 people 3x xp for free and I've gotten tipped once. Seriously though, make it cheaper! I would buy TONS of tips for people of it was cheaper than 1-3$ a SINGLE tip. Make a tip inventory where you can carry tons. I would buy them at 10 cents a pop.
It also appears sometimes a game can glitch, there should be an option to delete a game. I don't think people will abuse it because you still get xp from looseing but not im stuck with a game slot used up and won't dissapear. I'll see what happens later, hopefully it'll go away. Just got my crown! ( 5 wins in a row )
What level unlocks the statistics? I see that it's still locked for me, but I have colors, flags and flair at level 4. And has anyone figured out why the Arrow card on the left has a thicker border when you get the three card choice when you level up?
I find this game genuinely brilliant. It's simple yet not simplicistic in its meta, it is fast and i really feel i can try and manage to read the other player's move. I'd ask for more cosmetic gimmicks and maybe a larger vocabulary.
I've been getting a lot of crashes today, so those of you who have a match going with me, I've not vanished, I'll take my turns ASAP
I am fairly addicted so far.. only if there was an option to remove opponents after some time of inactivity because they start a game and sell their phone or die or what
I don't know if I would call this game brilliant. It is however, amusing. And who's going to turn down a little entertainment.
Ah hope they add a hotfix soon! 4 games have been delayed all day. They should def add a timer! Gr, come on people