Syncing Stars Across Devices Hi All - A little late to the party, but have been really enjoying this game so far. I'm still having trouble figuring out how to get my stars to sync across devices (using iPad 2 and iPhone 5s). I found a couple references (below) to this particular issue earlier in this thread but there doesn't seem to be a consensus on whether or not this is a bug, intended, or perhaps there's an iCloud setting I've missed. I have both installs of App using the iCloud backup per the settings screen and both devices are sending app data to iCloud. Is anyone able to shed some light on this? Many thanks!
I see it almost completely the opposite regarding the IAP. If you pay $6 you have a premium game. The only thing I slightly agree with is the upgrade timers being annoying, but even there the reason I only slightly agree is because the cost for bypassing the timers is very low compared to the upgrades themselves, so you can just pay to bypass them and think of the upgrades as costing slightly more. This is in contrast to F2P games with timers, where the cost of bypassing timers typically becomes prohibitive once you get to higher levels.
I have to agree with Bilbao here. I bought all three permanent IAP for less than a fiver and I haven't looked back since. £5 well spent for me and no need to spend a penny more.
So the person who is currently number one on the leaderboards, 'mummum123' has an 'incredible' score of 60,520,225... some 30 million more others on the top 10. This must be a hacked score... isn't it? @PeterID, what is the maximum score possible?
Weekly medals sound like a good idea. I hadn't thought about the different friend lists though, that could be a problem indeed. Thanks for the reply and the preview! 8) Can't wait to see the update!
The "pilots" are other players who already reached level 7. I guess you need to have internet connection so the game can check the number of players and unlock the stage for you. Same thing for stage 8.
If the problem persist, go to the options screen and back to the game again. That unlocked level 7 for me, and later did the same with level 8.
Anyone with some suggestions on best upgrades to get, and how many before moving to others? (Not IAP) I am sort of slowly increasing the health, steadily increasing main cannon, and slowly increasing wing cannon, magnet and rocket. I am leaving the laser / bomb / shield for now as those look like higher level weapons to me. I beat level 1 and 2 easily, but am getting beaten about 2/3 level 3 pretty consistently. In my fervor to collect stars, I sometimes miss some subtle bullets... Better to concentrate more on the rocket or wing cannons? Or are the manual activated weapons so good they are must have early on?
Another question - bought lasers - how do I use them? There is nothing on screen to indicate they can be used. What am I missing? I am spending stars like crazy on the intro screen presumably to increase the lasers? Except nothing shows up, I am being ripped off!! I am at stage 4 Re-read the thread from the beginning - wondering why ID decided to keep the timers despite 100 % dislike of them. Why no one price unlocks everything? It's a fun game, but I am starting to feel bothered especially about the timers. Plenty of other things to occupy time with, you are making it hard to continue returning, unless you just are interested in the hard core.
To use Laser, Shield and Bombs lift your finger from the screen. The action will slow down to a crawl and you'll be able to use the powerups from there. I felt the same as you about the timers in the beginning, but I soon got used to regard the timers as just a minor annoyance, as the price to skip them is a fraction of the upgrade cost. It's pretty easy to just add the price of them to the overall cost. Really, it's not an issue. I don't understand the developers decision to keep them, but that's just the way it is. The same about the decision to withhold the option to buy IAP's until you've spend a thousand stars on upgrades. Looking at this thread, it just confuses players who actually wants to pay for the game, but can't find a way to do it. Some people may never figure it out, especially people who doesn't frequent TA, and the developer may unnesssecarelly lose money because of this. These very minor issues aside, this game is well worth the money spend, and in my opinion it beats every other shmup on the AppStore, and is on par with the greatest shmups on any platform. Don't let these minor issues bug you, this game just get better and better.
The powerups can wait until you've fully upgraded all the other weapons, they aren't necessary on the easy stages. I focused equally on health, missiles secondary weapons and not least, magnets for a long time before I went on to the power weapons. Especially magnets is important, upgrade that, and you'll earn more money faster, as it's way to easy to die when you're chasing the stars constantly avoid bullets and lasers at the same time. I can't remember if you need to spend at least one upgrade on the powerups to get the option to use them, if that's the case, do that. Even at low levels, they're quite effective.
I really love this game! And I was wondering could you make the phone vibrate when you get hit. It would be really awesome especially when your going for the 'don't get hit medals' .
First, what an awesome and gorgeous looking shmup! Second, have you realised that the game doesn't have a splash screen? I think it would benefit lots from it... the first screen you see when you fire it up is... well, it could be prettier Also, is there any way to replay the intro scene again? Thanks! GC: adansantos
Ohh!! A new plane! I can't wait. Even after the recent update, bugs still persist. There are still no VIP's showing up. Also, the leaderboards for me don't load up and you gave to enter and exit the Settings to refresh. This last week, I could never see the tournament leaderboards. Stage 8 is awesome. Well worth the wait. I still would like to see a survival mode where you have to make it through all 8 stages on one life. Keep up the great work.
So this is very much a half thought through idea but could Skyforce Reloaded perhaps be integrated into this app? The half I did think through was a new plane thank can tackle Reloaded. Once the plane is fully upgraded and certain objectives met, any plane could be used. The parts I haven't thought through are the IAPs, how the UI would accommodate switching and if this will be appealing to everyone. So idea pitched, what you guys think?
@Sabaki: What we currently have in Sky Force 2014 took us, more less, ten months of work. To add the stages from "Reloded" it would probably take us another six, at which point anyone, besides a few really devoted players, would hardly notice the update. Meaning we'd have half a year worth of work which would probably not pay up for itself. We've been through this with Sailboat Championship, when we've turned this into this. A more viable option would probably be a separate product, but it would only be "more of the same". I suppose if we would to make another Sky Force in the near future, we'd want to push it a little outside the boundaries of the genre. @Tonk Montana: Glad you like the "8"! For the VIPs - have you actually received a notification about a VIP, only to not find a VIP badge in the selector screen? I've had one after the update and it all worked fine. @adansantos: We've got iDreams splash screen in all our products. We'll stick with it for now ;-) And no, there's no way to replay the intro scene. @nanyeah: Wouldn't you be angry if your phone fell on the ground and smashed its screen because of that? Btw. Currently the maximum possible score is ~28 million, depending what comes out of the wooden crates. Occasionally we clear the leaderboards of hacked entries, but we can't keep an eye at them 24/7. That's also the reason we only display your friends' score after each level. Best regards, Peter, Infinite Dreams.
Oh... well, I meant a splash screen relevant to the actual game, not the developer's. It's not like you don't have lots of gorgeous art to make it with Thanks for removing that pesky fake score from the leaderboards ;-) Oh, lastly... any tips on how to best avoid the EMP on stage 5 please? I can avoid it fine, it just doesn't give me enough time to rescue the little red men on 'insane'. BTW, I have yet to see a VIP notification, and I've been playing since the soft launch :-(
It's kind of tricky to rescue all the humans without getting hit by the EMP, but it's possible. First method is to put maximum distance between EMP and a survivor you're rescuing. When the EMP approaches you need to make a quick but subtle dodge, so the EMP passes you by. The time it needs to turn back should be enough to collect the survivor. Another method ishaving the EMP circle you all the time. You need to manouver slightly to keep your plane in the center of the EMP's circle. As for the VIPs notifications - it's one of those "y u no play me since yesterday, human?" So you actually need to put dow the game for a day. VIP messages are mixed with upgrade discounts, but if you have your plane maxed out (I suppose you do, playing for such a long time) the VIPs should be the only messages you'll receive. Best regards, Peter, Infinite Dreams.