Thank you Frumius! Sure, I think I have those attitudes you search in pilots. My background on REI (Regio Esercito Italiano) squadron on WBfree for two years and my 7 years on MS Flight Simulator + IVAO as Pilot and Controller let me think that some values comes before any leaderboard and kill ratio.. Now I'll pm those guys, thank you again!
so that people spawn in different places it prevents one person from killing everyone before they have a chance to react and defend themselves
Yes, that is probably true. And I don't know any woman who likes the game. But if there is onl one, she would like to choose a picture without beard.
Wait, how does this game compare to the modern version of it - F.A.S.T.? I'm interested in trying it out but the fact that it has a nickel and dime scheme coupled with the fact that my iPod doesn't have much space on it is pushing me away.
Personally, I like it far more than FAST, just because of the fact that it doesn't have guided missiles, making it solely about maneuvering and positioning than knowing when to shake your iPod. Another thing that I like more is that the multiplayer matches let you respawn and keep flying, rather than waiting for the next round. The respawning also allows for the racking up of huge kill streaks.
If you have to restore your iphone and install the backup, SoG maybe is installed without the latest planes you bought. So you have to restore your purchased. If your wife has a iphone too, and buys her apps with your account, you can install your planes and missions on the iphone of your wife with "restore purchased"
Switch during flight from MG to rocket It would be nice to have the possibility to switch between 2nd MG and the rocket during a flight... How was it in ww2? did they have to decide to use either second MG or rocket?
Rockets were barely used in the air if ever. rockets were only used for ground attack and even then it was never really used much(until the closing days of the war).
Yeah, to introduce effective air to air missiles or rockets would remove this games credablility. Not that there wasn't the use of rockets, and there was experimental use of wire guided and infra red missles too, but not in ANY meaningful scale. Now if the game introduces Korean war period fighters, then we can have rockets. They were very similair to WW2 aircraft in their use of guns a a primary weapon. Much more in keeping with SOG than FAST. Any PC gamers out there might Just remember Blade Alley by Rowan Games. Mustangs fighting jet migs. Great stuff.
To move even further away from rocket equiped aeroplanes, I wonder how many would welcome a 1914/18 version? In terms of the combat experience, I think it could easily match SOG and the choice of aircraft would be highly exotic! The Red Baron and Sopwith Camels? Yes please.
hahaha i'd like to see a sopwith camel on the business end of my machine guns and cannons! i doubt it would last long haha. personally i'd like to see the flying-wing fighter that germany was researching and developing. it never saw conflict due to german surrender.
I'm not suggesting sending a Fabric and wood biplane against an F15!! : )) mind you, I do want to see Fairy Swordfish in the game! Cannon fodder but still...
there are woman in SoG I saw at lest tree to four real girl names. Sina for example. But maybe it is just the husband or brother playing...
BTW Does anyone add music audio when playing SoG ?... my default theme is does it for me Evvveeeery time F.A.S.T