chris, it's the online that's free. That, one mission, and the wimpy P-40. So the cheapest way to joy would be to buy a plane and get online! After that, expand with purchases as you feel like it. I've ended up with the mission pack and dogfight pack, and a few planes when they went on sale. I like the missions. If I had two 2nd or 3rd gen iPod touches I'd get the bluetooth trip. But one of the two iPod touches we have here is a 1st gen w/out bluetooth.
Try clicking on "campaign" and "Dogfight Missions" when you're in Single Player. You should see that you have access to one campaign and 5 dogfight missions (numbered 00-04). You might have to complete the tutorial first to see them, though, I'm not sure.
If SGN start charging on monthly basis for online game, or selling 1000 rounds of heavy MG for $0.99, I stop this game totally. They should put advertisetment in the apps to cover the cost of maintaing server and making incomes.
I don't mind if they charge a dollar a month for online gameplay.But if that happens, they better provide the planes for free.It sucks to buy the planes for $3 and then go and shell out another $$ a month for online gameplay. if they however charge for 10000 rounds or hours of play then i am gonna stop playing online
Top 10 SoG players, their planes and where they are from. Also to snap shot their scores as to see how much movement from previous day. - GN-0000 (58537): Zero, suspect from Japan. - [SAB] Shern (51692): Spitfire (Red), from Singapore. - [SAB]oter (46124): BF109, from Switzerland. - SAB Frumius (42991): Corsair, from USA. - V (42430): Zero, not sure from where. - Wesley (37028): Corsair, suspect from USA. - cometti (31475): Corsair, not sure from where. - [SAB]TWolf24 (30975): Corsair, from Mexico. - kuneho (28739): Corsair, suspect from Asia. - D8withDEATH (27181): Corsair, from USA. Those in grey means they seems to have stop playing completely. Corsair is still the most popular planes in the top10 list (but the top 3 all are not Corsair ). The top 4 consists a well mixed of planes from 4 major powers of the WWII, namely Corsair from USA, BF109 from Germany, Spitfire from Britain and Zero from Japan. Also notice the top 4 players are using planes based on their nationalities: - GN from Japan using Zero. - Shern from Singapore (ex British colony) using Spitfire. - oter aka Mosquito60 from Swiss (part of Europe) using BF109. - Frumius from USA using Corsair.
Well investigated Yes, funny how the top 4 are using aircrafts based on their nationality. SAB Frumius... is on there quite abit. I met that aviator afew times on Sunday and shot him down afew times too... actually i've noticed that once you shoot down one aviator 3 or 4 times in a session they tend to only pin-point you after they re-appear Quite sure I saw [SAB]Twolf on there too, but theres so many renditions of that [SAB] xxxxx prefix it's hard to keep track Next time i'll get screen shots I'm sure I can break into the top 10 going but the amount of 'GODLIKES' I get but I just don't have the time to fit in all the games needed
Question for Lance Hi Lance Nice that you talk to us in this forum. Would be nice to hear what you plan with the game.. will there be updates? soon? maybe in two years? I would like to limit the number of players when I create a room. I liked the 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 in F.A.S.T. thanks for listening...
The BF Messerschmitt is a german plane. Not a swiss plane. There was no swiss plane, I think in ww2. In WW2 Switzerland was not involved. We didn't dogfight with germans or americans. We only collected the gold. Now there is a swiss plane, the pilatus porter. It is sold as training plane and you can install missile and MG, so this school plans sometimes bomb some small houses with poor people. I like screen shots. Whats your name in SoG? So I can make a pic when I see you. Do you want your normal plane in the pic or do you want it smoking? Smoking is easier for me, because then you are slower.
yeah i was playing some more dis morning. def a game that will require a lot of time to get the hang of,, i did download the lite version of h.a.w.x and i liked the joy stick option. i was def more accurate with a stick. heh chris. just found another flying game "metal sun" its free right normally 1.99 not tried it yet but for free figured id download it and try it.. and let you guys know too. popped up on the appstore just a few seconds ago for me.
True, but the Swiss Air Force flew BF109s during the 1940s:
Why, this sounds like a challenge, sir! My theory about the "revenge" downstroying is that I might teach the guy not to go after me if I downstroy him a bunch after he gets me. Were you buy chance going by the name, in quotes, " ? " Sunday? I joined a room called "Aces Only," and this guy named " ? " just zeroed in on me something fierce. I was having a hard time of it, because Saturday was a big 6.5 Magnitude earthquake (epicenter just 25 miles from here), and my phone line was wonky until this morning (Monday), which affected my DSL connection. Enemy planes were jumping around. I thought, "Well, if they are jumpy for me, maybe I'm jumpy for them and it'll all come out in the wash." But I realized I must be a sitting duck, as I couldn't hit targets that suddenly weren't there, while I seemed to be a right plum pick myself! As for the Top Ten, it's geared toward people who have TONS of time to play more than it is geared toward skill. Look at GN and V -- their Kill Ratios aren't all that great, but they have lots of kills; this translates into a lot more playing time than I can keep up with. I made it to # 1, held it for a couple days, and now I'm slipping. I just have too many real life obligations. But you may be glad to know, since you sound very skilled, that we of Sgarrista Air Brigade (SAB) have asked Lance the publisher of the game, who has posted in this thread, to include leader boards for other categories including # of Godlikes, Total Kills, Kill Ratio, etc. We also asked that he make the list a lot longer, as it is in F.A.S.T., so that more people can see their name in lights and be recognized for various types of statistics. We'd also like Local Scores, as they have in F.A.S.T. I'll paste the text of our current request list below:
Frumius, so kind of u that u never mention about me or mosquito who has lower kdr than GN, regarding those who have tons of time to spare. Anyway, u're the best of the best in SoG, as u're in top5 and have the highest kdr among the top 9. I need 10hrs of play to pass GN. But on daily basis I can only have time to increase my scores by 1000 points (~150 kills). On weekends I can increase by 3000 points. GN has been playing too much for past 1week. And his killing rate per game is not faster than mine. Soon he will be tired and give up on the game, just like D8 and Wesley. This is a tortise vs rabit race. GN is the rabit. I'm the tortise. I just need to play moderately on daily basis, still spending good times with family at nights, and eventually I'll overtake that rabit. U'll see.
In reading my post above, I see that I said something very poorly indeed and may have offended people, including my friends. Shern and SAB oter I know to be very skilled players. GN-0000 I know is skilled. All of them are true Aces. I did not intend to take anything away from them or hurt their feelings when I complained about the scoring. I apologize for that deeply. I also acknowledge that my higher Kill Ratio may mean that I simply take fewer risks. I know I do, in fact -- for instance, [SAB]oter tries flying under that bridge while doing LOOPS while online! He's an amazing flyer. I'm afraid to do that for fear of hurting my Kill RAtio! See? It has a strangle-hold on me. And Shern, he conducts experiments and shares his findings with us -- experiments that often cost him lives. So Kill Ratio is not everything either. Those guys are heroes. What I wanted to convey was that the current rank system does put a little too much weight on shear numbers of kills, a criterion that can be as much about the amount of time that one plays as about one's skill level. I'd like SGN to rework their formula for an overall rank so that it puts less weight shear numbers of kills, since it is possible in some case to gain many kills while not possessing the skills of someone ranked lower.
In no way are we being offended, and in no way is your message offending. it's a fact that without tons of time to play this game, it's impossible to be in top10. It just that those with higher killing rate takes shorter time but he will not beat those with much more time to play. All of us have same amount of time ie 24hrs per day. We get to choose how we want to use it. To spend most of it on this game will be silly and regretful. Because he will miss out MW2 (everyone talking about it and I haven't tried this yet because no xbox360 or gaming PC).
Nice info, Tm! If SGN can sell BF109 with Swiss marking, I'm sure Mosquito will buy it. Lancer are u listerning? New business opportunity! if u can sell spitfire that's bright orange, luminious green or pink in color, I will surely buy it.
I only have to get to place one, when you and GN are on the top and get tired to play so much, before V will get me... If I play as much as GN I get problems with my wife.
ups.. my english gets every day more bad. I only can get to place one, when you and GN are on the top and get tired to play so much, before V will get me...
oh Frumius, you are so kind... I don't care about kill ratio and what you said about it. I messed up my KDR in the beginning. Do not forget that my points in FAST are about 1270, so my skill was very low at the beginning in SoG. So I don't care about. Even if it would be 20:1 now, untill you could really see it I would need to kill about 5000 planes. Sometimes, if there is the button bailout blinking, and there is a smoking plane ahead, I try to get it down, before my plane explodes. I shoot as long the last MG runs. SoG should have more realistic rating system. But KDR also doesn't really show the skill. If you avoid rooms with high and middle skilled players, your KDR is good. Some skilled rocketplayers can kill me 6 or 7 times, till I get the recipe to get them. supposing that the best player of the world buys a new iphone and has to build up his reputation from zero, he would have to play for weeks to get in the top ten. Because he has to kill 8 or 10thousand planes first. It would be intelligent, when the scoring system realizes within a week, that he is the most skilled player on earth. There should be something to measure what I don't know yet. I leave it to you or SGN to find out. You call us heroes, thank you. But when you get shot down and the worst thing that happens is, that you iphone is vibrating, no broken bones, no bloody scratch in the face... I doubt that I'm a real hero It's nice to have you as our field commander...