Completely off topic, but on another shocking sale note The Wolf Among Us EP1 just went free on XBLA if anyone wanted to give it a spin that hasn't gotten the iOS version (provided you have an Xbox 360, of course). But Skulls is a must have for TBS fans and was well worth the original price so grab it now!
The only logical explanation I can think of is Apple fudged up on timing for their '12 Days of Christmas' promotion, and this is Day 1. I guess those apps are the only exceptions for the lockdown...
I seriously doubt it. This is a port from the PC and XBLA versions so it's a pretty respected dev and I don't know if I can recall too many ports turned freemium.
I can deal with a fast price drop, but hate freemium bait and switches, so that is a little more reassuring, cause it isn't on my system right now.
Cheers! That's really made my day, wasn't sure what system I wanted it on so I was going to wait until they were all out and decide then. I knew I'd cave sooner or later but that is a massive bonus!
Holy moly... what a freebie! Wish I had an iPad; just have a Touch right now for iOS. But at least I can play it albeit on a small screen. Will probably get an iPad again next year.
As much as I know devs can set timers (for sales etc.) in iTunes Connect. But only a few are knowing this. So expect some changes despite of the closure. Other than that… Skulls of the Shogun seems to have a learning curve. Although it's multi-language I don't have a clue what to do. The UI seems to be rather cluttered. There were some hints windows but they disappeared before I could read them because I tap somewhere (wrong obviously). I'll try it again when I have more time than five minutes…
You can download the iPad version with iTunes using your computer even if you don't have an iPad right now. Then you'll have the game when you do get one.
Well the timers last year were one way. So they could set a timer but if they tried to go in and change the price back then the app would disappear from the AppStore until after the freeze. The same was true for app launches. Once an app was approved the owner could set a launch date for it to appear in the store.
Well, that's an automatic download - I just happened to look for some odd reason. I usually don't check once the App store freezes.
Does anyone know the uncompressed file size of it? My 16gb iPad is almost full (~400mb) and I don't want to erase lots of things.. Thank you and have a nice Christmas!!