Slots Rush by Double Duck

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by McThreepwood, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. McThreepwood

    McThreepwood New Member

    Mar 2, 2014
    Game Designer
    Hi everyone,

    I'm part of a small indie team working on mobile games. At the moment we're trying out different types of games we can make. We made a puzzler and a more arcade-y runner-type game, and then we wanted to see if we could make a slots game

    We wanted to make a twist on the way slot games are played instead of rehashing everything that's out there. Now that the game is out, we'd like to see if what we came up with is any good :) We'd be really grateful if you could try it out and give us some feedback and ideas on where we can improve if needed.

    Here's the link to the store:

    Thanks a lot!

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