Hi Lance.. nice to meet you in here.. I have some suggestions: I would like to have a movie of my dogfights.. would be nice to watch. I would like to paint my own plane.. (change the mapped pic.) A score list which pays skills and not the hours you spend playing. Maybe like in F.A.S.T. or a Kill/Death/Ratio or you get points for the victory of a team, or the first three places in the room list makes you win points. it should be fair, and not easy to cheat Why are there no woman pics to choose for pilots face? Or do you think that women hate this game? I would like to choose the team for which I fight. And I have to see the names of the players who are already there to decide. You could make two kinds of multiplayer: -one for digfights -one for ground missions. For ground missions you have to recruit players from games like ishooter or theese egoshooter freaks. People who like to shoot cannons, but don't like to fly. allow me to fly in SoG for one day with the F18
I don't think many women were fighter pilots in WW2 Anyways, I definitely agree with all of these (besides the sarcastic one); here are some more: • More game modes - VIP (2 teams that each defend one guy on their team, points are gained from killing the VIP) - Juggernaut (Everyone after one guy, whoever kills that guy becomes the "Juggernaut") • Could you also add more spawn points? It's too easy to spawn kill people. • A checkable option to have the game auto-calibrate at the start of each game would be nice, so would a quick calibration button on the screen at all times.
I'm tired of supporting SGN. They turned out to be money hungry without taking proper steps. I understand devs need to eat. But F**king your supporters in the a** is gonna get back at you one way or the other. The FAST I paid for miraculously became a lite version in my device. Tried contacting them kindly asking for assistance and they ignored my correspondence. I'm tired. Watch out for SGN, folks! Skies of Money? Give me HAWX anytime anyday.
Hi, Lance. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Thanks for asking for suggestions and making yourself available. Sgarrista Air Brigade began in F.A.S.T., but we've all become quite enamored of Skies of Glory. It's extremely fun. I've made a list of some of the things I've thought of and that we (SAB) have spoken of. I'm sure I've forgotten something, but.... Leader Board 1) I want a scrolling list of far more than just the Top Ten, as in FAST. 2) Local Scores as in FAST. 3) Currently the ranking is almost purely a total number of kills system. We need to be ranked by other stats as well. I'd like to see a way to toggle through various High Score lists for other types of achievements: Kill Ratio, Crashes, Number of "Godlikes," bailouts, etc. as well as an Overall rank that somehow calculates a, well, Overall score. Also I want to be able to see Squadron stats, which means we need: Squadrons and Buddy Lists 1. The ability to form squadrons that SGN's servers are aware of so that squadrons can challenge each other, be ranked, and members can find each other, i.e see which games they are in and see which team they are in so that you can either join them or play against them. 2. Ability to compile a Buddy List and be able to find where your friends are playing and see which team they are in so that you can either join them or play against them. 3. Some way to chat while in the lobby looking at games so that you can organize with your buddies or Squadron, perhaps before a match against another group. Other Social features: 1. Have a player's nationality attached to the game ID if one chooses. Its more fun to know which country your opponent is from, and to check the nationalities of the Top-ranked players (will look like an olympic scoreboard). 2. SGN should provide a Skies of Glory forum for all users to use for anything from arranging challenges to trouble-shooting. General Gameplay 1. Regarding created rooms, to have an "Unranked Room" option in the game setup, in which players' rankings would not be affected. This can allow friends to create room to play with each other without messing with their raking -- it would be great for experimenting flight tactics with each other. 2. Customization of airplane with decals/colors/flags, etc. 3. More Multiplayer game types, some with ground targets. I want to see each team have a Base with the objective to defend your base while destroying the other. 4. Allow a player to log in as himself from any iPod Touch/ iPhone. This way if you have to share your iPod with your brother/sister/son/wife/whatever, you can still log in as yourself and play. Also, if you get a new iPod, you can bring your player name and account with you. What if I'm at my nephew's house and want to hop on? I can simply log into my account of Frumius for online play... I'd have to have access to my planes when online, though. But we all used computers, right? You can rig that up for us I am certain; it's what computers are good at.
Great game... Love it. Totally addicted! I'd reallt like to see: more aircraft, especially the Mosquito. Great plane. The hurricane too. Classic bird. Shark mouthed Kitty Hawk must surely be added too. Oh, and a Black Widow? Hell, why not stick in a Fairy Swordfish?! And WW2 jet fighters? You could even stretch it to the Korean war without encrouching on FAST territory. I see in the adverts that alternative skins are available for the zero and corsair ( for example) but I can't access them myself unless I'm missing something. I really don't mind paying for the content here as the game is so good, but restricting alternative paintjobs for cash would stretch my good will a bit too far :-/. Finally, what about aircraft specific cockpits? I'm a bit surprised not to see this feature, especially as I'm paying so much for each aircraft.
Woah! You did my job for me! These are all very good suggestions so far. I have my work cut of for me in the new year! Great stuff guys!
Also how about customizable emblems for groups and tags so we know if they're actually part of us or not and this is in response to a lot of people flying with the SAB tag and they arent in it
i had a run in with D8 he was on my team to bad we can't TK in this game i woulda had him but we can't so we spent the rest of the time with him spawn killing and my nocking the occaisonaly surivior off of his tail
Add bombers This game is amazing but I have an Idea. Add bombers like the B-17, B-29...etc. The game mode would have the bomber vs three fighter plus anti aircraft. The bomber would have two gunners in the back and on top of the plane, one Bombardier/gunner under the plane and of course a pilot. In this senario the bomber plane wins if they destroy a target defended by the anti-aircraft gun. The other team wins if they kill the the bomber. What do you guys think?
Absolutely love the game, I've been playing it virtually non-stop since I got it. Just wish that there was a bit more variation in the MP modes and a lot more planes. Also, as someone suggested, randomizing spawn spots would be nice. Something also has to be done about people leaving and re-entering in order to avoid dying. Maybe a re-entry timer of some sort? Like if you exit the room you can't re-enter the same room for a minute?
Thanks! I've been lurking for a while, usually come here to see what game to get. Had to post a comment because I'm having a blast in SoG. You're undeadZ in the game?
that be me! as you can see i had to drop the ed at the end of my name. any one with [SAB] will be found here along with D8withDeath and Starscraem(on here as IHOPnes) butchered his name didn't I?
Cool! I was wondering what's up with the tag. heh. Also, I have a question, is there a way to remove that radial emote menu? I hit it every once in a while and sometimes it doesn't make sense.
the whosy what now is it the thing that happens when you open the app that wants you to buy the dlc i guess it could be removed if you bought all the dlc but why in the world would you want to do that?
Hi Flammable welcome to TA! Do you want to apply to be in SAB since you seem very well accuinted with UndeadZed
If you're wondering how to get in, go to Quick Links/User CP > Social Groups > Sgarrista Air Brigade. The requirements are posted there.
aquianted isn't the right word we have been on the receiving end of each others cannon bursts a number of times