Okay I'll keep it up for now but its drives me nuts - all that BS in one place!!! I'm keeping a close eye on the app Dogfight: Online, its been released in Canada but not gone global yet (Shawn ex SGN is heading up the promo - http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?threadid=79944) Been playing Black Ops, but not very good at it Have fun in the snow and enjoy the downtime from work pal
Yeah I saw the reviews on that a while back. It looks cool! I have been enjoying the snow, its great being home with my kids. Last night we had some sleet and freezing rain so the snow is now all crunchy and frozen over. My 8 year old loves it as he has never seen anything like that. My two year old is afraid to walk on it.
Dont feel bad MIA. I have left FB as well due to political type shenanigans. Glad to be back and exclusive to TA.
I am waiting for Dogfight Online to be available in my country too! One thing that attracts me is the Game center and achievements, and you can earn your XP to buy better weapons/planes, without using real money. If lots of people are playing it, then SOG is ADIOUS! I hope Dogfight Online will follow up with a WWII variant.
I never got the beta copy of Dogfight Online that Shawn promised me. Well whatever. The only thing that I don't like about Dogfight Online is anyone can perform evasive maneuvers so easily now. That, and you can't exactly roll your plane either. This is all based on the video I watched by the way.
you do know that you could 'move' to Canada and download this game ya' know? For more info please look at the Eliminate review at TA
I think that makes a lot of sense I could understand it if it was just the "kids" but its grown men mostly lol Ditto staying clear of FB - I hereby return to the TA fold for good. Yep, maybe even a decent WWI version? I see a lot of biplane apps in the App Store but their pretty dire efforts - alas I have tried and deleted them all The realism aspect or should I say lack of, may prove its downfall. I understand its an "arcade" style shoot-em up but, no rudder input, wacko special moves, whatever next...? BTW Boss, I like your idea about designing a proper flight sim app... the ultimate would be based on the classic Microprose sim, Falcon 4.0
Problem is, not many seem to be willing, some expressed interest, but it doesn't look like it'll go through. If we're to try, we need funds, and we can only get them from like-minded gamers. Kiss suggested starting an online campaign, sounded good, but I don't even know where to start with that. For it to be the ultimate flight sim to me, it would have to allow players to initiate the Pugachev's Cobra maneuver. That would be awesome! And of course, it has to be accessible to both new players and hardened veterans.
The problem is buddy, that an online multiplayer game is going to be a bit more complex than just writing the app. You have to have servers to maintain, customer support... ect. All that requires employees. Hence a company. Also if SGN has such a hard time with customer support, that tells me you have to have plenty of resources to do things right.
Agreed. Having an app with support for multiplayer increases the level of complexity exponentially. The main problem with SGN is that they bought SoG from the original developers as an investment opportunity rather than develop a similar app themselves. They also priced the app too low and this caused them to have underfunded support and server space to handle the tens of thousands of users who downloaded it for free and never spent more than $1-$3 on the game. I think they tried to correct their mistake by releasing the Battle of Britain version, which should have been the initial release instead of one that came out six months after the first. It's weird that they didn't learn their lesson with F.A.S.T. and realize that multiplayer apps don't let you sit back and count your money the moment after someone downloads it from iTunes. We saw them scramble to add consumable content to F.A.S.T. and then Kuneho found similar market items in his jailbroken version of SoG. After playing games like Modern Combat 2 and Real Racing 2 I think it's clear that in order for a multiplayer game to be successful and customers satisfied you have to create it, support it and run it in-house. This costs a lot of money which is why we see the price of high-quality apps creeping into the double digits. All of us here have spent AT LEAST $10 on SoG. If SGN had just charged all of us that much for the BoB version from the start we'd all be in better shape.
I know, they should have just charged us at least that. What's weird is they got the droid version even worse. If your going to release a bundle package, and have no way of providing additional DLC than at least give the consumers the best content for a few dollars more.
It must be scary for these smaller companies to wake up and realize that selling an app for $0.99 that promises multiplayer support means customers may have the right to ask for a refund if you suddenly decide to no longer support it. It's a never ending expense that will always cut into your future profits. Small companies need to stick to stand-alone single player apps and leave the multiplayer apps to the established XBox/PS3 developers. SGN should rent their server space and use the money to hire some programmers fresh out of college. Pump out a half dozen single-player apps a year and make a tidy profit. Getting greedy has simply gotten them in over their heads. I'm sorry to say it but I really think MathKnack is more SGN's style.
If I am not wrong, the game center is for hooking up friends, record achievements. It's not for hosting multiplayer games like SOG or MC2. For Real Racing, it is using Gamecenter for achievements and friends, but using its own server for the Multiplayer matches.
Flight control uses Gamecenter for multiplayer, as well as various other games. The first Real Racing also uses Gamecenter for online multiplayer.
Gamecenter can only support up to 4 pear-to-pear multiplayer. Thus it is possible for Flight control to use purely gamecenter only. But to go up to 16 multiplayer, you would need to have your own server. Thus for Real Racing, it is using both Gamecenter and own servers to host 16-players matches. That's the reason why some multiplayer games only support up to 4 players, at which they don't have to invest in their own servers. So if I were to write a new multiplayer game and I am just a small team, I will go for max 4 players first.
Yeah, we could start out with a 4 player game if we go through with this. Just add a little twist to the multiplayer to make it more interesting.
I didn't realize they allowed 4 player games like that. Oh and if you find willing programmers and your really serious about this buddy, you could try Kickstarter.com
Interesting, But I don't feel comfortable going in on this by myself. Want some people to back me you know.