Universal Siralim (by Thylacine Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Yeah, I find the balance of your team to be very important later on in levels.

    I actually think the difficulty spike is needed because it seems to be too easy at first. Dying teaches me that I'm doing something wrong with my artifacts or my creature selection.

    Tanks are good but so are creatures that heal when they die or kill a creature. Those have turned the battle for me quite often.
  2. Anteros

    Anteros Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    This update is taking way way too long. Anyway I can get the patches earlier. Pm me ;)
  3. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    #123 Jorlen, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
    Freggin' apple and their review process lol. It's one thing I love about Android and PC in comparison.

    Question to the developer - I find myself struggling to get new summoned creatures to match the others levels. Despite going to the Chaos realms (the one with the XP skull items) I find new creatures really falling behind and staying behind in terms of levels.

    Rough example is right now my creatures are around level 35 but my latest one is in the mid-20s. Consequently, despite crafting him a wicked strong artifact with plenty of defense, he usually gets chewed up quickly in battles, making him semi-useless.

    This pain point discourages switching around creatures, which I think is part of the fun of this game; experimenting with different combos, etc. My recommendation is to implement a system to help with leveling up new creatures, if at all possible, or modify the XP received calculation in relation to your other creatures. I mean, logically if I got a new guy on the team, but the rest of my team are all experts, the new guy should ramp up REALLY fast and catch up quickly :)

    Thanks for listening to our feedback and being present in this thread, and I will keep enjoying your game :)
  4. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    I completely agree. I'm still trying to figure out the most elegant solution to this problem, but something definitely needs to be done.

    Also, the current average wait time for a new app to appear on the app store is 7 days. I submitted the patch on July 9, so there's a chance it'll go live today.
  5. dudecoolguyman

    dudecoolguyman Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    What happens to an artifact with a legendary enchantment when you scrap it for materials (well can you scrap it?). Would you get your legendary piece back!?

    I ask because I made a sweet artifact but now that I have leveled about 20 levels since then I can now use 8/8 slots but my old artifact is only 4/4 with the legendary. Legendary are extremely rare I've noticed so in hopeful it's not gone forever and I can salvage it somehow. I can't even refoll the existing slots since it's soul bound.

    Also I have made it to realm 12 and (yes I've completed my egg and have no more castle quests) but I have yet to find another orb. How rare are these things? How far do I need to go in terms of realms?

    More questions: do minor and major soils scale with creature level like normal battles or are these much tougher with set values? Need to know before I try with my new level 10 creatures.

    Now that I have completed all the castle quests what are my goals? Just training up a new uber team? Arena matches? I've only gotten 1 ticket beyond the quest ticket so far. Nether eggs (still waiting to get a new one)? I was expecting the castle would have me search and destroy more quests for added experience etc. it's as if the castle is just happy with me now that I did all the quests and we have no further threats - the king could sit and get fat for all the castle cares.

    Looking for some "end-game" hope :)
  6. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Seeing as the library help texts ends with nether eggs, I'm guessing that's probably where it ends and the rest of the game is just open to keep playing. I think it's quoted somewhere on their site that you can keep playing until level 973 or something crazy like that, lol.

    I think the game already has enough depth and content for what it is, but hey, I will never say no to more end-game content. And I think we're in good hands too because the dev mentioned that they will keep adding content and stuff to the game :)

    Good questions you have there, Dudecoolguyman. I just assumed that if we scrap articfacts, we'd get all crafting material back but never actually tested it. Seeing as I just loaded up a 4/4 slotter myself with some crazy stuff, your question / concern is very relevant :)
  7. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    Excellent questions!

    You can't salvage artifacts that are soulbound. That is by design, because it forces you to constantly work on new artifacts. Otherwise, you'd just use the same few materials forever and that's incredibly boring.

    Nether Orbs are very rare, and you have a much higher chance to find one as you reach a deeper realm level. The arena is also a great place to find them. With that said, the drop rates of Nether Orbs and Arena Invitations will be increased in the next patch. And by next, I mean the one after the one that will hopefully be out either today or tomorrow.

    Sigils scale to your creatures, but they scale much faster than normal enemies. An encounter in a level 5 realm will be much easier than a sigil encounter in a level 5 realm. Sigil leaders also have enhanced stats because they're technically Nether Creatures.

    The game is designed to be kind of open and infinite and allows you to pick what you want to do when you want to do it. For that reason, there are no other Castle Quests after you finish hatching the Nether Egg. Don't forget that you can keep unlocking new creatures for a while, though.

    However, like Jorlen said, there is a LOT of great content on the way. As an example, there's going to be a tier of sigils past Major Sigils called Demonic Sigils. These teleport you to a new demonic dungeon full of Nether Demons which are extremely powerful versions of Nether Creatures. They'll all have unique colors, randomly generated names, and random abilities so you never know what to expect. After clearing all the enemies, the boss of that realm will appear for you to fight. It's meant to be chaotic and unpredictable, but VERY rewarding.

    There will also be a new NPC called the Warlord that issues you new quests... with some strings attached. You might be asked to clear out a dungeon but you can't cast spells, or your creatures can't defend, or all of your creatures start each battle poisoned. Each of these "rules" has some type of point value attached, so the more rules you have and the more difficult they are, the better the reward for completing that challenge. This should force players to carefully choose their party before embarking on these missions, and gives you a reason to experiment with new types of creatures.

    The stable will also receive an upgrade. You'll be able to create "teams" of creatures that stay in their own separate room in the stable. You'll be able to quickly swap your creatures out with these teams so that you don't have to manually deposit/withdraw each creature individually. You'll also be able to send these teams on missions using a ritual. For example, you might send one of your teams to raid a neighboring castle. After you complete the ritual, your creatures will return from the raid and depending on how well they did (based on how strong they are, how good their artifacts are, etc), you'll receive the spoils of war. There will be several different types of missions you can send your teams on.

    I'm definitely ranting, but oh well, here's some more. There will be an achievements system that serves as an "alternate advancement" method for your character. These achievements will tie in to Steam, Game Center, and things like that for all platforms, but you'll also receive in-game benefits for completing each achievement as well. For example, an achievement might be unlocked after you kill 50 Chaos creatures and you'll gain a permanent +5% additional damage against Chaos creatures from there on out. This will allow you to become more powerful without actually leveling up, so you'll slowly be able to travel into even deeper realm levels which means even better loot.

    That's all on top of the usual expansion you'd expect in a game like this: new creatures, new spells, new Major Sigils, new dungeon types, and things like that. I personally can't wait to fix the remaining bugs and finish polishing the game so that I can start adding this new content. It's going to be incredibly fun.
  8. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Whoa. That new content sounds crazy good, and with the way the game is layered, I find that you can never have too much stuff to do, seeing as there's always ample time to adapt and learn the new concepts.

    Well done sir! This is the kind of rare game that not only finds a permanent spot in my device, but that also delivers tons of hours of gameplay for each new batch of added content.
  9. KBPrinceO

    KBPrinceO Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    #129 KBPrinceO, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
    I really wanted to post something sarcastic like "how dare you give us a ton of detail about your life's work" but there was no way for me to do it w/o sounding like a jerk.

    So, keep it coming, and we'll keep playing!

    -oh yeah-
    I forget what the benefits to your class are, and I've been running with a team that is pretty much aligned with my class. Are there any benefits to doing so?
    I know what the drawbacks are, I just don't know whether I should be branching out a lot more than I already am.
    Chaos ftw, btw.
  10. dudecoolguyman

    dudecoolguyman Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013

  11. dollo

    dollo New Member

    Jul 16, 2014

    Please delete
  12. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    @KBPrinceO: The only class benefit is that spells of the same class cost 50% less mana. The game isn't balanced around having all of one class, nor is it balanced around diversifying classes, so I'd focus on pretty much everything else before taking class into consideration.

    On a sidenote, I just received an e-mail from Apple saying that the patch is currently in review. That means that unless it gets rejected for some strange reason, it should be out today! I should note that this patch will NOT fix the touch controls and will alleviate the dungeon lag only slightly. It's the NEXT patch that will fix these other issues, but this time around I'm going to issue a rush on the patch to Apple by saying that it fixes some critical bugs. It should come out much faster than this last one.
  13. KBPrinceO

    KBPrinceO Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Would you ever consider giving us a reduced summoning cost based on our class e.g. Chaos mage gets a 20% reduction in resource cost for summoning Chaos creatures?
    More creatures == more playtime for us, which would only be a good thing.
  14. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    I think that would kind of nudge players in the direction of feeling forced to use creatures of a certain class. There will be more benefits added for each class later on, of course. In the patch that should be released today, the cost of everything and the overall resource curve will be smoothed so that it should be more affordable in the long run to do everything, including summon more creatures, enchant artifacts, and things like that. We'll see how things feel from that point, and if further adjustments are needed to reduce the summoning cost, we can go from there.
  15. dudecoolguyman

    dudecoolguyman Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Could you enlighten me on the scaling (since you have explained a other scaling!) for the arena?

    I got to fight 3 and it was close. But I lost.

    My team is as follows which is messy right now - since a couple don't do anything other than act as meat shield, bad ones.

    Lich priest (nether) 15
    Fallen carnage 66
    Berserker fiend 66
    Unicorn consecrator 61
    Unicorn vivifier 21
    Stronghold 55

    My goal is to replace all these with nether creatures. I will be replacing my berserker with a vampire bat (missing 1 particle grrrr) when I can.

    My hope is strong tank, loads of healing in self with that setup. Revive option also. I use my stronghold as scroll user, his artifact currently gets him taunt on hit and heals him each turn. He's beastly.

    Also can you please look at PIT WORM ACID. I have this and my assumption would it would stack as I attack. I put this on my fallen carnage who receives fervor and can hit multiple times so I was hoping to get a stackable 10% def decrease with each hit! It definitely does not do that - that I can tell. Can you comment?

    Thanks again having a blast.
  16. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    The arena scales much like realm levels do, except it's one battle instead of one dungeon.

    Your team is going to be a lot stronger with the new patch, since Strongholds have a much better ability now. On that note, the patch has officially been approved, so you should see it show up very soon!

    I just took a look at Pit Worm Acid and it looks like it should be working with Fervor with no problem. When your creature is able to attack again due to Fervor, are you not seeing a message that says the enemy's defenses decreased? I'll do some testing and see if I can reproduce the problem.
  17. dudecoolguyman

    dudecoolguyman Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    does it only apply the single 10% reduction 1 time?

    Since this is math, I'm sure it actually scales like 100, then 90, then 81, then 72.9.
    But my fallen carnage will sometimes attack 20 times in a battle so I was assuming the damage of my team would really start to grow like crazy but I havnt seen it happen.

    Only time my dps really goes up is if I hit the correct class, or the battle takes too long message.

    Mind you with all te spells flying and reductions / additions from items it might just be hard to tell.
  18. ThylacineStudios

    ThylacineStudios Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2014
    It applies it every time as long as the message says it does, and you are correct in your math. :) It might just seem like there isn't much of an effect because 10% really isn't that much, and like you said, it'll have some variation of diminishing returns when used multiple times.
  19. Anteros

    Anteros Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2014
    Apple approved the new patch 1.09 go update ;).
  20. Jorlen

    Jorlen Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2009
    Update is out, just played a spell.

    Note - if you have no sound or music, reboot your device. Happened to me after update. Post-reboot, all is well. Game doesn't lag at all anymore for me, buttery smooth goodness. Off to play now!

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