Hi Lance I have three suggestions 1. please make a trottle like in FAST, which you can move up or down. The space is there, just lower the brake button a little. If you are in the middle of the game it often happens, that I don't push the right one. You don't see which of the two you press, later you feel that you start to stall. With a real trottle you can easy slide up or down an you see at which position it is. 2. why not making kind of 1 vs. 1 rooms with a own score list, like in FAST? It was cool to win many points if you shot down a high ranked player. Now I get same points, even when I needed five minutes to get him, killing a noob gives the same amount of points. That's unfair. 3. Take some women pics for the pilots gallery Happy new year and thanks for listening
Dear Lance, I hope u can add these two phrases in the center message thing in online play. If there's not enough space, maybe can replace on other 2 words. 1) "Lame!" : that's what I want to yell at those who killed me with rockets. 2) "HA! U missed!" : that's what I want to yell at those who tried to kill me with rocket but missed. Then when I got them in h2h, I will say "Gotcha!".
If u ain't in top 10 due to lack of time to play but u're an ace, you may want to take snapshots of your achievements in the game and post them here like what i did above. Warning: try not to keep playing until >300 kills in one game like what Twolf did. It's really hazardous to the health, particulary to the eyes and brain. Achieving just >20 kills while all others in the game are < 5 kills are also a notable achievement and the proof u're an ace in this game. Most of the time i will restrict to 20-30 kills before resting my eyes, thumbs and mind. Occasionally I will go for 100 kills but that's the max I give myself. I don't want to destroy my health by destroying too many planes in one go.
Finally, I have touched the gold shield. I will hold it until Frumius wake up from his sleep to take it back by doing a few easy kills. Gonna take a break from this game as this week will be a busy week at work.
Lance, Can u put somewhere in the app letting players know there is this touch arcade forum? I think this is the most extensive place to find on the topic on SoG.
trottle with boost Hi Lance, you could include the boost in the trottle. The player has to keep the trottle up there manually and it works only when red, that means after use it turns black and gets red again after a while. But you can move the trottle in one move up to the beginning of the boost or down to zero or the middle.. an your finger is free instantly. I don't think they had these buttons in ww2 The buttons are bad. you have to keep pressing them the are to close to each other: in a fast fight you miss them or push the wrong. it's not indicated that the button is pressed. You feel the stall, then it's to late. You see, Lance, we are interrested in making your product really good
Lance, another suggestion idea: I'd love to be able to see who was in each game before joining (did I already put that in my list of suggestions before?) Ok, I know I posted this before, but I've added a couple of suggestions made by others in the forum and now it's a more complete list: ________________ ________________ (*** denotes things added since first submission) Sgarrista Air Brigade began in F.A.S.T., but we've all become quite enamored of Skies of Glory. It's extremely fun. I've made a list of some of the things I've thought of and that we (SAB) have spoken of. I'm sure I've forgotten something, but.... Leader Board 1) I want a scrolling list of far more than just the Top Ten, as in FAST. 2) Local Scores as in FAST. 3) Currently the ranking is almost purely a total number of kills system. We need to be ranked by other stats as well. I'd like to see a way to toggle through various High Score lists for other types of achievements: Kill Ratio, Crashes, Number of "Godlikes," bailouts, etc. as well as an Overall rank that somehow calculates a, well, Overall score. Also I want to be able to see Squadron stats, which means we need: Squadrons and Buddy Lists 1. The ability to form squadrons that SGN's servers are aware of so that squadrons can challenge each other, be ranked, and members can find each other, i.e see which games they are in and see which team they are in so that you can either join them or play against them. 2. Ability to compile a Buddy List and be able to find where your friends are playing and see which team they are in so that you can either join them or play against them. 3. Some way to chat while in the lobby looking at games so that you can organize with your buddies or Squadron, perhaps before a match against another group. Other Social features: 1. Have a player's nationality attached to the game ID if one chooses. It’s more fun to know which country your opponent is from, and to check the nationalities of the Top-ranked players (will look like an olympic scoreboard). 2. SGN should provide a Skies of Glory forum for all users to use for anything from arranging challenges to trouble-shooting. General Gameplay 1. Regarding created rooms, to have an "Unranked Room" option in the game setup, in which players' rankings would not be affected. This can allow friends to create room to play with each other without messing with their ranking -- it would be great for experimenting flight tactics with each other. 2. Customization of airplane with decals/colors/flags, etc. 3. More Multiplayer game types, some with ground targets. I want to see each team have a Base with the objective to defend your base while downstroying the other. -- *** A VIP game. One of us here in the forum wanted a "VIP" game (I think he called it that; I can't find the post) in which your team must defend your VIP while downstroying the other team's VIP. -- *** King of the Hill; perhaps the hill could be a colored area on the terrain and a corresponding colored column rising from the ground -- the column would give a slight tint to your view when you are in it so that you would know your team was getting time on the hill. -- *** Capture the Flag, in which you grab the opponent's flag and return it to your Base. You could collect the flag at the enemy Base by flying through it. Flying through the flag would grab the flag, and your plane would show up with some sort of special icon showing that you had the flag. You'd then need to race back to your base and deposit it by flying through your own flag pole. 4. Allow a player to log in as himself from any iPod Touch/ iPhone. This way if you have to share your iPod with your brother/sister/son/wife/whatever, you can still log in as yourself and play. Also, if you get a new iPod, you can bring your player name and account with you. What if I'm at my nephew's house and I want to hop on using his ipod? I can simply log into my account of Frumius for online play... I'd have to have access to my planes when online, though. But we all used computers, right? You can rig that up for us I am certain; it's what computers are good at. 5.*** A Sliding throttle -- mosquito60's ([SAB]oter's) idea -- as opposed the to buttons; you could use the left side of the interface. Please make it nearly invisible or invisible (in FAST it's invisible). I want to keep the view clear. 6. *** Flap controls that are separate from the above throttle slider; Up Flap button could be above slider, Down Flap button could be below it. This would really give some more control to the plane and be another level of skill to master. 7.*** Female pilot portraits as well as the male pilots -- mosquito60's ([SAB]oter's) idea 8.*** The ability to see which players are in the rooms before we join (great if one is looking for people who one knows are good to play with). 9.*** The ability to save films (I meant to have this in the list in the first place, but [SAB]oter (Mosquito60) reminded me with the idea). --- *** denotes additions to the list since first time it was posted.
Lance, I've added some game types to my post above. See all the parts marked *** for additions since I first posted it after you introduced yourself last week or so.
umm... for the uninitiated - could someone tell me again what you get for completing the campaign or dogfight missions? I don't want to spend hours at it if I don't get a reward!
I get nothing by completing the campaign but it doesn't take much time to complete them and they are really fun to play. I recommend u to complete it. For dogfight I'm stuck at #89. I think is impossible to win. Spent one whole hr trying but to no avail. So I can't find out if there's any reward for completing the dogfight. But there are sighting of the super Zero which can kill almost instantly using MG. I suspect this is unlock by finishing the dogfight.