SKYFURY - Dodge Missiles, Lasers and more! [Looking for Beta Testers]

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Zenaltic, May 6, 2018.

  1. #1 Zenaltic, May 6, 2018
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018

    Find us online:
    YouTube: Coming Soon

    Skyfury is an addicting voxel-style arcade game where you dodge various missiles, lasers, and other obstacles and try to survive the sky's fury for a long as possible! Collect coins to purchase different rocket skins and upgrades.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    We are currently looking for Beta testers to give us feedback and help us test our gameplay, monetization, and difficulty. If you'd like to see what Skyfury is all about and get updates, either reply to this thread or shoot me an email at [email protected]


    The Game – How to Play

    Press the big red "Play" button to hop right in! Immerse yourself in simple one-touch gameplay---but be careful! The game is much harder to master than it may seem. Each time you tap, the ship alternates moving left or right, so timing is key in this challenging voxel game. Dodge missiles coming from all around you with varying speeds, angles, and timings. Get hit and watch your ship go up in a red inferno!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Obstacles in Skyfury

    The gameplay of Skyfury is driven around its one-touch engine. Each tap either sends the ship to the left or right, so the player needs to manage timing their movement with a wide variety of obstacles in their path in the sky. You will need to fly through and endure the following challenges:

    1. Missiles
    These can be forward missiles, slow or fast, heat seeking, or even spiraling out of control! With several varieties of missiles heading towards you, the chances of survival are slim.

    2. Lasers
    Every so often, your ship is attacked head-on by a squadron of other ships equipped with laser beams. Stay away from these or it will spell certain doom for your little ship!

    3. Fuel
    Your ship can only carry so much fuel as it streaks through the sky. Refuel your engines in the midst of all the chaos in the sky or watch your ship spontaneously combust as the engines run out of fuel.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The game is nearing its release stage and most of the current planned features are already implemented. It is currently set to release Q3 '18.

    We will keep you guys updated on the current status of the app, and if it looks interesting, feel free to let us know!

    Update #1: New UI
    Update #2: Added a new shop system with 6 different ships to choose from

    Zenaltic Apps
    Haegin likes this.
  2. ZAF<3

    ZAF<3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2017
  3. Thanks so much for your support! I've sent you an email.
  4. Hey guys, TestFlight is now officially open to everyone!

    Feel free to message us here, send us an email, or give us a call to be added to the list! Thanks!
  5. We have received several replies and are still accepting more!
  6. All feedback is appreciated!
  7. Still seeking beta testers!

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