WAit! Shern is misleading you! (private to shern: don't tell them that! They make so much better snacks when they're in their stock planes! [Edit] PS: The Corsair is awesome and only $1.99. That means for an awesome game experience you pay... $1.99 (plus whatever they end up charging for online). That's not too bad. I also recently bought 10 missions for $4.99. They are definitely fun, but I'll never get as many good hours out of them as I can in my Corsair downstroying online opponents. That is fun. Lance, can we please have the ability to have pilot names that are just long enough to say "SAB Downstroyer"? Just for me? Pretty please? Also, when you begin charging for online play please charge only a small-ish one-time fee ($.99 or $1.99?), not a subscription-like thing. I am desperate to stay happy with SoG. All the pay-as-you-go stuff in FAST killed it for me. .[/edit]
Top 10 SoG addicts Here are the top10 addicts, what plane they normally use, from which air force, and where they are from: 1. Wesley Film: Corsair, U.S. Navy, from somewhere on Earth. 2. D8with DEATH: Corsair, U.S. Navy, from U.S.A 3. Frumius: Corsair, U.S. Navy, from U.S.A 4. Twolf24: Corsair, U.S. Navy, from Mexico 5. Snowhawk: BF190, Luftwaffe, from Singapore 6. zxzx: Corsair, U.S. Navy, from somewhere on Earth 7. oter: BF190, Luftwaffe, from Switzerland 8. Starscraem: Corsair, U.S. Navy, from U.S.A 9. Greasy: some plane, from somewhere on Earth 10. Chiotas: BF190, Luftwaffe, from Italy
bah - no tempest or spitfire ;-) they rule... I like downing Corsairs cos' they are so big ;-) u can't miss them
Hey, u're the next person beside me who noticed the Corsair is a huge target to shoot at. I think I seen Wesly in red spitfiire or Corsair. Anyone can confirm which plane is Wesly Film using, and also zxzx and greasy?
Hey guys, please dun leave the room whenever u see SAB Snowhawk. Nowadays whenever i enter a full 8 player FFA room, it become a 2-3 player game in less than a minute. People just leave. I really enjoy all your company, enjoy seeing your plane blown to pieces by my double MG. You guys really make me happy. So pls dun leave, i like u guys. Here's some tip to survive and down top players in FFA room, if there is one inside. 1) Get a better plane with firepower at least 4 stars and handling at least 4 stars. So that's left with BF109, Corsair and Red spitfire. 2) Always target at the top player and not any other planes unless you see smoked up plane within your firing range. Because it u aren't aiming at the top player, there's a high chance that he's behind u shredding your backside. Good luck and enjoy downstroying top players.
I tell ya I prefer my Corsair over the BF109! It's just so much more... beastly. I haven't consciously noticed any difference in my kill ratio. However, here are some interesting stats: my overall Kill Ratio is about 8.2:1 currently with the Corsair as my primary plane, and I just did about 50 kills in the BF109 and my average in it was only 7:1. Hrm. That means I died more and killed less in the BF109 than in the F4U Corsair. I lub my Corsair. Wouldja just look at that thing? Ain't she purty? Only the P-51 was sweeter... but in SoG it's not good enough. According to Wikipedi, "The U.S. Navy counted an 11:1 kill ratio with the F4U Corsair." ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F4U_Corsair ) I must be doing something wrong! Or perhaps the competition has heated up. That must be it!
In actual world, the BF109 sucks as compared to the British Spitfire (there's really no such thing as a Red Spitfire, but there is pink, lime green, bright orange spitfire...just no red spitfire for goodness sake), and the USN Corsair.
I have changed my default plane to Red Spitfire. It's my orginal plane of choice, and when I was young, the spitfire was my favorite WWII plane. My most recent ~150 kills are done with the spitfire. I have flew many hours in the 3 planes which i think are the best in SoG (the rest are lemons). And this is my single phrase review of these planes: Corsair: A lethal Killer. Choose this if high kill rate is your top priority. BF109: A nimble survivor. Choose this if staying alive longer is your top priority. Red Spitfire: A knight in red armor. Choose this if winning in h2h is your top preference in downing your opponent. This is like a jousting match so I use knight to describe this plane. All these planes have at least 4 stars in both the firepower and handling which is curcial in the gameplay.
I found out what zxzx fiys: Unfortunately I had to shoot him because he was too fast to make a Picture
I met wesley. He was in a corsair. He was too fast to take a pic and he shot me down at least 4 times. It was a mess.
I wish i could take photos like u do. But my home buttom is a bit damage. it's not sensitve and i tends to exit the app while trying to take a snap shot.
Yes, that's a problem... I had to exercise a while, I klicked myself a lot of time out of the game.. especially when I had to hurry...