actually i think its like 95% total kill and 5% KD ratio because wesley just lost top spot to sierra who has about 20 kills less than wesley but way better KD ratio. honestly i think the ranking should be picking the top 10 players based on total kill and ranking the top 10 based on KD ratio.
depends, do you like the advanced technology of jet fighters flying at supersonic speeds? or the gritty nostalgic feel of World War 2 piston-powered planes firing machine-guns?
thank you for the advice, I think I'll wait a bit to see what changes in the multiplayer and than I'll probably go with the 10 campaign.
The controls are way better than FAST and it takes very litlle to accomodate with. If I can fly this game, anyone can. I am an earthly creature, everything flying dazzles me yet I am still able to play this game. Kudos, developers! Now, what's next? First Fast, now Skies of Glory, I wonder what are you up to now?! You certainly established a new standard for the industry and I am dead curious to see the boundaries of game development for the iPhone pushed even further!
i would love to get the bundle dogfight pack, but 4,99 and 2,99 a single plane? BTW, the game is really awsome
nah we had a thread about it a little while ago about which plane you use here it is
Leader board Stats Heh, I was only kidding about giving the info away Leader Board Wish: Kill Ratio is all that matters to me. I can't play often enough to get thousands of kills, and I think that the ratio of how many I Downstroy to how many times I am downstroyed says everything about my skill. I'm at 5.5:1 currently. I bet that's Top 10 material. "Soap" in the Top 10 has a 1:1.86 Kill Ratio at the moment; he plays more, but isn't as effective. He should be ranked below me in skill and above me in total kills. (And yeah, I've Downstroyed him plenty ... good fights!) I wish they would add an option to the leader board to check the Kill Ratio stat and other stats -- it could show who has the most of anything from # of Godlikes to number of bailouts. That'd be neat. SGN could even work out some kind of rating algorithm that would give a pilot an Overall rank, too. Do it, SGN! .
You might want to reinforce that by sending them some email directly - if you've done so already. Just my 0,02 kills....
Ok, I sent it to their support site, linked from iTunes. Their support, unfortunately, is legendarily poor. We learned this from their FAST support. And guess what: at the Support Site you pick which game you need help with... and Skies of Glory is NOT A CHOICE! Oh, the irony. ::shakes head:: SGN, SGN, SGN... Sheesh. I have hope, however, for Shawnlopiccolo (his name on this forum) of SGN has been helpful since the FAST 3.0 update, answering questions in the FAST thread and via PM's. Thanks, Shawn! FAST thread: D8, you serioiusly have a 25: 1 Kill Ratio? I'm at 6.3:1