Universal Slot - A Game of Perfection

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by SethsApps, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. SethsApps

    SethsApps Active Member

    Jul 12, 2010
    Application Developer

    From the creators that brought you the hit game Drip Tap, a new generation of one-handed fun has arisen! The concept is simple: balls fall from the top of the screen and you must tap them to change their color to purple before they land in their slot at the bottom of the screen. Don't tap enough? You won't make it to purple. Tap too much, like an uncontrolled madman? You'll go straight past purple and realize you've made an irreversible mistake! On the surface, it might seem like this game wouldn't take much skill - but combine the accuracy required, increasing speed of the drops, exponentially multiplying balls you must slot, and the real world, and THEN come back and say this game didn't bring you into a world of concentration you didn't know existed.

    All in all, we hope you'll love taking our new game with you on the subway, bus, down the street, board meeting, or into your favorite college lecture hall to distract yourself from the monotone voice of Dr. Smith!

    P.S. - this time we actually put Dark Mode in for launch ;)




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