Universal Sky Force 2014 (by Infinite Dreams)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeterID, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. uFinKnow

    uFinKnow Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2014
    This has to be a front runner for game of the week. It's mine for sure. Great game Infinite Dreams. Cheers.
  2. Sabaki

    Sabaki Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012

    I'm a complete Infinite Dreams nut and have also owned Sky Force and Sky Force Reloaded on about seven platforms. LOVE K-Rally, Creatures of the Deep, Super Miners & Explode Arena.

    In fact, Sky Force, Sky Force Reloaded and Super Miners went onto all my Symbian handsets and were never deleted. I bought the N82 & N86 for the sole purpose of playing Creatures of the Deep.

    Now I'm delighted at the reboot of Sky Force but I do find the timers and ads to be in conflict with the Infinite Dreams culture I have known and loved. I'm only one guy and I'm not going to sway you from your business model used here but I'd gladly pay for that same complete satisfaction I have always enjoyed from your games.

    P.S. We need a reboot of Explode Arena and Super Miners. Then I've got to ask, where's the new K-Rally game?

    Thanks Peter
  3. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #123 bigjack66, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
    Really nice game with excellent graphics. But no sound on ipod 5 and yes I've done all usual steps to remedy this. You say you need friends to complete levels but what if you haven't got any who play games on ipod? No sound on iPad mini either!
    Got sound by joining gamecenter
  4. drquicksilver

    drquicksilver Member

    Jan 7, 2013
    Thanks! Good to hear.
  5. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    #125 #Bonk3rZ, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
    As I do like scrollshooter, I'd like to like this one too, since there are a lot of good elements in there. But the ship control is a mess! Way too stiff and slow! Too bad, but it's nearly unplayable as it is. Hopefully there will be an upgrade soon - apart from the controls the game seems to be pretty cool ...
  6. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    These games all have the same problem, ME I suck at them!
  7. Rosso

    Rosso Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Thanks for the reply, Peter.

    I can not say, as my friends don't seem to be interested, although I am working in the games industry myself. What a shame (wrong friends...LOL).

    So, atm, not 1 friend here... :(

    The game is total fun.. Would love to play the 5 friends stage..


  8. PoloBaquerizoH

    PoloBaquerizoH Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    I really think this game is great and for sure will wait for the IAP , that was great news
  9. PoloBaquerizoH

    PoloBaquerizoH Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2013
    Thanks god! For that good news!
  10. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Really ? Think its fine, i play a lot of shooters with relative touch and similar controls and i think it works well. Must work pretty well as a lot of gamers have already got to the later levels.

    Nearly unplayable ? Think thats totally not true
  11. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    To me it feels like the ship is glueed. Play Arc Squadron or Plasma Sky for a comparison. It should feel light and easy, not heavy and stiff, and both games I mentioned and a lot others are proof that this is possible. There should at least be a sensitivity choice, as it's common in games such as this.

    But whats maybe even more important: it seems that I have to start upgrading from the beginning again and again?!? If thats true, I'm out anyway ...
  12. redranch91

    redranch91 Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2014
    Oh man this was my favorite mobile game ever.The last time I played something like that was the Lego Star Wars MF version.I'm glad it's back and refurbished.Liking the Sfx too.

    Only problem for me is that it's buggy.Not sure if it's just me and that I don't know how to navigate the home screen but I can't seem to select the stages to start or to navigate out of the plane upgrade screen.
  13. Cave games have the best controls if that is what you want. You have to be constantly upgrading and going through wait timers in this game, so if you don't like that, try some cave co shmups like Bug Princess Black Label.
  14. Bouncy1973

    Bouncy1973 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2012
    Oh this is just gets worse and worse.

    Now it is saying that I need 25 more medals to play Stage 7, nearly impossible for me, as the hard and insane modes are too much for me.

    A while later, it was again showing that 95000 more players were needed...

    Wasn't the point of a soft launch to iron all the bugs????

    This game and all the drama are getting old... very fast!
  15. #Bonk3rZ

    #Bonk3rZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2014
    top of the world
    What I don't like is: playing the game earns stars. I upgrade my ship, go another round, earn some stars, upgrade my ship etc. Then I close my app, and the next time all upgrades are gone, it says, my record is 000 000 000, and I have to start from the beginning again. Is it that what you call "constantly upgrading"?

    And of course I know the caves, but I have absolutely no clue, why that should mean that we mustn't discuss the controls of this one ...
  16. PeterID

    PeterID Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    @srtmxx, Connector: The steering sensitivity is not just a matter taste. It's crucial to gameplay balance. Cave makes bullet hell shooters. Sky Force is not one of them. In SF the bullets are less in numbers and slower than in a typical bullet hell game, hence the controls should be, and are adjusted accordingly. Having much higher steering speed would turn Sky Force into a boring game without any challenge. As for the upgrades being gone - it's clearly a bug, not an intended functionality. Please contact our support and we'll try to resolve this.

    @bigjack66: You don't need friends to complete levels. You need them to unlock tournament stages, which are endlessly looping levels with increasing difficulty. They function outside of the main stages and are not required to progress through the game.

    @redranch91: Stages are selected by tapping their icons on the map (upper part of the screen). Upgrade screen should have a "back" button - two arrows in a circle, facing left. If you don't have that button, you may be going through the tutorial. If this is not a case, please post a screenshot.

    @Bouncy1973: I'm sorry you're not enjoying the game as you'd like to. The medal requirements are there to make sure you approach a level with, more less, enough skill to enjoy it. Have we made Sky Force's default difficulty levels easy enough to beat the game in one session, it would become really boring for the fans of the genre. And forgotten as quickly as it was played through.

    Best regards,
    Infinite Dreams.
  17. B30

    B30 Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Planet Earth
    German translation: "Gehe daraus unberührt"
    My suggestion: "Überlebe ohne getroffen zu werden"
  18. PeterID

    PeterID Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Thanks, B30!
    I'm not sure we can squeeze that in place, though. Could you think of something shorter, like "Don't get hit" perhaps?
    Unfortunatelly we have to outsource our translations and cannot be sure whether they're accurate. Any feedback on localization is always welcome.

    Thanks again,
  19. OriginalDex

    OriginalDex Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Oh, I'm sorry PeterID, my bad... I just missed your post about the IAPs...
    Well, plane generator seems actually fine... I guess that I'll download Sky Force again and give it another try after buying this new item, when it will be available.
    Thx for the answer. ;)
  20. B30

    B30 Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
    Planet Earth
    #140 B30, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
    "Überlebe unverletzt", "Überlebe unbeschädigt" or "Erhalte keinen Treffer"
    these are quite short I think, all the best.

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