I'm here I've made it. I was going to play with SAB MacMan tonight but my kids went bezerk before bed.
Oh...It just occurred to me, where is the P-47. Oh and to who ever said it before, I am in favor of the destroy/protect the base. that would be super cool. or if we could play multi-person planes like the P-61 black widow.
Shern, yes i'm from England and many thanks for your welcome... nice to know i'm the only recognised Brit in this forum so far Hmm, don't think one of our Spitfires have ever been coated full red in the past... at least not in the event of war anyway, maybe for an air show. I know of spinners and afew decals being scarlet for war but not the entire craft as in SoG. Most I have seen the coat being is beige/sand. Thanks for the comment of my signature ... I knocked it up in afew minutes, I didn't want anything too flashy just somthing small in line with the SoG theme... somthing more like a stamp then an emblem. I'm sure if/when you design your squadrons sig it will reflect the true stature of [SAB]
Hey FAST, how about joining us? some of the guys in SAB recommended that i invite you. what do you say?
... What a priviledge that would be ... [SAB] Boola But i'm afraid I don't play enough and serious enough to have any possitive impact to the group. Last I was online I wasn't participating in direct battle but testing my ACM (Air Combat Maneuvering) and my AOA (Angle of Attack) against aviators armed with rockets... I used to find them annoying before-hand now there my favorite customer ... my findings are interesting. So i'm afraid I would be one of the less active members ....
Come to think of it one thing that gets me 'in a zone' when SoG'ing online is my in-game music ... *both links contain audio SoG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFRDyHXCIdg F.A.S.T http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8rZWw9HE7o does it for me Evvveeeery time ... noticed I have about a 25% greater kill ratio then sessions when I leave out the music
No, I didn't mean to imply that at all. I hate them (hate getting hit by them especially!) I love downstroying guys using them I simply referred to FAST's mention (above) that he met me once and downstroyed me a couple times. It was before I knew his name, though; he mentioned it the other day. It was the day after our 6.5 Magnitude earthquake, Sunday I think. Or Saturday. Yeah, I like to punish pilots who I see using rockets, to that they come to think that they're actually a liability and decide not to keep using them. Let's flush them out!
I have seen where you guys refer to "lance" from SGN. Could you perhaps mention the page where he has posted on this forum? or being sgn they might have not responded to any of the posts by players or suggestions?
npk, here's his first post: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=37492&page=17 I wonder if that link works, because it's for Page 17 for me, but I have my forum prefs showing 20 posts per page. Anyway, if you find it, then for each consecutive page you can simply search for the text "lancenelson" on the page real quickly to find his other posts.
Hmm... Yes I did earn a frag or two from you ... But as it looks, i'll soon be joining [SAB] ... so that would make us 'Brothers in arms' .... and you know what your SoG ROE(Rules Of Engagement) section 2 says: "2. Do not fire upon members with our brigades tag attached. That includes honorary members." As 'Dogtanian' would say "one for all an all for one" So looks like a spot of Blue on Blue is out of the question ... On the other hand... mosquito did warn he would leave me smoking ..... and shern25 did threaten to turn my red Seafire into a red lobster, an noone refers to my red Seafire as a red Lobster an gets away with it plus you Frumius never did get round to demonstrating to me your theory about "revenge downstroying" and i'm sure tee-em would like a screencap of himself killing me to put on his mantelpiece ... so how abouts we all put on our Spitfires, Seafires & Corsets an meet up in an online lobby for a couple drinks for old times sake one for the road as they say. all Rounds on you .
I would love to be there I would really like to be in that room to see the adventure. Maybe you can post an appointment on here. I hope that's not to nosy of me. But, this would be a very interesting game.
Sounds jolly good to me, too! But since we're spread totally around the globe -- Mosquito in Switzerland, at least two time zones in the USA between tee-em and myself (not sure where npk is), and Shern in Singapore, I don't know when this event could happen! How about my "tonight" at like 7:00 PM? That's Pacific Time (California), which I think is GMT - 8 hours; this is how my forum info is set up here at toucharcade. That would put the party at some pretty wee hours for the Europeans! But even if it never happens we can still speak of it as if it had, and laugh about all the good times we had.
For those of you who have netflix and are interested, there is a show available called Dogfights. They have quite a bit of WW2 showdowns. here is the link: http://www.netflix.com/WiMovie/Dogfights_Season_1/70065986?strackid=4855eca35ac0aaf2_0_srl&strkid=345314453_0_0&trkid=438381